Shedding of the spike protein – a communicable prion disease risk?

There has been concern shared by un-CoV-vaccinated women about having experienced menstrual changes after being around people who had received a CoV injection. A breast fed baby died after the breastfeeding mother received a CoV injection – yes it might be random coincidence, but maybe it wasn’t, maybe something was transmitted in the mother’s breast milk.

The spike protein itself has been found to cause blood clotting problems as it can cause cells to fuse together into clumps – which would be clot like. Anemia and renal inflammation were found in a person who experienced health symptoms after a “Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine 24 days before“. (10)

This article is brief and is fact checking a claim that the Pfizer vaccine can be shed. It states that it cannot be transmitted between people: ‘Vaccine shedding’: No, COVID-19 vaccine does not spread by inhalation or skin contact (2) Well of course not, the vaccine includes a complex lipid coated nanoparticle encasing the mRNA – which of course can not be transmitted between people.

The real question, and concern is – can the spike protein be transmitted? The mRNA encodes for a slightly modified version of the spike protein, which would be produced by the person’s own cells – and have to be cleared by their detoxification system. Someone with poor detox function may have spike protein lingering in their blood plasma longer than someone with normal function.

The consensus appears to be that we are dealing with a spike protein transmission from injected to non-injected. The Pfizer documents in particular refer to a known chance that this could occur through skin to skin contact or through exhalation. Most of the folks I know seem to lean more toward exhalation.” (6)

Then if the spike is released on a person’s skin or in exhaled air, then if someone else was exposed to enough of it, there might be symptoms. Blood clotting or other changes might be due to the stickiness, hook like effect, that clumps cells together. Spike protein is a toxin. Please stop trusting the experiment.

Other risks might involve the prion like ability of the spike protein to cause other proteins to also misfold, which may then cause others to misfold in a cascading effect. Prion like concerns about the spike protein.

Blood changes and menstrual changes may occur because it was found that the gene carrying lipid nanoparticles collect within bone marrow and ovaries – so within the injected person there would be more spike production in the bone marrow and ovaries. In someone who was just nearby a CoV injected person, it is unknown what would happen to any spike protein that was inhaled or ingested. Intestinal symptoms may also be a result of spike protein attaching to ACE2 receptors on cells lining the intestines.

People may be getting different symptoms due to personal genetic and nutritional differences. They may also have received different batches of the experimental treatments. Pfizer was testing two variations of the spike protein: “BNT162b1 (variant RBP020.3): a modRNA encoding the RBD; BNT162b2 (variant RBP020.2): a modRNA encoding P2 S.” (1)

Things that may help protect the body internally from the spike protein.

Pomegranate peel – the inner can be eaten in small amounts the outer rind is really only useful in a long steeped tea/extract (20-30 minute gentle simmer).

Part of the benefit of pomegranate juice is due to a healthy microbiome changing some of the catechins into urolithin-A, a metabolite that can cross the blood brain barrier and reduce neuroinflammation & promote neurogenesis.

In summary, the alpha and beta diversity results indicate that the ability to convert UA from its precursors is significantly associated with a higher microbiome richness and overall composition.” (7)

Citrus peel – it is a source of quinine, (various links), quercetin, hesperidin, and other beneficial phytonutrients that may help protect against the spike protein or help with detoxification. It can also help reduce appetite, insulin resistance, and Metabolic Syndrome. Citrus peel bioflavonoids also help clear respiratory congestion and open airways; research has found it helpful for asthmatic symptoms. See: Citrus Peel, or previous posts – include some citrus & some pomegranate peel links.

Can’t find a pomegranate in season? – or have a citrus sensitivity? (MCAS/Histamine)- how about dandelion leaf tea then? (3, 4) Look for dandelions in a wild area or lawn where the owner doesn’t use herbicides or pesticides.

Dandelion plant in a garden bed, long serrated leaves that can become somewhat lettuce like if allowed to grow into a larger rosette of spikey leaves. Allowing the leaves to dry before making tea may increase the phytonutrient content. (9)

Pine needle tea may also be protective as a source of beneficial terpenes, vitamin C, and other phytonutrients. Indigenous Americans use cedar or other evergreen needles for a medicinal tea. Avoid over-heating or boiling as excess tannins are a diuretic and may be an irritant in quantity; and the oily terpenes may add too much of a taste like turpentine. (5) It is recommended to boil water, let it cool somewhat, and then steep the prepped pine needles for 15 minutes or overnight for a stronger tea. (5, 6) Please be cautious about harvesting evergreen needles from a tree you don’t own, or in a way that is overly destructive to the plant.

Social media posts have mentioned pine or evergreen needles as a source of suramin, and that is not true according to a plant scientist. * Who may be wrong according to this in depth article – simply there is a step in between in the extraction process. Suramin is refined from another pine oil product, rather than directly from the pine needles or pine oil. update 6/23/2021

Safe species of evergreens are good source of vitamin C, and also “shikimic acid [which] has been shown to hold anti-sticky platelet properties as well… very helpful in protecting against blood clots!

So drink pine tea… we’ll have my own formula on offer at our store… its delicious! But, please be careful, as always, when sharing information about our plants. At best, it drives a frenzy of demand on the market for foraged herbal goods… sometimes that can damage our plant communities in more ways than you can imagine. At worst, the misinformation can damage our cause and feed the idea that those of us in alternative channels don’t actually do science.” (6)

Shikimic acid is also found in Star anise and is used in the production of the anti-viral medication Tamiflu. (6)

I found Star anise very helpful while I was sick with the respiratory symptoms of COVID19, just a few pieces broken off and added to a cup of tea was soothing for my throat. I seemed to become sensitized to it though and got similar symptoms from the blue spruce tea that I tried recently (urinary urgency, and over acidity possibly). Drink plenty of water following a medicinal tea as part of the benefit can be in peeing out an increased amount of toxins – but the kidneys need the water to be able to do that without endangering the delicate renal system.

  • *Caution is deserved with trying anything new. We are all different and also vary within our own state of health and aging. So pay attention to how you feel shortly after trying something and also the next day. Some side effects of dietary supplements can occur a few hours later or the next day.

Vitamin C is also critically important for healthy blood vessels and the prevention of excessive blood clotting.

Glycine is also needed for protecting blood vessel membranes and the blood brain barrier. It is used in collagen which is a fibrous protein that adds structure to the gelatin like fluid surrounding cells and within them. Glycine – good for our extracellular matrix & for immune protection against viral infection.

Glyphosate from Roundup herbicide use may be part of the health problems and varying risk. Biofuel made from biomass grown with Roundup type herbicides is likely causing glyphosate residue in the air surrounding the production facilities and in the areas where that type of biofuel is used by many of the cars and trucks. Glyphosate is also in the food supply in the foods grown with it, ingredients from those foods, or animal products from animals fed Roundup crops. It is an amino acid that can take the place of glycine and cause misfolding of protein chains. Avoiding sources and taking extra Dimethylglycine may be helpful for health. It is available as a refined amino acid powder. See: Glycine & glyphosate & misfolded proteins – Seneff article.

Niacin and other B vitamins help with the removal of cellular debris from the extracellular matrix or pathogens, or damaged or infected cells.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the neurodegenerative disease that led to physicist Stephen Hawkings having to use a wheelchair most of his adult life. ALS can involve misfolded proteins and begins with mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondrial dysfunction can precede Alzheimer’s dementia and Parkinson’s Disease also, and both involve misfolded proteins.

Functional defects in mitochondria appear early before symptoms are manifested in ALS. Therefore, mitochondrial dysfunction is a promising therapeutic target in ALS. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Misfolded Proteins, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, and Neurodegenerative Diseases.” (8)

Our cellular debris removal system would remove misfolded proteins for reuse of the amino acids during good health. Niacin and the rest of the B vitamin team, magnesium, and vitamin C are needed for mitochondrial function.

Thiamin (B1) is commonly available in the diet but is needed in much greater quantity when an infection or inflammation is present. Deficiency typically is only common in cases where malnutrition is also present such as anorexia nervosa and chronic alcoholism. Higher dose supplements may be beneficial for chronic inflammatory conditions, such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, or Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). (12, 13) Benfotiamine is form that can be better absorbed across the blood brain barrier, (14), however standard forms of thiamine are also helpful.

As far as type, people in my survey reported good results with thiamine HCL, benfotiamine, and thiamine mononitrate but some said one worked rather than the others while some swore by more specialized thiamines. Details in the article [12].” – Jeffrey Lubell (@JeffLubell_C19)

Vitamin C is also needed in greater amounts than during typical health along with magnesium and many nutrients. When the body has to do more work – it needs more fuel and tools that are single use or limited use. Some nutrients can be recycled while others need to be replaced for each chemical reaction. Liposomal vitamin C is better absorbed than standard forms which are acidic and may cause diarrhea in larger amounts or for people who tend to have diarrhea easily (IBS/IBD). Excessive amount are simply passed through and will not be absorbed. Smaller doses of vitamin C are beneficial for a viral infection and very large doses would only be needed in case of cytokine storm, and then Intravenous Vitamin C therapy can help.

Magnesium sources, also protein and phospholipids:

We need transport carriers for the electrically active mineral or the body can not keep extra of the active form, and it will be excreted in the urine instead of being held available as back-stock in case of emergency trauma or emotional stress.

Phytonutrients in Foods

Phytonutrients are numerous in fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, and many beverages made with plant products. Eating a rich variety of foods provides the body nutrients and phytonutrients that have anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and immune system promoting benefits.

In Nepal many herbs and spices are used in daily cooking, including “turmeric, cumin, coriander, ginger, garlic, onion, pepper, corm, fenugreek, and chili,” and even more variety of spices may be used on special occasions, or in pickles and other home-made dishes. (9)

  • Garlic: Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, immunomodulatory, cardioprotective, anticancer, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, etc. (Batiha, 2020a)
  • Onion: Antioxidant, antimicrobial, antidiabetic properties, beneficial against hyperlipidaemia and hypertension, etc. (Marrelli et al. 2019)
  • Black CuminBunium persi: Antibacterial, antifungal, anticonvulsant effects, antihistaminic, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, , antioxidant, etc. (Hassanzadaza et al. 2018; Shah et al. 2019) * may be helpful for MCAS/Histamine excess
  • Black Cumin – Nigella sativa, Antidiabetic, analgesic, anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, spasmolytic, gastro-protective, etc. (Ahmad et al. 2013). *These seeds are used for Black Seed Oil, it may be helpful against SARS-CoV-2.
  • Chili: Antioxidant, cancer chemopreventive, antidiabetic, gastroprotective, and antimicrobial activities, pain relief, treatment of metabolic syndrome, etc. (Salehi et al. 2018)
  • Coriander: Antioxidant, diuretic, antidiabetic, sedative, antimicrobial, anti-convulsant, hypnotic, anthelmintic, antimutagenic, etc. (Nadeem et al. 2013)
  • Cumin: Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, hypotensive, antiosteoporotic, tyrosinase inhibitory effects, etc. (Al-Snafi 2016; Gangadharappa et al. 2017).
  • Fennel: Antimicrobial, antifungal, antioxidant, antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, antitumor, activities, etc. (Rather et al. 2016).
  • Flax: Antifungal, antioxidant, antihypertensive, cholesterol lowering, antidiabetic, antithrombic, antiobesity activities, etc. (Goyal et al. 2014, Tavarini et al. 2019).
  • Licorice: Anticoagulant, expectorant, antidemulcent, antiulcer, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antiviral, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, immunomodulatory, etc. (Batiha et al. 2020b). The whole root as an herbal preparation may have anti-viral benefits against SARS-CoV-2. It is an herb I happen to use anyway so was using it while sick, March 2020.
  • Star anise: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antifungal, anthelmintic, insecticidal, expectorant, sedative, gastroprotective and antinociceptive, etc. (Patra et al. 2020, Wang et al. 2011). I also used Star anise in tea and it did sooth my sore throat. Citrus peel had a stronger mucus thinning (expectorant) effect for me.
  • Spearmint: Antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, biopesticidal, larvicidal, anticancer, radioprotective effect, genotoxicity, and antidiabetic activities, etc. (Mahendran and Rahman 2020).
  • Mango powder: Antimicrobial, antitumor, antidiabetic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory activities, antipyretic, antiallergic hepatoprotective, etc. (Gupta et al. 2010, Kabir et al. 2017)
  • See the article pdf (Khanal et al, 2021, (9)) for more herbs, spices and foods and their phytonutrient content and their medicinal benefits. (9)

Nicotine? maybe yes.

Nicotine itself may have health benefits, especially for some genetic types – it is the smoking that is particularly a cancer risk. Nicotine may help block the spike protein. – more to this – will add later. link of interest: Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Involvement in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Interactions with Gut Microbiota. (11)

Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

Reference List

  1. A Phase 1/2/3, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Observer-Blind, Dose-finding Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of SARS-COV-2 RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals. Nov 2020, Pfizer – BioNTech, PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines) Protocol C4591001
  2. Associated Press Staff, ‘Vaccine shedding’: No, COVID-19 vaccine does not spread by inhalation or skin contact. May 19, 2021,,
  3. Dr. Liji Thomas, MD, Dandelion extract inhibits SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. March 23, 2021,
  4. Hoai Thi Thu Tran, Nguyen Phan Khoi Le, Michael Gigl, Corinna Dawid, Evelyn Lamy. Common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) efficiently blocks the interaction between ACE2 cell surface receptor and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein D614, mutants D614G, N501Y, K417N and E484K in vitro. bioRxiv 2021.03.19.435959; doi:
  5. Eric Orr, Pine Needle Tea – Natural Source of Vitamin C.
  6. MockingbirdMeadows, Pine Needle Tea, Suramin, and COVID Shots. May 11, 2021,,
  7. Singh, A., D’Amico, D., Andreux, P.A. et al. Direct supplementation with Urolithin A overcomes limitations of dietary exposure and gut microbiome variability in healthy adults to achieve consistent levels across the population. Eur J Clin Nutr (2021).
  8. Wenzhi Tan, Piera Pasinelli, Davide Trotti, Role of mitochondria in mutant SOD1 linked amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Molecular Basis of Disease, Vol 1842;8, 2014, pp 1295-1301, ISSN 0925-4439,
  9. Asmita Khanal, Hari Prasad Devkota, Sammodavardhana Kaundinnyayana, Prakash Gyawali, Ravindra Ananda, Rameshwar Adhikari. Culinary herbs and spices in Nepal: A review of their traditional uses, chemical constituents, and pharmacological activities. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, Vol 21, 2021
  10. Me64_p71, Analysis of a Covid-19 vaccinated person. June 12, 2021,,
  11. Lola Rueda Ruzafa, José Luis Cedillo, and Arik J. Hone. Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Involvement in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Interactions with Gut Microbiota. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2021, 18(3), 1189;
  12. Jeffrey Lubell, Nearly 2/3rds of Survey Respondents Report Large Benefits from High-Dose Thiamine (B-1). June 2, 2021,
  13. Jeffrey Lubell, Could High-Dose Thiamine (B-1) Help with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, and the Neurological Complications of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?, April 15, 2021,,
  14. Benfotiamine,,

Glycine & glyphosate & misfolded proteins – Seneff article.

Misfolded proteins may also be a cause by causing the other proteins to also misfold and then form clumps. The tangled clumps can lead to an inflammatory response and excessive white blood cells which if it continues can cause fibrotic scarring and eventually cell death. Alzheimer’s dementia involves amyloid beta protein tangles which are also seen in some patients with autism.

Prion diseases are more specifically called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), and infection can spread through exposure to misfolded proteins as “infective” agents, without requiring a live pathogen [20]. PrP is the name given to the specific prion protein associated with these TSEs. Misfolded PrP proteins act as a seed or catalyst that then recruits other molecules of PrP to misfold in the same way and glom together into pathogenic fibrils.” (1)

A theoretical paper published by researchers in India showed that the spike protein binds to a number of aggregation-prone prion-like proteins, including amyloid beta, α-synuclein, tau, PrP and TDP-43. They argued that this could initiate aggregation of these proteins in the brain, leading to neurodegeneration [31].” (1)

Background information about glycine:

Glycine is a small amino acid that is important within proteins because of its ability to form a fold at that spot in the chain of amino acids. Substitutions of it with glyphosate may be a cause of misfolded proteins. Post: Glycine – good for our extracellular matrix & for immune protection against viral infection. (2)

People with more glyphosate residue may be more at risk for other chronic issues. Glyphosate residue is in the food supply as the crops it was used on and also the animals who ate those crops, and any foods made with ingredients from plants or animals raised with glyphosate herbicides, as the glyphosate residue may be incorporated into protein structure in place of the glycine. The air supply may also be a source. Biofuel made from Roundup grown biomass may be increasing glyphosate residue within the air in areas where it is produced and in areas where more of the biofuel is used by the general population for gasoline.

From the introduction of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and Neurodegenerative Disease:

The mRNA in these vaccines codes for the spike protein normally synthesized by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. However, both the mRNA and the protein it produces have been changed from the original version in the virus with the intent to increase rate of production of the protein in an infected cell and the durability of both the mRNA and the spike protein it codes for. Additional ingredients like cationic lipids and polyethylene glycol are also toxic with unknown consequences. The vaccines were approved for emergency use based on grossly inadequate studies to evaluate safety and effectiveness. ” (1)

Our paper showed that there are several mechanisms by which these vaccines could lead to severe disease, including autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative diseases, vascular disorders (hemorrhaging and blood clots) and possibly reproductive issues.” (1)

Sections of Stephanie Seneff’s article include:

  • How to Make an Adenovirus DNA Vector Vaccine – in a human cell line. “a genetically modified version of a human cell line, called HEK (human embryonic kidney) 293 cells, where the human cell’s DNA was transfected long ago with fragments of the genome of an adenovirus – conveniently providing the defective recombinant virus with the missing proteins it needs to be able to proliferate [8].
  • The Spike Protein is Toxic – to the membrane lining of blood vessels and other cells with lots of ACE2 receptors such as the area of the brain that is involved in Parkinson’s Disease.
  • Bell’s Palsy, Autism and Parkinson’s Disease – Bell’s Palsy often gets better eventually, however a history of having had it is seen in some patients with Parkinson’s Disease. Bell’s Palsy during pregnancy has been associated with increased risk for an autism diagnosis for the child.
  • Prion Diseases Many neurodegenerative diseases have been linked to specific proteins that have prion-like properties, and these diseases are characterized as protein-misfolding diseases or proteopathies [29]. Like PrP, prion-like proteins become pathogenic when their alpha helices misfold as beta sheets, and the protein is then impaired in its ability to enter the membrane. These diseases include Alzheimer’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Huntington’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, and each of these is associated with a particular protein that misfolds and accumulates in inclusion bodies in association with the disease. We already saw that Parkinson’s disease is characterized by Lewy bodies in the substantia nigra that accumulate misfolded α-synuclein.” 
  • Glycines within the glycine zipper transmembrane motifs in the amyloid beta precursor protein (APP) play a central role in the misfolding of amyloid beta linked to Alzheimer’s disease (Decock et al., 2016). APP contains a total of four GxxxG motifs (one fewer than the spike protein).”  (1)
  • The spike protein is more likely to cause protein misfolding than the spike protein found on any other known typed of coronavirus.
  • Tracing the Vaccine Trail to the Spleen
  • Germinal Centers and Parkinson’s Disease – in the spleen.
  • Impaired Immune Response due to Over-vaccination
  • SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and Neurodegenerative Disease, by Stephanie Seneff, June 2, 2021, (1)

Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

Reference List

  1. Stephanie Seneff, SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and Neurodegenerative Disease, June 2, 2021,,
  2. Depew J, Glycine – good for our extracellular matrix & for immune protection against viral infection. April 29, 2021,

“It’s a wealth transfer…”

Twitter Thread by @NoSurrender888:

“It’s a wealth transfer cooked up by Blackrock at Jackson Hole 22 Aug 2019” – @NoSurrender888 (1)

3) Reiner Fuellmich, Davos clique: “European Central Bank is completely broke and European pension funds are completely empty. They are hoping as many people as possible will get vaccinated..and those people will not to be able to defend themselves.@NoSurrender888: Video within a Tweet of Reiner Fuellmich speaking about pension funds and the Davos clique. See: @TJ0056.

Lucky, lucky, Dominican Republic – why are their deaths so much lower? They used Ivermectin for early treatment for SARS-CoV2. via (jjchamie)
Dominican Republic has covid death rate five times lower than US and EU? The reason: Used and promoted ivermectin treatments Reported the result Where are the independent media in other countries?

2) “Reengineering of the global economy: ‘Radical changes…’ ‘Like 9/11 in slow motion.’ ‘2008 looks like the JV team.’ John Titus “Mafiacracy” James Corbett “The Fed hates opacity.” @NoSurrender888 “:

Documentary by John Titus about Mafiacracy that stands above governments.” @Keanq_Is_Life

4) “I wish he would expand on this: “They are hoping as many people as possible will get vaccinated…and those people will not to be able to defend themselves.” It is obvious they are culling the population with these jabs.@NoSurrender888


Replies from other accounts:

The full video link was shared: Fighting For The Children – Adv. Tamir Turgal and Activist Gal Shalev in a special Interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, via @TJ0056.

Another video: Lockdowns do work… not at stopping the spread of the virus... See video – via (@CatrionaColllns)

and another: Citizens’ Grand Jury: John Cullen’s Testimony, with Larry Klayman, Dr Judy Mikovits, & Jason Goodman, June 5, 2021, via @TJ0056.

At ~ 28 minutes the point is made that the flu was deadly in 2020, deadliest since the 1918 Spanish Flu, and co-mordity with Covid19 and flu in patients was significant, more than half, had both viral infections. This is suggested to be significant omission of fact as there is an approved treatment for influenza. The emergency vaccine approval is only available for a condition with no treatment. When the two conditions are looked at based on age – more of the over 80 year old group had influenza than SARS-CoV-2. Most of the kids also had influenza, more than fifty percent – yet were the antiviral treatment for the flu provided? Pneumonia and many other chronic conditions were also co-mordity. (youtube)

  • Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. This effort here is respectfully submitted and credit is listed below. Only small portions of each listed has been used and/or we have requested permission to use in advance. Upon request verification can be submitted. — copied for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use.
  • (youtube)

I have some reading and watching to do, however the theory that the COVID19 restrictions have been in part a plan to shift wealth to the wealthy. It seems plausible, possible, and billionaires have gotten richer while the rest of the economy has been failing or struggling.

Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individualized health care guidance. Please see an individual health care provider for individual health care services.

Mass psychosis & totalitarian takeover.

Totalitarian or dictator takeover of societies has occurred in many places and repetitive re-‘education’ of the public usually is part of the process. By causing extreme fear, and then some calm, and then more extreme fear, some more calm, etcetera, the public is lulled into believing that there is extreme danger and only the totalitarian brain washer is in a position to be able to ‘protect’ the public – create a villain or danger, so the savior can heroically step in and save the day. Note – the danger was created by the “savior” – so is the savior really heroic? or a manipulative abuser?

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders…tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.
— Hermann Goring, (a Nazi) (ref)


  • Parallel societies or isolated individuals can help guide others out of the mass psychosis – group think.
  • Isolation & Repetition – tactics for promoting a behavior change – in mind control, or animal training.
  • Question our messaging: Sitting is bad for our backs – we should squat more, continuing the natural position from our early childhood into a more flexible and physically fit adulthood.
  • Nations can also be isolated – trade & peace are partners that war disrupts.
  • Group-think – an instinctual desire to fit in with everyone else – is also a tool of totalitarian takeover – shift the public to be accepting of the ‘savior’ – who may be an authoritarian leader trying to become the next dictator.
  • Excerpts from the letter written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer to personal friends during the rise of Hitler in Germany.
  • Tolerance that demands specific types of behavior – is no longer tolerant.
  • Instincts and pheromones can affect our behavior in ways our rational mind might try to rationalize – but it is wordless subconscious behavior patterns – not rational – reactions to the environment or internal chemistry.
  • Learned helplessness – the way out is hope that there is a different way.

Parallel societies or isolated individuals can help guide others out of the mass psychosis – group think.

Parallel societies – individuals or groups that have not given in to the repetitive brain washing – can help lead the way out for others, who did get caught up in the fear inducing messages and the idea that the false ‘savior’ really was going to save the day – but it never seems to get much better.

  • The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis – Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?, video by Academy of Ideas. (6)
  • The Mass Psychosis and the Demons of Dostoevsky, video by Academy of Ideas. (7) Dostoevsky uses the word demon to represent any wrong idea that possesses a person whether it is a personal idea, something race or other stereotype based, or the elitism of special treatment for some compared to all, a common step preceding totalitarianism. Those in power deserve it and the common people don’t for some reason. In modern society celebrity status and those approved by media as popular, have been deemed deserving of more money and attention. Reality shows with a Vote-Them-Off element have been teaching society that some deserve more and others deserve none. Sacrifice of people was more common in religions in more unequal societies over the course of history.
  • How the “Greater Good” is Used as a Tool of Social Control, video by Academy of Ideas. (11)
  • None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (11)
  • The common good before the individual good.” – Adolf Hitler. (11)
  • …behind the Iron Curtain the most prominent complaint in the totalitarian system was the feeling of mental isolation. The individual feels alone and continually on the alert. There is only mutual suspicion.” – Joost Meerloo (11)
  • I rebel, therefore we exist.” – Albert Camus (11)

Isolation & Repetition – tactics for promoting a behavior change – in mind control, or animal training.

Isolating people or animals makes the repetitive messaging more likely to lead to behavior change – the messaging becomes a habit type pattern within the brain, whether a habit of belief or action -> stay six feet away from everyone, wash your hands or use skin-damaging hand sanitizer, and wear a face mask against droplets even though it turns out that the risk is an aerosolized particle. Isolating and fear inducing, have been more than proven to be effective for changing public opinion and individual behavior.

Good ventilation or bright sunlight levels of UV light can help reduce risk from an aerosolized pathogen – or a full Hazmat type suit with a filtered/ventilated breathing device. Plexiglass shields and six foot distance guidance is only protective against pathogens that can survive in larger respiratory droplets.

Sitting is bad for our backs – we should squat more, continuing the natural position from our early childhood into a more flexible and physically fit adulthood.

Just because we are told something over and over, possibly from early childhood onward, does not mean it is true – it may just be a common custom of the current society. Sitting is an example. Modern society sits too much and makes children and adults sit still for too many hours of their day. It is bad for our backs. Children are just less likely to have back pain until later in their lives.

  • Why Sitting Down Destroys You [your spine & health], Roger Frampton, TEDxLeamingtonSpa, (8).

Yes, I am now standing, while typing, with my laptop on a counter. Sitting does make my back hurt. / Tangent – a mixture of some sitting desk time and some standing desk time may be better than either one or the other exclusively – variety of movement and counterbalancing use of opposite sets of muscles helps our body stay evenly flexible. Modern life leans our shoulders forward too much and it can help the back to do exercises that strengthen the reverse motion – arching backward, arm circles overhead or out to the side or towards the back.

Benefit of early childhood trauma – I still move like a child, never stopped. My shoulders shake when I laugh which I was told is a symptom of a personality disorder, nonspecific type. Oh. Should I stop laughing? Or laugh a little harder? >B

Nations can also be isolated – trade & peace are partners that war disrupts.

Isolating a nation from trade is also a negative – peace and prosperity for nations often includes a positive trade economy – which in turn helps promote maintaining the peace. Declare war and the peaceful trade ends and the businesses and workers involved suffer. Totalitarian takeover often includes isolating citizens and the nation.

We should beware of the demagogues who are willing to declare a trade war against our friends, weakening our economy, our national security, and the entire free world, all while cynically waving the American flag.” – Ronald Reagan

Group-think – an instinctual desire to fit in with everyone else – is also a tool of totalitarian takeover – shift the public to be accepting of the ‘savior’ – who may be an authoritarian leader trying to become the next dictator.

I would like to see a world where nobody cared what anybody else was doing – in which … group-think … disappeared.” – Glenn Gould

Keeping up with the Jones” – having the fancy lawn furniture that the neighbors have – to show you are just as good as they are – is not an uncommon tendency. Capitalism and advertising make oodles of money by subtly tapping into that deep down desire to fit in with the neighbors, or coworkers, or school mates. The tendency can lead to people doing things they would not normally do – my peers are doing that, I should probably be brave and try it too.

– Well no, been there, done that, got the harsh lesson. If your common sense is saying, Wait a minute, then pause and listen. Our subconscious mind includes brain cell type sensation in our gut and our heart – so those butterflies in the tummy might be nerves about giving a speech or about a person you just met who seems untrustworthy.

Groupthink: “Risk-taking is common, and the lack of creativity and independent thinking have negative personal and political implications for both group members and outsiders. Groupthink decisions rarely have successful outcomes.” (5)

The emotions of a group can also build up and intensify for each other so the whole crowd becomes more excited, or enraged, or sexually stimulated. Some ancient taboos may be to prevent the potential dangers of an overstimulated crowd. Children are also instinctually protected from sexual material which also has basis in physiology. Early exposure to sexual material or activity can modify a child’s development and may lead to earlier development and a greater interest in sexuality and/or unusual quirks, or may lead to inhibition and a reduced interest in sexuality or fear of it. Pheromones are involved and they can affect our gene expression – which genes are active – which will be discussed in another post.

Parallel societies or individuals – those who stay separate from the emotions and messaging of the group think/mass psychosis, can help guide others to see the truth again. An individual observed this happening around him, during the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party in Germany, and he wrote a letter to a couple personal friends about his concerns – thanks to Dietrich Bonhoeffer for sharing his wisdom then and now.

Excerpts from the letter written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer to personal friends during the rise of Hitler in Germany.

[…] “We note further that people who have isolated themselves from others or who lives in solitude manifest this defect less frequently than individuals or groups of people inclined or condemned to sociability. And so it would seem that stupidity is perhaps less a psychological than a sociological problem. It is a particular form of the impact of historical circumstances on human beings, a psychological concomitant of certain external conditions. Upon closer observation, it becomes apparent that every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political or of a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with stupidity. It would even seem that this is virtually a sociological-psychological law. The power of the one needs the stupidity of the other.” […]

The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn must not blind us to the fact that he is not independent. In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with a person, but with slogans, catchwords and the like that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.

Yet at this very point it becomes quite clear that only an act of liberation, not instruction, can overcome stupidity. Here we must come to terms with the fact that in must cases a genuine internal liberation becomes possible only when external liberation has preceded it. Until then we must abandon all attempts to convince the stupid person. This state of affairs explains why in such circumstances our attempts to know what ‘the people’ really think are in vain and why, under these circumstances, this question is so irrelevant for the person who is thinking and acting responsibly. “[…] – Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer turned out to be correct – the people of Germany did have to be liberated – by the Allied forces at the end of World War II.

Tolerance that demands specific types of behavior – is no longer tolerant.

Being more tolerant of others is a noble idea, yet forcing tolerance of one standard instead of accepting differences is also an intolerant attitude.

Having a group identity based on having the latest acquisitions is intolerant of different values. It is also exclusionary of those with less money and ability to afford the visible signs of group identity (the latest fashion or insider group look, or brand of electronic gear, fancy watch or car). It is instinctual to want to try to fit in with the crowd, not stand out to a predator maybe, or not stand out to the crowd in case they get upset with you and become dangerous.

We are more similar than different, in ways beyond the red color of our blood.

Instincts and pheromones can affect our behavior in ways our rational mind might try to rationalize – but it is wordless subconscious behavior patterns – not rational – reactions to the environment or internal chemistry.

Humans have instincts that date back to our cellular life forms – we like warmth and sunlight and our skin sense it. Behavior patterns based on instincts and that can be initiated by odors can get a lot more complex than enjoying sunbathing. (2, 3, 4) More about instincts we have in common with other species and humans around the world: 7.7 Our instincts may be based in actions learned by more distant relatives. (12)

Responses are automatic (e.g. ‘innate’) because food odors and pheromones are the most relevant of all sensory signals to survival.” (2)

Love struck” – “crazy in love” – “spring fever” – “love sick” – that love at first sight feeling may also involve odor – our pheromones – our natural scent if we don’t use perfumed body products. Infants will recognize their mother’s odor over another woman’s scent (and suckle faster at a bottle).

Maybe to a less crazy extent, spring fever might lead to picking strawberries for so long that you don’t notice you also got a bad sunburn. Odor memories are possible – I see an image of lilacs and will also get a hint of the fragrance in my mind. The scent of violets and other flowers includes an odor chemical that can signal our skin’s melanin cells to make more melanin – and protect us from that sunburn. Take home to the garden note – plant flowers in your sun bathing area. (Podcast episode: Forgiveness – the scent of violets)

During societal times of stress, whether a natural disaster or economic or political issue, people as individuals may be more likely to snap – ‘run amok’. Originally running amok was a medical diagnosis for someone who suddenly seemed to go mad and start harming people or things. (13) Today we have mass shooters – and a lot of violent media that portrays some positively and some negatively. When individuals or groups are marginalized others observing become hopeless and may be more likely to act out in some way. (14)

Learned helplessness – the way out is hope that there is a different way.

Learned helplessness is a goal of authoritarian control – a victim that is so fearful and obedient that they wouldn’t attempt to escape if given the chance.

How do we snap out of the stress and fear and seeming manipulative media? One person at a time – me or you – starting to pay more attention and to start talking about other things. We need more standouts and to build a parallel society to welcome a diverse group of others – not one political party or another – anyone who is aware that our freedom seems to be for sale now.

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Bonus example world: News from Nowhere, 1984, by B. F. Skinner. Spoiler – George Orwell faked his own death and has some stories to share with us – a good person to listen to. (9)

Double bonus, building your own inner world guidance: Carl Jung’s Method of Self-Development – The Path of Individuation, (10) Recognizing our own flaws and strengths is an important step on the path of individuation – becoming fully ourselves. Suffering may still exist, but with a sense of personal enjoyment in life and our goals, we can put up with stressors as more of a challenge rather than an overwhelming burden. Life is unfair, step up anyway.

Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes. 

Reference List

  1. Bonhoeffer on stupidity – entire quote,,
  2. Kohl JV. Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model. Socioaffect Neurosci Psychol. 2013;3:20553. Published 2013 Jun 14. doi:10.3402/snp.v3i0.20553
  3. Kohl JV. Nutrient-dependent Pheromone-Controlled Ecological Adaptations: From Angstroms to Ecosystems. J Genetics & DNA Research
  4. Subbaraman, N. Past 5,000 years prolific for changes to human genome. Nature (2012).
  5. Group-think,,
  6. Academy of Ideas, The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis – Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?, April 24, 2021,,
  7. Academy of Ideas, The Mass Psychosis and the Demons of Dostoevsky, March 31, 2021,,
  8. Roger Frampton, Why Sitting Down Destroys You [your spine & health], TEDxLeamingtonSpa
  9. B.F. Skinner, News from Nowhere, 1984, Harvard U. the Behavior Analyst, No. 1, (Spring) 1985, 8, 5-14,
  10. Academy of Ideas, Carl Jung’s Method of Self-Development – The Path of Individuation. May 19, 2021,,
  11. Academy of Ideas, How the “Greater Good” is Used as a Tool of Social Control. Sept 22, 2020,,
  12. Depew J, 7.7 Our instincts may be based in actions learned by more distant relatives. Instinct & Policy: Effective Care & Best Practices for Promoting Health and Preventing Harassment & Discrimination., (12)
  13. Depew J. 9.4: “Running amok,” “going postal,” or “a red stapler” moment. Instinct & Policy: Effective Care & Best Practices for Promoting Health and Preventing Harassment & Discrimination.,
  14. Depew J, Marginalization and Violence, Aug 15, 2017,,