Business is said to make the world go around* but family and physics are also important.
“Money makes the world go round.” – John Kander and Fred Ebb Line from the song Money, Money – from the musical Cabaret. (
I didn’t know the origin of that expression – I love the internet.
Trivia – the name of this website is based on a translation of the Tao Te Ching, Verse 41, which is slightly different than the typical English translation. The Great Integrity is the oneness of which everything is a part – transcending the physical realm is to accept that there is more to life than material things such as money or business. One section of the verse is quoted on a page on this site: Tao Te Ching, Verse 41, (transcendingsquare) a link to the book with the translation is included.
The initial theme I had envisioned for this site was a collection of images of things that are not quite square – or transcending the typical in some way.
Underneath the tip of the public view is archives of my notes and previous work. Having a notebook with a search engine attached is a modern way to transcend rectangular – a notebook with many layers.
A mini forest within a forest – life transcends square every day.
Walking in the woods can be more healing but other types of regular exercise can also be beneficial for reducing stress. See “Forest Bathing” for more details and links and “Forest Bathing: for a healthy microbiome” for more images and information about the potential health benefits of a walk in the woods: (effectivecare/Glossary)
Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes. Thanks.
Passive Energy Building, links for more information
Climate change is not just about increased temperatures on a global average it is about increased extremes in temperature and increased risk of severe weather conditions. Architecture in many areas is not suited to extreme changes in outdoor temperatures and often glass is a major building material for aesthetic reasons. Glass walls and large windows can make buildings overly cold during cold weather and overly warm during hot sunny conditions. Passive energy architecture tends to use smaller windows that can be shaded during warm conditions and walls may be made of wider materials that provide better insulation during hot or cold weather.
There is no question of the reality – human use of fossil fuels has been warming the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution started over one hundred years ago. The ozone layer depletion was addressed successfully with more study and political bipartisan work in the 1970’s and 80’s. Increased use of solar power was also begun at that time but who to blame and loss of fossil fuel profits became more of a concern and disinformation and denial took place after the initial progress with reducing ozone depletion. The history in a long read is available, the introduction and epilogue discuss the current situation and possible directions we are headed as a species and planet inhabitants. “Losing Earth: The Decade We Almost Stopped Climate Change,” by Nathaniel Rich, The New York Times Magazine, August 2, 2018, (Losing Earth/NYTMagazine).
Summary points from the introduction:
Limiting warming to two degrees: tropical reefs will become extinct, sea levels will rise several meters and we will lose the Persian Gulf. This “long term disaster” has become the best case scenario we can hope for if we manage to stop producing greenhouse gases.
Three degree warming, possibly the realistic minimum we can expect: “short-term disaster” – loss of forests in the Arctic and loss of most coast cities.
Four degree warming: permanent drought in Europe; desertification of large areas of China, India and Bangladesh; Polynesia covered by sea waters; Colorado River reduced to a tiny creek; American Southwest largely uninhabitable.
Five degree warming: some leading climate scientist’s consider this level to place human civilization at risk of survival.
Summary take home point – we need to change our civilization in revolutionary ways now – and invent ways to remove greenhouse gases from the air in addition to decreasing adding more to the atmosphere. We need to stop using modern agricultural methods that don’t recycle phosphorus and allow it and other chemicals to run-off into groundwater and coastal waters. (Losing Earth/NYTMagazine).
A free course was available that provides more information about climate change effects that are already occurring and strategies that have been found helpful around the globe: From Climate Science to Action, by The World Bank Group,, resources provided for additional reading are included at the end of this post. A course being offered on the site by the University of Michigan can be enrolled in now which begins August 20th: Act on Climate: Steps to Individual, Community, and Political Action,
This is an area of interest for me but not my area of expertise. Preventative health education is my area of expertise and treating a growing population of humans with more effective methods would also be good for planetary health. Toxic medications eventually add to groundwater pollution and medical equipment and supplies is also adding to pollution.
See these resources for more information about Passive Energy Building and how modifying architecture methods now can help us in the future (I am not affiliated with any of the resources, this information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use; it is not an inclusive list, just a few resources from a brief search or ones of which I was aware from other reading.):
The problem of architecture and changing climate described:
Architecture Matters: Excerpt from Architecture Canada Past President’s Message, by Paule Boutin, PP/FIRAC, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada,
A few photos of a passive energy rest area can be viewed in this collection of images of rest areas and travel photography: Where’s that rest stop?
Providing energy in sustainable ways at the community level is a strategy being used in one area of the U.K.:
Chelwood Comm Energy – Community energy group, developing and operating solar power for the local community –
/Disclosure: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes. — *Passive Energy Building is a health issue because the very young, the elderly, and the chronically ill are more at risk from excessive heat exposure or extremes in temperature and climate change is making extremes in temperature more common in many locations globally. Reducing use of fossil fuels for air conditioning or heating will ultimately help protect against the long term risks of increasing levels of Carbon Dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Resources on climate change from: From Climate Science to Action, by The World Bank Group,
You can learn a lot by listening to other people. Hard lessons learned, ideals to follow and ideals to disavow, and who likes who and who doesn’t; the following link is to a long article but one that is well worth reading, if only to find out which country is the lone wolf:
Stress can be stressful, [1], a walk in a natural setting [2] or even looking at images of nature has been found to help reduce stress levels — more than taking a walk in a busy urban setting,[3] suggesting that while exercise has health benefits, exposure to nature also has health benefits.
I do care about preventing nuclear war and racism and about not inciting bullying or nuclear war or racism — I care a lot about that.
I didn’t find the older post about nature walks but thank goodness there’s a search engine and the internet.
An excerpt from the link I did find amongst my old posts, paraphrased for brevity:
People more vulnerable to the negative health effects of stress include: older adults, mothers and especially working mothers, less educated individuals, divorced or widowed individuals, people with financial concerns or lack of health insurance, isolated or lonely people, people who are targets of racial or sexual discrimination, and people who live in cities. [1, “Stress,” University of Maryland Medical Center]
Also from that link, having a history of childhood trauma can leave the adult with more risk to feeling stress.
Taking a closer look at nature may help relieve stress.
You can learn a lot by listening to other people — not always easy to do or pleasant to listen to, but useful if only to learn what not to do or who to avoid listening to or associating with in the future — if possible.
Hazing sets the bad example for our children that bullying is acceptable if everyone or a majority of those in power don’t like the person or the group of people and it’s a bad example for our country’s reputation as a democracy who values individuals as a mixture of both positive and negative traits. Strengths and weaknesses is what adds variety to life and variety to life’s lessons.
Dewdrops in spring greenery, (Sedum, Autumn Joy).
/Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.