October 17 is World Day for Overcoming Poverty

I learned of an international day for overcoming poverty, “October 17, the World Day for Overcoming Poverty,” from a free ebook “Artisans of Peace Overcoming Poverty,” by Diana Faujour Skelton, published by the non-profit organization the International Movement ATD Fourth World. One way that the country of Guatemala celebrates the World Day for Overcoming Poverty is by choosing a citizen to take part in their national White Rose of Peace ceremony. [1] The daily ceremony was begun at the end of the country’s 36 year long civil war to show the country’s hope for ongoing peace. [p 20, 29-32, Artisans of Peace Overcoming Poverty]

A white rose for peace.

Visit the atd-fourthworld site for more info about the book “Artisans of Peace Overcoming Poverty,”and to download a free copy: [e-book.atd-fourthworld] Recognizing the value of all groups within society and increasing communication between the groups has helped communities in a variety of situations and locations. This book is the first edition of a three part series.

A rose for peace.
Maybe a peach rose can also be for peace. Peace is in many colors. (Note: I happened to have this image when I first wrote this post, but later went and bought the only white rose at the florist and took images that didn’t turn out great but – peace is worth it.)


Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

  1. George & Eve DeLange, Guatemala National Palace
    Of Culture. White Rose of Peace Ceremony
    , images and description on a travel website, Guatemala, https://delange.org/Guat1/Guat1.htm
  2. Diana Faujour Skelton, “Artisans of Peace Overcoming Poverty,” atd-fourthworld, http://ebook.atd-fourthworld.org/

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