For an Easter treat I went to an art museum and after seeing three floors of great artwork from around the world and across time, I was exhausted.
My long time favorite was right outside near where I parked – Easter was a good day to find a good parking spot. The Thinker, a sculpture by Auguste Rodin, has always had a lot to ponder:
The Thinker, Auguste Rodin
The Thinker, – Auguste Rodin
The Thinker, August Rodin
There were many exquisite works of art and beautiful household furnishings, costumes and painfully thought provoking works of modern art or photography. Flash photography was not allowed and standing too close to the images for photography was not allowed as the camera still makes a small flash of light even without the flash. The museum lighting was dim to help protect the works of art and these images have been photo edited to increase the light level.
The most meaningful work of art for the sake of our shared future and children’s future was among the photographs. My shadow and reflections of other artworks are captured on the tranquil looking image – of smog. “Unhealthy Air for Sensitive People,” San Fernando Valley, 1984, by Victor Landweber:
“Unhealthy Air for Sensitive People,” San Fernando Valley, 1984, Chronographic Print, – Victor Landweber, American Born, 1943 “…While appealing, the work documents smog in Los Angeles, a problem arising from the approximately four million people that call the city home.”
Some works of art had an inner glow – stained glass windows with a religious theme from 1890 by John La Farge, American artist (1835-1910), (, link for more information):
1890, stained glass windows by American artist John La Farge, (1835-1910).
“The entrance of thy words giveth light.”
“Write me as one that loves his fellowman.” John Judson Bagley
“Helping Angel,”1890, a stained glass window,, by John La Farge, American (1835-1910)
“Faith & Hope” – 1890, a stained glass window,, by John La Farge, (1835-1910)
1890, stained glass window by John La Farge American (1835-1910).
The architecture of the building and gift shop featuring original works of art by local and international artists are well worth a visit for their own sake.
It was a beautiful and thought provoking visit to The Detroit Institute of Art – what legacy do we want to leave the future to think about? Clean air? Faith and Hope? Beautiful architecture and flowers? Or smog?
It is a lot to think about.
The Thinker, by August Rodin, at The Detroit Institute of Art. Detroit, Michigan.
Having adequate B vitamins which are important for all aspects of metabolism and energy production in the body may help reduce the harmful health effects of breathing smog-laden air: (Could a Daily Vitamin Curb Smog’s Health Effects?
Disclosure: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use. While I am a Registered Dietitian it is not intended to provide individualized health care guidance.. Please seek an individual health care professional individualized health care guidance.
What do imaginary goods, virtual cats and superstition have to do with each other? – Economics. ‘Imaginary goods’ is a term used by an Austrian economic theorist from the 1800’s, Carl Menger, to describe goods that might be sold but which did not meet all the criteria of a ‘goods‘ – a thing of value which could be sold or purchased. Imaginary goods could also be sold but they did not meet all of his criteria for ‘goods‘ because their value was more transient – in the imagination of the buyer and/or seller rather than clearly apparent to any normal consumer of goods. (Principles of Economics, by Carl Menger, a translation in English)
As I’ve been working on devising ways to make pomegranate peel edible I’ve been thinking about the idea of a market or demand for a good versus the actual value of the good. You can’t sell something of value if no one considers it valuable even if it fits the criteria of being ‘goods‘ – fulfilling human needs; while it recently was brought to my attention, a refresher course having grown up in era of ‘Pet Rocks,” that some people will pay for anything if it is popular – if other people are bidding on the item too. I was astonished as a child that anyone would pay real money for a rock in a box just because it was called a ‘Pet Rock‘ – just go outside, find a rock, stick it in a box – there you go, your very own ‘pet rock‘ captured from its wilderness and tamed for your own enjoyment. The current trend that was brought to my attention is less solid but requires an imagination – virtual cats, bred to have unique characteristics, the bidding is based on the uniqueness of the characteristics ( – my thought, too much time or too much money, and too little space for a real pet cat.
People need love and affection as it promotes oxytocin and dopamine which are hormones that promote positive feelings.
For those with limited room in their lives for an expensive virtual cat, consider going outside and looking for a wild rock to tame instead.
Bringing this back around to the New Year’s Day topic of good luck black-eyed peas and the following day’s topic of superstition – Carl Menger includes in his examples of imaginary goods items that might be considered good luck charms and also medications that aren’t effective.
Pomegranate peel might be effective but until there is proof that it is effective there might not be a market of consumers willing to pay for it let alone even try it. So Master Chef Challenge – Pomegranate Peel -> make it appetizing and if people also feel good after eating it then they will return for seconds -> thus creating a market that hadn’t previously been known.
Carl Menger’s four criteria for what makes something a consumer ‘good’:
“If a thing is to become a good, or in other words, if it is to
acquire goods-character, all four of the following prerequisites
must be simultaneously present:
A human need.
Such properties as render the thing capable of being brought into a causal connection with the satisfaction of this need.
According to his theory something can lose its value as a consumer good if it stops fulfilling any one of those four criteria, to paraphrase – if we
stop needing it because the problem it solved no longer exists,
the thing no longer works to solve the original problem
we forget that the thing is useful for fulfilling the need,
the thing is no longer something humans have access to (the WiFi goes out and the virtual cat breeding stops functioning) :
“Hence a thing loses its goods-character:
(1) if, owing to a change in human needs, the particular needs disappear that the thing is capable of satisfying,
(2) whenever the capacity of the thing to be placed in a causal connection with the satisfaction of human needs is lost as the result of a change in its own properties,
(3) if knowledge of the causal connection between the thing and the satisfaction of human needs disappears, or
(4) if men lose command of it so completely that they can no longer apply it directly to the satisfaction of their needs and have no means of reestablishing their power to do so.” -pages 52-53 (Principles of Economics, by Carl Menger, a translation in English)
So for those who may have forgotten (reason #3, causal connection), – caring for living people or pets can help one’s own health through increased oxytocin, dopamine and reduced oxidative stress.
If owning a real pet is not possible due to housing issues visiting a local Humane Society type agency and volunteering to help care for the shelter animals is generally possible and appreciated. If money isn’t a problem hiring a human for a service that involves touch such as a manicure is helping others by providing money for jobs and providing oxidative stress reducing touch from the hands-on service. If owning a real pet or hiring human hands-on service isn’t possible then oxytocin, dopamine and possibly even reduction in oxidative stress may be provided by a caring relationship with a houseplant that cleans the air of toxins (ferns and other types), or by enjoying looking at art objects that have to do with nature or possible the touch of a smooth natural object such as a rock or crystal or wooden object.
While my search of oxidative stress and art didn’t turn up the link I was looking for it did find a review of research on male infertility, oxidative stress, antioxidants (vitamin E, C and CoQ10) and ART, assisted reproductive techniques, while it doesn’t mention iodine it’s worth saving for reference and smoking is mentioned as risk:
Smoking increases intake of formaldehyde as well as other toxins. There are also other common sources of formaldehyde in modern living environments. Tips for reducing risk of formaldehyde exposure and links for the houseplants that help detoxify indoor air from formaldehyde and other common volatile chemicals are included in an older post, Formaldehyde (volatile – chemicals that might be easily released from plastics or carpets into the air – ie “new car smell”).
The topic on nature and art and oxidative stress is discussed with links in the section Art – Food for the Eyes on another website,, 10. Food Helps Too.
Returning to the Master Chef Challenge – Pomegranate Peel,
– it is helping my mood and health more consistently than the 1/2 cup of pomegranate seeds did but it is quite acidic. I’ve taken to using a couple spoonfuls in my bean soup instead of the lime juice or apple cider vinegar that I had been adding as a digestive aid. I’ve also tried it on salads in place of lime juice.
As a beverage I occasionally have the original blend of approximately 3 ounces of the pomegranate extract/soup stock with about 3 ounces of water and 1 ounce of cherry juice with four pinches of Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate) to make it less acidic. Sugar is inflammatory in itself so I’v stopped using much of it. After the review of the blueberry/rhubarb jam recipe I bought some blueberries and will try a combination of the pomegranate extract with the less acidic fruit. Cherry juice is also acidic. Blueberry juice concentrate is available in specialty stores but I wasn’t at one. The Baking Soda may be too much sodium or something in the pomegranate extract or the level of acidity it adds to the diet may have a diuretic effect like coffee – so like many things in life – it’s not perfect. But being sick isn’t either.
When you start thinking about food as fuel and as your body’s natural medicine cabinet then taste is something that can be acquired and adapted to suit the needs of health – but first the mind has to overpower the habit of “I always eat what my family ate, or what I got used to at college, or whatever my friends are eating.” Social settings and food are very strongly linked and it can be viewed as rude to refuse an offer of food that is being offered – sometimes life isn’t perfect either.
Good luck and best wishes all you Master Chefs out in virtual reader land – I know you can take on whatever culinary challenges you choose.
If at the beginning of 2017 someone predicted that I would successfully be using pomegranate peel, baker’s cocoa, cardamom, and leafy green herbs and vegetables instead of medical marijuana for my autoimmune health condition I might have thought they were imagining things – but Carl Menger was right we have to know the causal connection between a good and a problem it might solve before we go to the effort to purchase, prepare, and use the good for solving that problem/need (health care improvement in my case). pages 51-58, (Principles of Economics, by Carl Menger, a translation in English).
A tastes better than it looks salad – Blueberry Pomegranate Avocado Quinoa Salad.
Bring two and a half cups of water to a boil and add one cup quinoa (or amaranth or cracked wheat for a more traditional tabouli like salad). Cook for twenty minutes at a simmer. Stir occasionally to keep it from sticking to the saucepan. Once the water is fully absorbed remove the pan from the heat and add about (all of the following ingredients are estimates except for the avocado- this is a first try) one tablespoon coconut oil and stir into the hot cooked cereal. Add about one cup of frozen or fresh blueberries, 1/2 cup frozen or fresh pomegranate seeds, 1/4 cup pomegranate peel extract, one chopped ripe avocado, one tablespoon dried tarragon and one tablespoon dried basil (or more if fresh is available), and 1/4 cup chopped walnuts. Stir the mixture thoroughly. The cereal will turn purplish color from the blueberries. Serve a cup or so of the mixture over a plate of chopped salad greens and top with a pretty 1/8th cup of fresh or frozen pomegranate seeds.
I always add salt to taste at the table. We taste only the salt on the surface of food, not what has been cooked into a food or stirred into a mixture as much.
The flavors and textures work well together, sweet and tanginess from the fruit, creaminess from the avocado, quinoa and coconut oil. Tarragon adds flavor, the basil is milder and wasn’t noticeable in the amount I added here. Tarragon has a slightly minty flavor. The walnut is a stronger flavor and the crunch and flavor balance with the flavor of the blueberries and crunch of the pomegranate seeds. This was a success flavor and texture-wise no matter what it looks like and it would be nutritionally balanced with protein, essential fats and carbohydrates and plenty of fiber and trace nutrients and antioxidants. Walnuts and blueberries have both been found effective for cardiovascular health and male health issues.
Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.
The following list includes the fifteen posters seen in a recent post about the need for gender parity in the world of art. (First post, Second post in the series) The following includes works by world famous artists from many centuries as well as many countries and represents a variety of styles. The twentieth work on the list is a painting by Michelangelo. He presents another type of dangerous person that innocent young men might encounter — the con-man, in the shape of ‘cardsharps.’ So young men needed to be wary of con-women and con-men. The ‘evil seductress’ is just a phrase to convey a stereotype. Young women may also have needed to be wary of evil seducer types but this collection of art doesn’t include that theme.
Art may have been commissioned by men for displaying in areas where men or boys worked or relaxed. So topics about activities men found entertaining or were proud of might have been ordered in addition to topics about male cardsharps or female pick-pockets (see #11) which might have been useful for educating innocent young men. Portraits and fine art existed centuries ago because photography, television, and computers didn’t exist and people get bored and like to entertain and educate or impress each other.
Art may have been a “man’s” world in part because it is work which takes time and until more recent centuries, “A woman’s work is never done.” Caregiving for children and cooking and cleaning and taking care of any farm animal or gardening chores would have left women with little time for drawing or painting fine art.
Portrait painting took months. Artists would travel from job to job and live at the residence of the person who was hiring them. Whoever was getting their portrait painted would have to ‘sit’ for the artist and try to hold still while the artist worked. See number fifteen for a portrait of a portrait painter and the Las Meninas he is painting by Diego Velasquez.
Thiebaud, Wayne Football Player, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Vi, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image Import of Canada (1963)
Homer, Winslow, The Gulf Stream, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (1899)
Franche’re, Joseph C. Le brasain de savon, (Kettle of Soap), Muse’e du Que’bec, Que’bec, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (1910)
Cretan Bull Dance, (La danse du faureau), Archeological Museum, Heraklion, Crete, Muse’e archeologique He’raklion, Cre’te, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (~4000 years ago)
Mantegna, Andrea, The Adoration of the Shepherds, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (1451-1453)
Ensor, James, Masks Confronting Death, (La Mort et les Masques), The Museum of Modern Art, New York, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (1888)
Lippi, Filippino, The Triumph of Mordecai’ (Le trumphe de Mardoche’e), National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Muse’e des beaux arts du Canada, Ottawa, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (Lippi, Filippino, 1406-1469)
Goya, Francisco de, Don Manuel Osorio de Zuniga, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (1788)
Tintoretto, Portrait d’ un de la familie Foscari, (Portrait of a Member of the Foscari Family), Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Muse’e des beaux arts de Montre’al, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (circa 1550)
Shah-Nameh, Zahek is told his fate, (Zahek se fait pre’dire son destin.), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (ca. 1524)
De La Tour, Georges, La diseuse de bonne aventure, (The Fortune Teller), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (1630)
Kabotie, Fred, The Delight Makers, Courtesy of Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (The image, more info & different but similar piece: The Hopi tribe translates into “The Peaceful People)
Colville, Alexander, Child and Dog (L’ enfant au chien) National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Muse’e des beaux arts du Canada, Ottawa, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (1952)
Kreighoff, Cornelius, Familie indienne dans la fore’t, (Indian Family in the Forest), The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Muse’e des beaux arts de Montre’al, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (Corneius Kreighoff, 1815-1872, a very similar painting, but not exactly the same)
Velasquez, Diego, Las Meninas, Museo Del Prado, Madrid, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (1656)
Degas, Edgar, Chevaux de courses, (Race Horses),National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Muse’e des beaux arts du Canada, Ottawa, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (poor color representation)
Tanobe, Miyuki, Monday, Washing-Day, Private Collection, Lundi, jour de lessive collection particulie’re, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (1972)
Anshutz, Thomas, Cabbages, The Metropolitan Museum of art, New York, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (no date given)
Ce’zanne, Paul, Les joueurs de cartes, (The Card Players), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (1890-92)
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da, The Cardsharps, (Le tricheur), Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (1594)
Bolduc, Blanche, Cornhusking, (l’ e’pluchette), Muse’e du Que’bec, Que’bec City, Image de l’art 1988 Art Image (no date given)
/Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use./
The art posters in the last post were all labeled Image de l’art 1988 Art Image and each included the artist and title of the work and its location. There was uneven representation of male and female artists and when I counted the figures in each painting I found that there was also more male adults than female adults portrayed.
There were 21 posters in total that I had found at a resale shop. They were individually priced and so I had picked out a few favorites one day. I liked them so much that I went back a few weeks later and bought the rest of the collection that remained.
Twenty of the twenty one posters had the artist’s name listed. One poster was of an ancient mural from Crete and it didn’t list an artist. Seventeen male artists and three female artists were included in the group of art from around the world.
Within the varied paintings there were 57 adult females and 81 adult males for a ratio of 70.37% females to males. There were slightly more female children included with roughly fifteen girls to nine boys – gender was sometimes more obvious than other times. Four babies were included within the group of 21 posters.
The roles that females were portrayed was largely domestic compared to the males who were portrayed in leadership or struggles against nature or fate. The themes support an idea that I had suggested in a previous post — gender bias may be in part due to a tendency to instinctually think of females as being either a mother or lover, or if not those then she must be an evil seductress.
That seems unkind and unreal but this collection of art supports the roles. Women are mainly seen as mothers or working in domestic roles. They are also seen as observers in the background or at a man’s side in the posters with a group. Except in one painting, however, where an older female fortuneteller is distracting a young man while three attractive young women are listening — and pick pocketing from him in various ways. Another painting has images of death, grim reaper like, and the focal characters are more female in appearance while the observing characters are the ones that are more male in appearance (skulls and masked faces but with more or less feminine looking hats and headscarves).
I could add a list of the paintings and see if I could find links on line but that seems like a lot more work than I have time for at the moment. I wrote the list on paper last night and tallied the figures on paper — old school but easier to carry up a ladder than a laptop. (Third post in the series, with list of the fine art from around the world.)
I hope everyone who planned to managed to get out to vote yesterday. I made it to vote, there was a library millage involved — and libraries are important ;-)
Happy Wednesday.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use.