Water and proton tunneling

To revisit a recent post – and my mentioning an exquisite website about the science of water – why is it important? We are about 65% water by mass held together with oil based membranes that contain the water and a mineral rich skeletal structure that helps give us form and support the muscles for moving around. The number of water molecules is far greater though (98.73%) because they are small molecules compared to other proteins or lipids. (Composition of the human body, Wikipedia)

So how the water molecules act as groups and as a fluid containing other minerals and larger molecules is chemistry and physics essential for health. Water also conducts electricity and minerals can act as magnets or carriers of electric charge so the study of electric fields and electric signals is also of importance. Many people are likely aware of surface tension, the faint electric charge of electrons shared between water molecules which help it to cling together in the form of rain drops or to provide a surface on which water bugs can skate or on which car tires may hydroplane in a rain storm. Fewer people may be aware that protons from the more solid interior of atomic structure may also be shared between molecules when uniformly arranged in ordered stacks or rows.

  • It is called proton tunneling and several pages on the water website include description and discussion of the physics. Water Structure and Science by Martin Chaplin, BSc PhD CChem FRSC, (about), pages including: “proton tunneling,” (Table of Contents).
  • Another website author studying quantum biology and health also recommends reading Martin Chaplin’s site, see: Tensegrity 5: The Quantum Cell Membrane, Dr Jack Kruse, a neuroscientist, jackkruse.com.  (Tensegrityinbiology.co.uk/definition)
  • Advances have been made in the study of water structure and quantum electric fields. Snowflakes may be so intricate because of the special ability of water molecules to share electrons and protons: Large Structured Water Clusters Caught on Camera.

From a dietary and health perspective and a world culture perspective it is common to have shared mealtimes and include prayer or positive conversation and studies suggest it is more beneficial for digestion to avoid negative conversation at mealtimes. The information about proton tunneling between organized groups of water molecules could explain somewhat how or why positive energy is effecting health and digestion beneficially and negative energy and electro-magnetic fields (EMF) from wifi and smartphone type devices may be effecting health negatively. (EMFs, previous post) The electrical/magnetic wave energy have been found to disrupt hydrogen bonding (Magnetic and Electric Effects on Water, Chaplin) and may also be disrupting the organized proton tunneling of the stacked water molecules. Many areas of the body are organized in layers including the skin and inner mucous membranes of the digestive system and also the cells of the brain are generally organized in layers that are then folded to fit within the skull.

Western medicine typically does not include a study of energy health practices that are traditional or more recent in some nations or cultural groups. Acupressure/acupuncture is based on energy fields of the body and benefits have been substantiated with medical research. Chakra energy fields are studied in yoga and health in India. Eastern and Western are rough descriptors for the two basic groups of health philosophy. Bringing together the Western biochemical approach and the energy field approach of the Eastern therapies might help improve health care for prevention or treatment of illness.

The physical landscape may also benefit from a study of electro-magnetic fields and health. Violence in urban areas has been found to be reduced in areas near trees – odd? (1) Maybe, other studies have found being around nature has relaxing and de-stressing effects on the body. (10.4, 10.19, 10.20, 10.21) Studies of trees as a potential buffer for the very large high power electric line towers has shown a reduction in the EMF radiation in the region of the treeline. (2)

A walk in a natural setting may be more beneficial to health than a walk in an urban setting (10.19, 10.20) but even looking at images of nature has been found to help reduce stress levels – more than taking a walk in a busy urban setting, (10.21) suggesting that while exercise has health benefits, exposure to nature also has health benefits. 

Forest air may provide health benefits from essential oils and other nutrients in the moisture rich air and electrically active ions. (G.Shinrin-Yoku Forest Medicine), (G.thescienceexplorer.com)

Why is water blue?  – because it scatters blue light rays and absorbs other colors.                 (Water Absorption Spectrum)

/Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes./

  1. Tree Cover Protecting Against Violent Assault, SpaceTimeEpi Group, dwiebe@upenn.eduJuly 17, 2017,  http://spacetimeepi.net/portfolio-item/tree-cover-and-violent-assault/
  2. M. Suojanen, C. Lederle, R. Heim, T. Keikko, S. Kuusiluoma, L. Korpinen, The effect of trees on calculation of electric fields
    near 400 kV transmission lines, Transactions on Modelling and Simulation vol 30, © 2001 WIT Press, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-355X  https://www.witpress.com/Secure/elibrary/papers/CMEM01/CMEM01091FU.pdf
  3. Shinrin-Yoku, shinrin-yoku.org, http://www.shinrin-yoku.org/shinrin-yoku.html (G.Shinrin-Yoku Forest Medicine)
  4. Kelly Tatera, Scientists Reveal Why “Forest Bathing” or Going to the Beach Boosts our Well-Being, Feb. 3, 2016, thescienceexplorer.com, http://thescienceexplorer.com/brain-and-body/scientists-reveal-why-forest-bathing-or-going-beach-boosts-our-well-being (G.thescienceexplorer.com).

10.4: Byoung-Suk Kweon, Roger S. Ulrich, Verrick D. Walker and Louis G. Tassinary, Anger and Stress: The Role of Landscape Posters in an Office Setting, Environment and Behavior 2008 40: 355  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Louis_Tassinary/publication/258132363_Anger_and_Stress_The_Role_of_Landscape_Posters_in_an_Office_Setting/links/0a85e5304d07b6d045000000.pdf (10.4)

Tragedy and child trauma

  • Tragedy in Florida, magnesium Epsom salt footsoaks or baths can help with anxiety, paranoia, anger, and physical muscle cramps, tension or some types of chronic pain. About 20 minutes in a bath or 20-40 in a footsoak is adequate. Too long can lead to too much magnesium absorption.
  • A recent article on an alternative news site discusses the idea that the violence embedded throughout our society may need to be addressed if we are truly to hope to end the frequent shootings and other violence that has been happening too often for tears to dry from the last occurrence. http://theantimedia.org/real-reasons-mass-shootings/
  • Tragedy and child trauma is a topic I’ve had too many occasions to write about lately. I’ve modified this post and reposted it in respect for the sorrow and death that occurred in Texas on 11/5 caused by an ex military person with a history of domestic violence in the hope that it may help children. Talking about traumatic events can help children and adults work through the pain or fear of a memory and in the process move the memory from a more emotional short term storage area of the brain into a less emotionally triggering long term area of the memory.

The number of deaths and injuries that occurred is devastating, heart-breaking, and my thoughts & prayers are with the families and also anger at the injustice of a random act of violence disrupting and ending so many lives. Calls for more stringent gun control and gun safety classes may make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to have guns while criminals would likely still have a black market for them but the graph in this link suggests it would help: https://twitter.com/JustinWolfers/status/927866872401416192

The shooter wouldn’t have been able to legally obtain a gun if his history of domestic violence had been properly reported to the current system however, and the shooter was stopped by an NRA member who was nearby and was called for help by a witness. http://www.bizpacreview.com/2017/11/06/nra-member-involved-shooting-took-shooter-558745

This link includes many statistics and a variety of ways that gun safety might be increased without necessarily taking away the right to own guns. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/11/06/opinion/how-to-reduce-shootings.html?smid=tw-share

The current administration recently made it easier for people with mental illness to obtain guns legally, https://twitter.com/TODAYshow/status/927509432015171585

However most mental illness doesn’t increase risk of mass violence. A history of child trauma or domestic violence is linked to it. And copying previous acts of violence is also a risk. This comment sums it up https://twitter.com/bpshow/status/927872165717962752

Men and society support of kindness might help. Research suggests testosterone may have a role to play in men copying good or bad behavior. Testosterone in men can lead to trying to be better, bigger, faster, more whatever – the crowd of other men seem to approve. More positive acts being approved leads to more better, bigger, faster, etc positive acts and when negative honor killings or other negative treatment of people, women or children seem to be supported then that may lead to more extreme negative acts. (p106-107, Sapolsky) Men and women, boys and girls can help promote safety by not supporting violence or harassment of women and girls or other minority groups or poor people. We as a group also tend to like to feel superior to someone when in reality we are all just a brief moment in geologic time. the planet has had many long phases without humans and may yet again if we don’t start working towards a more sustainable way of using our planet’s limited supply of resources.

We all have quirks and good days and bad days but not like the shooter in Texas. Most of us are caring and can control ourselves or punch a pillow if we’re angry. The common theme of random mass violence is a male with a history of domestic violence or who experienced child trauma and who may be a binge drinker. From a previous post: Regarding potential underlying reasons for a person to resort to mass violence – typically it isn’t due to “mentally ill” people unless they were already prone to violence. An increased risk for violence is not associated with depression, anxiety or ADHD. Increased risk for mass violence is significantly associated though with being a male who had experienced child trauma and who is a binge drinker.  (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4318286/ )

So addressing poverty and binge drinking would likely help more than focusing just on gun control methods, 50% of children live in poverty, which is associated with stress for the household.

Until we change our approach to equality in general and regarding gender relations we may not achieve the peace that I knew as a child.  It can help children and survivors to talk about their experience or fears, otherwise there can be a risk of PTSD, an over active fear response which can worsen with repeated trauma.

From a previous post: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can occur in observers of trauma even if they weren’t harmed. There are many helpful articles available on the topic: (Talking about trauma may help prevent PTSD)

Some other tips for helping reduce symptoms of PTSD https://www.organicfacts.net/post-traumatic-stress.html

More information about early childhood and developing trust through secure attachment parenting styles is available on my new website, in the section Trust is Learned Early.

Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.


Stress, Nature, and What 13 Countries are saying about U.S. politics; a link

You can learn a lot by listening to other people. Hard lessons learned, ideals to follow and ideals to disavow, and who likes who and who doesn’t; the following link is to a long article but one that is well worth reading, if only to find out which country is the lone wolf:

Stress can be stressful, [1], a walk in a natural setting [2] or even looking at images of nature has been found to help reduce stress levels — more than taking a walk in a busy urban setting,[3] suggesting that while exercise has health benefits, exposure to nature also has health benefits.


I do care about preventing nuclear war and racism and about not inciting bullying or nuclear war or racism — I care a lot about that.

I didn’t find the older post about nature walks but thank goodness there’s a search engine and the internet.

An excerpt from the link I did find amongst my old posts, paraphrased for brevity:

People more vulnerable to the negative health effects of stress include: older adults, mothers and especially working mothers, less educated individuals, divorced or widowed individuals, people with financial concerns or lack of health insurance, isolated or lonely people, people who are targets of racial or sexual discrimination, and people who live in cities. [1, “Stress,” University of Maryland Medical Center]

Also from that link, having a history of childhood trauma can leave the adult with more risk to feeling stress.

Taking a closer look at nature may help relieve stress.
Taking a closer look at nature may help relieve stress.

You can learn a lot by listening to other people — not always easy to do or pleasant to listen to, but useful if only to learn what not to do or who to avoid listening to or associating with in the future — if possible.

Hazing sets the bad example for our children that bullying is acceptable if everyone or a majority of those in power don’t like the person or the group of people and it’s a bad example for our country’s reputation as a democracy who values individuals as a mixture of both positive and negative traits. Strengths and weaknesses is what adds variety to life and variety to life’s lessons.

dew drop 543
Dewdrops in spring greenery, (Sedum, Autumn Joy).

/Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and  the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.