Breakthrough Boss – an autoimmune and functional health success story.

Large size three ring binder full with a printed out Action Guide and green cardstock dividers between the modules.

*and a Black Friday special with a BIG discount for the first 7 people who respond.

Do you have a feeling that you are your own worst enemy when it comes to success at business or even just at living? Mindset work can help readjust negative attitudes we developed in childhood or learned from parents or society and replace them with positive mind talk that helps give you more confidence and frees up paralysis from feeling overwhelmed.

Tara Wagner, a business and mindset coach, is very organized with a good systems approach to business and life. Her primary goal is to help others work towards time and financial independence. She had autoimmune health issues and was forced to slow down her work pace. She is sharing what she learned about balancing work and selfcare and family time in online courses and free Youtube weekly videos.

  • Building a Business with Chronic Illness + Disabilities | What It’s Like, What Works For Me, (Youtube)
  • Tara has a Youtube channel with years of free video content that is quite useful and organized in topical series within playlists. See Tara Wagner Coaching on Youtube.

Routines for selfcare and work can save brain energy for more important tasks.

The more we routinize our habits in personal life or within a job, the more we can prevent brain fatigue. Every decision, even tiny ones like what to wear or make for breakfast, to pack a lunch or buy it?, etc., each is using some energy. It seems that we have a maximum capacity for best mental effort. Saving that level of cognitive skill for important work makes more sense than wasting it on thinking about whether to put on your shoes first or brush your teeth first.

Systemizing your routine or simply making a routine means doing things the same way or in a systematic way so that it can be done on autopilot, effortlessly like a choreographed dance routine that has nothing to do with CoV scamdemics.

Mindset: I get up, I get moving, I get active. (My motivating motto)

Seemlessly flow through a getting up, getting washed, dressed, breakfasted, supplemented, etc. all in routine way. Prepping for that may include setting up stations for this or that activity with all the needed things organized and easy to find. Linking supplements to meals as an example can help remember the supplements. I have been doing better with my leg swelling issues. After refilling my vitamin boxes a couple days ago, I have streamlined the complexity into: melatonin with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with one box of the supplements, and follow that with the niacin 15 minutes later/at end of meal. Bam, that is 9 different actions/supplement swallowing that are now linked to a meal instead of being 9 individual things to remember to do. And then I have one more box to take before bed.

Supplement inventory and weekly boxes

To make refilling the weekly boxes easier, I buy about 6 months worth of a supplement at a time and have a simple inventory log to see what I should rummage through my box of backup bottles for and what I need to add to a shopping list before another 3 weeks is up (I have 3 weekly boxes. I had four but one broke.) I tend to buy several things at a time and then they are running out at slightly different times so the cost is spread out over the year. But I am spending a few hundred dollars when I replace things.

The boxes are better than opening a bunch of bottles everyday – that is time consuming and too easy to put off.

Why not a one-a-day for me? – vitamin A. See this post with my daily supplement list: Substack.

A good one-a-day supplement would cover a lot of my list in the last post, but in needing to avoid vitamin A, and initially vitamin D and iodine, I have to avoid one-a-day supplements. My mother has been doing well (roughly) regaining a little function with the addition of a Thorne brand two-a-day powder in a capsule product. I open the capsule and stir the powder into a protein shake or bean soup puree.

  • Basic Nutrients 2/Day, Thorne, available on Fullscript, 60 capsules (one month supply) for $30 retail or $21 with my discount. You can sign up under my account to browse the catalog or pick through examples in protocols I have on the site. (

Since learning more about lymphedema I have added an iodine supplement, about 3-4 mg of a high dose powder capsule product. And it seems helpful and my thyroid is not going hyperthyroid it seems. Yeah! I also take vitamin D3 now but had avoided it for a while on the Marshall Protocol which got rid of a severe migraine problem for me.

Burnout Recovery

Burnout recovery is a big focus within Tara Wagner’s coaching as it is seen frequently with small business owners. Women with other caregiving roles can be at high risk for stress overload and females may have been raised with messaging of helping others more than focusing on their own self-care needs.

A free webinar is available by Tara Wagner, a business coach focused on helping female entrepreneurs breakthrough mental or health blocks to reaching their goals. The video includes useful tips about building a successful business and working through blocks if you’ve been stuck for a while at starting stages. The course the video is about goes into greater detail and has a lot of bonus material including the burnout recovery info. (https://jendepew– The free video ends with a pitch for a business course/website of business building and maintenance courses, with templates, pre-built spreadsheets and other benefits called Breakthrough Boss.

Thanks in advance if you do buy her Breakthrough Boss course though my affiliate link. Affiliate link: (jendepew– – clicking does take you to her site showing the special price $777. That is a lot of money but I paid a bit more than that and feel like it is a good deal. It has the small business information but also has Mindset, Imposter Syndrome, Burnout Recovery, Goal Setting, and other topics included. The online business building guidance has templates and how-to’s for organizing your work and life and recommended software/site subscriptions to use. This could be useful for any online business as systemization strategies can be modified for your own needs. She offers a seven day return policy in case you decide you don’t want to keep the course access.

The course/coaching might be most helpful for someone who feels like they are getting in their own way for whatever or an unknown reason. Her methods walk you through how to dig into your own crud to find out where you need to improve and what your goals may truly include if you really think about it rather than a vague, “I want to get rich or famous.” Her online course set-up is fun and easy to navigate and has lots of links to extra material on her YouTube channel or book recommendations. Purchase is for-life access rather than some limited time and there is a private Facebook community for questions.

An Action Guide to handwrite in is included with each section and it is doing the repetitive work/exercises that helps reprogram our habits in the way we choose to build them to be our best self – without shaming for slow days. Her strategy with autoimmune disease was to just accept that she needed to build a new job for herself that has flexible scheduling built into it and streamlined with automated computer strategies and hiring a team as needed.

To save time, work is needed to set up systems – and that takes time to do. So schedule it! Make time to learn helpful software and set up the data templates that fit your needs. “Success is scheduled.” – Tara Wagner, quoting someone maybe.

  • A recommended site: You Need A Budget – yeah, I do. ( – fee service, $99/year or $14.99/month. The site says most users save money, an average of $600 by the second month.
  • is another recommendation. It has a free service, good for personal use, and low cost monthly fees get you more memory storage and may be needed for teams.
  • I use for graphics. It has a free service but I pay ~ 12.99/month for the added ability to custom change the size of graphics and maybe other perks. Or I pay $119.99/year. I do need a budget.

I have found the mindset work helpful and eventually printed out most of the guide. I will work through the business sections later. I am starting with the mindset and organization sections first. Printing double sided would be better, except the blank back page can be used to write more extended thoughts.

*Handwritten work seems to sink into our brains better than typing on a computer. She recommends physically writing and copying what you want on the computer later.

Breakthrough Boss Action Guide printed single sided – double sided would be better.

Use of essential oils for emotional support and for use with mindset adjusting practices is included. Linking aroma to mindset work, can then help later once the pathway is formed in the brain to quickstart a desired mood change. Link one scent to calming practice, and another to a get moving, “I got this”, confident mindset, and then when you need a boost, sniff the aroma for confidence, or if stressed, sniff the aroma you linked to calming affirmations. I have a post started with more info about essential oils. I also have a Lymphedema Protocol in the works which ended up being about Alzheimer’s Disease risk too – fluid excess in the brain is more damaging than fluid excess in our ankles and legs.

Tara’s free information on Youtube, and the info sales video have a lot of value for helping clarify goals even if you don’t buy anything. See Tara Wagner Coaching on Youtube. Readers who have been following my work for a while will be able to see if it helps or changes my writing here.


The Crappy Childhood Fairy also has quite a bit of free information available. She discusses how chronic trauma can negatively impact your work relationships due to trust issues or seeking approval neediness.

Your Work Life Blossoms When You Heal These Symptoms, Crappy Childhood Fairy, (Youtube).


Looks helpful: Overcoming Clutter Paralysis: How to Get Unstuck, Angela Brown Cleaning, ( — overwhelmed by stuff, and now also have the loss of a sibling and all the sibling’s stuff is now on top of her own excess stuff… Yes, I need this video too.

It is time to break my paralysis of overwhelm and disorganization in my real world and online work.

Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.

Fullscript Cyber sale through Nov 28.

Dandelions in close up with a mountain in the distance.

Fullscript is a wholesale supplement dispensary which carries a lot of reputable brands. Individuals can order through an affiliated healthcare professional. People ordering through my account will receive a 30% discount. Happy Health to you!

If interested sign up here and browse the various protocols that I have posted for anyone’s use. (Welcome/Sign up page) Product examples included in one of my protocols are intended for you to browse through rather than a recommendation to get all of it. (Any time I edit a protocol the system requires that I add another product to be able to save the edits.) People signed up under my account are allowed to browse the entire catalog or select from the examples I put in some protocols.

In order to participate in Fullscript’s promotion I had to change my settings – so the holiday discount should be active as of now through November 28th. Feel free to ask me questions in the comments or you can reply to email posts directly rather than making a public comment.

Thanks for the support and feedback about leg lymphedema. (Yesterday’s post: Lymphedema, movement, and structured water. ( – subscribe to my Substack for emails of my latest posts) I was trying to be light-hearted about it but it is worse than it used to be and I don’t really know why/what to do different besides try to return to my good health habits that I have been slacking on too long.

I ordered some compression stockings to try in the meantime.

The infrared space heater structured water experiment in yesterday’s post seems to have worked. I tried some this morning and it also has the slightly thicker/slipperier mouth feel that is different than tap water. I haven’t read much about health benefits of diatomaceous earth but it does add a slight cloudiness/whiteness to the water.

It is a source of silica and is good for skin, hair, teeth and bones.

“When taken by mouth, diatomaceous earth is used as a source of silica, for treating high cholesterol levels, for treating constipation, and for improving the health of skin, nails, teeth, bones, and hair.” (

Brain fatigue post – happy midweek to you!

What’s on the menu? Some time in nature. And blogs on preventing or treating chronic inflammation. I will try to copy my planned series here in addition to Substack.

Dandelion mountain?

Food first! Many very nutrient packed plants and foods are available in the grocery store or foraged from wild areas that haven’t been treated with lawn chemicals.

Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.

Link to Niacin/wild hamster cannibalism/glyphosate and a list of Glyphosate posts, with a CoV theme.

Expanded last post: Niacin deficiency linked to glyphosate and cannibalism (in wild hamsters). ( I posted that link before I was done watching the video, and slept a little more after watching it. So now the post has the hamster story in more detail and some other info from the video webinar. Each of the four speakers had significant info that added to the bigger picture.

What I didn’t include in my rewrite was that action individually is being encouraged – informing the government isn’t working or what they claim to be doing is on a too long-time scale – status quo to continue until some future date.

We are in a corporatocracy, an oligarchy, and corporate profit is protected over individual consumers. Our buying power collectively may be our biggest voice. If the consumers stop buying the poisonous products more producers might switch to organic foods. However – with the government complicit – they buy a lot of food and provide a lot of school children on Free or Reduced-price meals with two and sometimes three meals a day. Our individually stopping the purchase of RoundUp ready crops or meats raised with them – will not stop the big bucks that agribusiness gets from government purchase for schools, VA hospitals or facilities, or the military. Anyone on a cafeteria meal-plan will likely be getting glyphosate foods.

brown mouse on brown wooden table
“Teddy, my Syrian Hamster.” Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash

Glyphosate disrupts actin which is like a scaffolding with a crane that can direct activity and line up vital chemical parts within the cell. Glyphosate disrupts the crane’s ‘hook’.

Series – glyphosate is a big deal and has been since around 1965, use greatly increased sometime between 1985 and 1995:

  • Glycine & glyphosate & misfolded proteins – Seneff article. (June 13, 2021)
  • Covid-19 “broken glass lung” and glyphosate, draft (March 4, 2021), posted (Dec 17, 2022) *This is/was a follow-up to Glyphosate & COVID19, (Oct 25, 2020)
  • Glyphosate increases histamine, both may be a factor in COVID19 (Nov 10, 2020)
  • Glyphosate & COVID19, (Oct 25, 2020) *Biofuel made with RoundUp biomass is producing increased glyphosate residue in the air of communities near the biofuel production facility and in areas that now use a lot of biofuel in their gasoline mix. This post has a link to a company where you can self-order a screening test for glyphosate residue (in a urine sample I think).
  • Glutathione, Nrf2, Autism & Glyphosate, (May 26, 2018)
  • A US Congressman [Ted Lieu] is concerned about safety of glyphosate, (March, 19, 2017) Excerpt from the brief post: “An employee of the EPA may have colluded with Monsanto to suppress investigation of the safety of glyphosate and the herbicide Roundup.” (My words, link to a article in the post).
  • Glycine, Cheerful Juice, and testing for glyphosate, (Oct 26, 2016) *One of my solutions is to take powdered Dimethylglycine in water with a little sweetener, smidge of baking soda to offset the acidity, and a little juice for flavor. It can taste a little like red wine. Acidic citrus juices are not as helpful as a little blueberry, pomegranate or cherry juice. This post has links to previous posts I had written about DMG and my ‘Cheerful Juice’ – it makes me more cheerful but can taste kind of bad without the extra additions.
  • Glyphosate and disruption of the protective mucus layer made by coral species. *an old draft post that I just posted, (Oct 19, 2016) (Dec 17, 2022)
  • The herbicide Round-Up found more dangerous than glyphosate alone, (Oct 17, 2016)
  • Glyphosate, a consensus statement; a link, (Sept 21, 2016)
  • Updates regarding glycine, health, and glyphosate, (Sept. 20, 2016)
  • Glyphosate was found in vaccines; and tips for reducing dietary exposure, (Sept 16, 2016)
    • *Gelatin from commercial sources is likely also a source of glyphosate residue as collagen is a protein made with a lot of glycine – leaving a lot of opportunity for glyphosate to be substituted instead in an animal fed RoundUp crops as feed. This would make gelatin capsule supplements a negative and any collagen joint support products that use commercially sourced collagen instead of organically raised sources.
  • Glyphosate was created as an antibiotic and mineral chelator but is being used as an herbicide, (Aug 2, 2016)
  • CYP enzymes are needed to produce both 25 vitamin D and 1, 25 hormone D; and more on glyphosate, (June 29, 2016)
  • There is never going to be a good time to say that glyphosate is unhealthy, (June 17, 2016). This post is more about how society ignores some people, the second in command in the airplane, and that can lead to big crashes. I bring up the infertility aspect of glyphosate in this post, and that it is likely part of the increase in gender dysphoria.
  • Vitamin D activating enzyme and Glyphosate, the herbicide Roundup, (June 14, 2016)
  • Vitamin D, Cholesterol sulfate, concussions, and glyphosate (Round-up), (June 11, 2016)

Glyphosate would be causing a DNA female fetus to develop male pattern instinctual behaviors – rougher active play as a child and mounting dominance behavior when sexuality is developing rather than bending over and wanting to submit. Gender dysphoria is very real and occurs in the prenatal hormone environment of an infant when there is a mismatch between the uterine hormones that are predominant and the fetal DNA sex.

Historically, male DNA with female gender behavior was more common, though rare still. A pregnant woman is female and has female hormones, so it makes sense. Endocrine mimetic pesticides and BPA are likely increasing the incidence of male DNA babies that grow up with female gender behavior instincts. The glyphosate is newer to human history and now there is a big increase in female DNA babies that grow up with male gender behavior instincts. There is also social pressure on young girls and woman to be very overtly sexual, or maybe skip it by transitioning to male. Join the fun LGBTQIA+ marginalized group and give up your ‘white privilege’ – along with your healthy body, normal function sexual parts, and ability to have a baby or breast feed it…. This is not a solution to reducing glyphosate or estrogen mimetics in our food supply and environment.

We, humans, are causing trans or homosexuality in other species too. It makes me embarrassed for humans and sad for other species and the planet as a whole. We are a blight on this planet.

Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

Covid-19 “broken glass lung” and glyphosate

The HO-1 enzyme that may be being made wrong, with glyphosate in place of glycine, promotes another chemical (granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) that is seen to be elevated in Covid-19 (1) and the receptor for the chemical may be involved in a lung condition (2) that also has “broken glass” like lung images. The unusual lung images are due to the alveolar areas to be fluid filled and dysfunctional, opaque white areas in the images instead of black/air filled cavities that would normally be visible. (2)

PAP – Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis – “broken glass” lung, or “paving tile”.

The “broken glass” lung issue is also called pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP). (2, 3)

Medical opinion: “Clinical data, analytical findings and the few pathological references we have so far suggest SARS-CoV-2 lung disease could be a secondary interferonopathy with pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP)-like features and sometimes thrombotic microangiopathy.” (3)

Treatment with Interferon inhibitors might provide “IFN-γ blockage” and medication trials were recommended.

The presence of PAP suggests alveolar macrophage dysfunction in clearing surfactant from the alveoli. Whether IL-18 or IFNγ blockage and/or treatments aimed at increasing surfactant phagocytosis/processing by alveolar macrophages are viable treatment strategies, needs further exploration.” (3)

Take home point from clinical trial information and an Abstract-less paper: the PPAR-gamma activator Pioglitazone helped reduce the size of alveolar macrophages in autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP). (Vis, Kelly, De Heuvel, MacEachern, 2020) (CTG Labs/NCTO3231033)

GM-CSF promotes growth of alveolar macrophages.

COVID-19 is a clinical syndrome ranging from mild symptoms to severe pneumonia that often leads to respiratory failure, need for mechanical ventilation, and death. Most of the lung damage is driven by a surge in inflammatory cytokines [interleukin-6, interferon-γ, and granulocyte-monocyte stimulating factor (GM-CSF)]. Blunting this hyperinflammation with immunomodulation may lead to clinical improvement. GM-CSF is produced by many cells, including macrophages and T-cells. GM-CSF-derived signals are involved in differentiation of macrophages, including alveolar macrophages (AMs).” (1)

The authors go on to explain that some GM-CSF can be helpful and promote growth of alveolar macrophages while too much of the GM-CSF stimulation is not. Trials are underway with medication to either block the receptors or antibody medication that combines with the free floating GM-CSF in the blood stream so it is no longer available. (1)

This blockade can be achieved through antagonism of the GM-CSF receptor or the direct binding of circulating GM-CSF. Initial findings from patients with COVID-19 treated with a single intravenous dose of mavrilimumab, a monoclonal antibody binding GM-CSF receptor α, showed oxygenation improvement and shorter hospitalization. “

Targeting GM-CSF in COVID-19 Pneumonia: Rationale and Strategies…HO-1-dependent heme catabolism, regulates GM-CSF synthesis in human airway..”

PPAR-gamma activation helped autoimmune PAP. (Vis, Kelly, De Heuvel, MacEachern, 2020) (CTG Labs/NCTO3231033) See Figure 3, the PPAR alpha, beta/delta, and gamma activate different functions in normal health. Figure 5 shows natural and synthetic ligands of the PPAR receptors, (Grygiel-Gorniak, 2014), but fails to include 9-cis-Retinoic Acid. It was found that both a synthetic and a natural agonist of PPAR gamma only had the desired anti-inflammatory effect when 9-cis-Retinoic acid was also present. (Worley, et al., 2003)

Use of a retinoid medication for a type of leukemia can cause an adverse reaction syndrome that include “ground glass lung” scans.  (Weerakkody, et al, 2012)  See this post for more info and the full citation: microRNA, elevated homocysteine and is there a role for excess Retinoic Acid? ( I think there is a role for excess active retinoids in COVID19 and hyperinflammation that seems to be related to the “ground glass lung” scans – fluid filled alveoli – patients drowning in their own body fluids.

We would need to find out if there is an aberrant form of the HO-1 enzyme containing glyphosate in its amino acid construction, that is functional in some new aberrant way, possibly promoting too much GM-CSF – causing a change in the function rather than just making it dysfunctional.

Regulation of IL-1 beta-induced GM-CSF production in human airway smooth muscle cells by CO [Carbon monoxide] — retracted article – need to rethink/read more, * “The American Physiological Society is retracting this article due to inclusion of data in Figure 4A that were published previously in Figures 5 and 6 of the article “Carbon Monoxide Inhibits Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation via Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathway” (https:// and represent different results. Due to the length of time since initial publication, the authors were unable to provide original captures for these experiments to resolve the concerns.” (Retraction statement) **So, ignore Figure 4A.

Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

Reference List

  1. Bonaventura A, Vecchié A, Wang TS, et al. Targeting GM-CSF in COVID-19 Pneumonia: Rationale and Strategies. Front Immunol. 2020;11:1625. Published 2020 Jul 3. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2020.01625
  2. Borie R, Danel C, Debray M-P, et al., Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. European Respiratory Review 2011 20: 98-107; DOI: 10.1183/09059180.00001311
  3. Julián Fernández-Martín, Pérez-Álvarez Roberto and Lamas-Barreiro José María, COVID-19: An Acute Secondary Interferonophaty? The Mirror of Autoinflammatory Syndromes. Arch of Immunology, Vol 2, Issue 1, DOI: 10.36959/885/368
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  7. Xiao Mei Wang, Hong Pyo Kim, Kiichi Nakahira, Stefan W. Ryter and Augustine M. K. Choi, The Heme Oxygenase-1/Carbon Monoxide Pathway Suppresses TLR4 Signaling by Regulating the Interaction of TLR4 with Caveolin-1. J Immunol March 15, 2009, 182 (6) 3809-3818; DOI:
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  10. Francisco Navarrete, María Salud García-Gutiérrez, Rosa Jurado-Barba, et al., Endocannabinoid System Components as Potential Biomarkers in Psychiatry. Front. Psychiatry, 27 April 2020 |
  11. Erukainure OL, Matsabisa MG, Salau VF, Islam MS. Tetrahydrocannabinol-Rich Extracts From Cannabis Sativa L. Improve Glucose Consumption and Modulate Metabolic Complications Linked to Neurodegenerative Diseases in Isolated Rat Brains. Front Pharmacol. 2020;11:592981. Published 2020 Nov 24. doi:10.3389/fphar.2020.592981
  12. CK Eternity, Melatonin: the master antioxidant. August 9, 2020,,
  13. Yingying Lu,Baixia Hao,Richard Graeff &Jianbo Yue, NAADP/TPC2/Ca2+ Signaling Inhibits Autophagy.
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  16. Tweet Thread
  18. / pdf