Spike summary spreadsheet; telomerase, Circadian cycle & Nrf2

The spike protein may be rapidly increasing aging by affecting the length of telomerase, a topic discussed in a previous post with potential dietary/phytonutrient aids. EGCG and other nutrients that promote the Nrf2 gene or protein have protective effects growth and repair and immune function. In the process of reorganizing the Spike protein Risks & Aids – Summary List into a spreadsheet,* a pattern emerged in the various phytonutrient and other aids – they promote Nrf2 and inhibit NFkB along with the rest of the circadian cycle promoting lifestyle factors.

  • *Spike protein Risks & Aids – Summary List into a spreadsheet, * To read each box of the table click on the box and a drop down window should appear with all the text whether brief or a long list of references.
  • The vitamins, minerals, and TMG & DMG, have dosing details listed now on a new page of my jenniferdepew.com/nutrients site with dosing ranges and links for food sources and more info if interested.
  • I will add another page for the phytonutrients, antioxidants, and cofactors, or maybe a few pages. goals
  • Various covid19 protocols are listed on this site: https://c19protocols.com/author/c19prot/

*Addition – 8/30/2021 article about the senescence effect of the spike protein: Le SARS-COV2 accélérerait l’âge biologiqueSARS-COV2 would accelerate biological age, (FranceSoir), translated from French, written by a group that includes Nobel Prize winning scientist Luc Montagnie, (2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine) and Walter Chesnut whose work is included in earlier posts on this site; Xavier Azalbert, Anne-Typhaine Bouthors, Michel Brack, Dominique Cerdan, Walter Chesnut, Gérard Guillaume, Jean-François Lesgards, Luc Montagnier, Jean-Claude Perez for FranceSoir.


Modern life seems to be the underlying theme of what is a risk factor and what might help – return to more ancient darkness for sleep, get full spectrum light with UV for 15-30 minutes per day, in the morning hours of your day may be ideal. Adequate iodine and magnesium is needed to help the body not have a calcified pineal gland and the pineal gland is needed to make melatonin. Melatonin is needed for immune function and has a role in energy production and inflammation removal involving niacin and the Citric Acid Cycle. Melatonin can be taken as a supplement however, then your body may be even less likely to make its own – working on improving pineal health and nighttime darkness (eye mask if need be, but covering the skin is needed too, we can sense light with photosensitive skin receptors).

Metabolic Syndrome involves magnesium deficiency, which increases hypertension and insulin resistance. The Citric Acid Cycle uses glucose to provide ATP for cellular energy or to be released as heat by a special type of adipose tissue called brown fat. People living in cold climates who spend time in the cold tend to have larger amounts of brown fat then people living in warm climates. The niacin receptor is involved in ‘uncoupling’ the Citric Acid Cycle from producing ATP as energy storage units and instead releasing it directly as warmth. The heat and reddening of the skin during a niacin flush is an example of the release of energy as heat.

There are many cofactors necessary for the Citric Acid Cycle, the chemical pathways used by mitochondria for the release of energy from glucose. The cofactors almost all also are promoters of the anti-inflammatory Nrf2 pathways, although the levels of a few minerals are regulated by Nrf2. Excess copper or iron can be inflammatory. So making sure the diet has plenty of the food sources or supplements of all the various cofactors is helping the body remove inflammation directly within mitochondria to be released as a little extra warmth, and also to produce energy for cellular use, and your thinking and daily activity.

It may also be protective during times of infection to have adequate Nrf2 and Citric Acid Cycle capacity, and also adequate uncoupling capacity: adequate niacin and/or butyrate to activate the GP109 receptors that are involved in the mitochondrial energy uncoupling, so the excess energy from oxidative stress chemicals or free iron, can be released as fairly harmless heat instead of transferred to ATP molecules. The heat during a fever is from a different cause than the temporary warmth experienced after taking a high dose of niacin – which gets milder after having been using it for a while, and is milder when there is adequate melatonin present.

About the spreadsheet & reading it – the organization style.

This is the very initial stage of writing, and many of the references are new additions. I am sharing it early because it may help people and: Pain hurts, health is better, and health is worth some effort, even a lot of effort.

The spreadsheet has categories of What? is the problem, symptom, negative effect of the spike protein, in rows. Each category often had more than one and sometimes many aids that might help or be a negative factor, so the spreadsheet is extended into many columns so each aid or lifestyle factor could have its own individual column. The columns have an ‘x‘ for the category if it is an aid and there may be a note if the item is otherwise affected by the category. Some aids may help many types of problems, inflammation and direct anti-viral for example, so there would be an ‘x‘ in the inflammation category and an anti-viral category. Each box in the columns has references about that aid and how it relates to the category. Eventually this will be useful for writing an organized reference list and document or app of some sort.

Yes this is complex, not just one or two supplements to take – breaking news – life is a miracle, it is amazing that any of us function at all. Given that, we do know a lot about what might help prevent illness or chronic degeneration, if we are allowed to put it into individual self care practice. Individualized care means – Pay attention to what seems to help and stick with that, possibly with breaks occasionally or rotating things over days, weeks or months, in season or what seems particularly good at that time.

Rotating favorites can be protective, or herbal supplements too maybe. Sensitivities to foods or substances are more likely to occur with something eaten every single day or very often. On average wheat and corn, eggs and dairy are in foods commonly eaten at every meal.

Other nutrient supplements are needed daily because they are water soluble. Some are found in many common foods and generally are rarely deficient – except during times of severe malnutrition or infection – thiamine, B1, is one of those. Vitamin C needs are also incredibly increased during severe infection or inflammation, in part because our own production of antioxidants is reduced, we normally make far more than we would ever get from a vitamin C food or capsule (equivalent to 300 orange’s worth of vitamin C, approximately per day for normal health, but glutathione and other antioxidants).

The B vitamins and C are water soluble and magnesium is readily lost in sweat and urine so we need that daily similarly to potassium and sodium, like an electrolyte – to help maintain good fluid balance. We also need calcium regularly but the bones are storage account for both magnesium and calcium so an acute or chronic deficiency is less obvious than for sodium and potassium. Very acute magnesium deficiency can occur during strenuous exercise on a hot day, and cause death from a stroke. Ischemic stroke led to death due to any reason more often in hospitalized patients with lower magnesium levels, than for those with higher levels. (ref)

Via @DGrouf Dr Grouf

Early or preventive treatment for viral infection, per Dr. Grouf.

via Dmitry Katz, PhD: Niacin, NA, within a cell, graphic. The green oval is an endolysosome, (hopefully removing spike protein), and it is complex… :-)

Niacin helps with endolysomes which are like grocery or garbage sacks for engulfing cellular debris or pathogens to be processed into usable nutrients or waste removal. (Reference needed) via https://twitter.com/SantaKlauSchwab/status/1376187499584704513?s=19

Protocol by Dmitry Katz, PhD focuses on melatonin and recommends a high dose of it. There may be a risk that a person starts making less of their own. Focu

Also using blackout curtains at night with no little lights or alarm clock, or using an eyemask during sleep can help us make our own melatonin. Supplements might be useful if there was a lack of sleep night. The melatonin helps the niacin flush reaction be milder. I have found high dose niacin helpful, see an earlier post https://transcendingsquare.com/2021/01/22/niacin-early-treatment-in-general-for-sars-cov-2-is-sensible-reduces-hospitalization-and-mortality-rate/ for more information, and some precautions.

Niatonin Protocol by Dmitry Katz, PhD, *His website: niacincurescovid.com.

How to get started on the niacin part of the protocol and cautions about potential side effects and medications that may increase risk of side effects is available in this post: Niacin, & early treatment in general for SARS-CoV-2 is sensible, reduces hospitalization and mortality rate. Jan 22, 2021.

Disclaimer: Information shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use. It is not intended as individual health guidance, please see a health care professional for individualized guidance. ‘Functional medicine’ practitioners work to restore normal function, nutritional adequacy and modify other lifestyle factors that might be part of a health problem.

Reference List

  1. You S, Zhong C, Du H, Zhang Y, Zheng D, Wang X, Qiu C, Zhao H, Cao Y, Liu C, -F: Admission Low Magnesium Level Is Associated with In-Hospital Mortality in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients. Cerebrovasc Dis 2017;44:35-42. doi: 10.1159/000471858 https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/471858

Short list Dosing details – ranges with selfcare guidance.

Yes, even my short lists are too long – health is complicated. Zero cells of the body are made out of medicine – all of them are made out of nutrients, and may also contain toxins or medications that haven’t been excreted by the body.

Evidence-based medicine” has been proven to be an unreliable mix of real science, real results, real effort to find truth, and corporate funded “ghostwritten” work that is basically product advertisement written by a company with the name of a scientist who was paid to have their name used. See: Perspectives on the Pandemic | “The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine” | Episode 13 Remastered, Leemon McHenry, PhD. March 9, 2021, (youtube)

Another video to watch – the Spike protein itself is a toxin and damages mitochondria, (~6:00 minutes), which are the energy producers for cells. Ryan Cole MD (https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/videos/summit-sessions-the-science-ryan-cole-md-covid-19-vaccines-autopsy/)

Short list – is a list of things to prioritize for self care – which simply means, taking good care of yourself, not a day at a spa to get toxic chemicals applied to your fingernails, that is something else.

Ordering these is a little arbitrary:

  1. Protein – nothing else works in the body without adequate protein with all the needed amino acids. Metabolic differences may interfere with digestion and supplements of specific amino acids may be needed.
  2. Water – we are a watery life form, 60-70%. To work right, we also need all the electrolytes including magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chloride; and we need them in balance with each other. And we need movement, regular rhythmic movement of the whole body, full range of motion, to help move fluid through the capillaries, lymphatic vessels and be detoxified by lymph nodes and the kidneys. And we need good quality sleep, with blackout curtains or eye-mask during sleep, in cool conditions, to help promote optimal brain detoxing. At night our brain activity slows and the tissue literally shrinks in size so there is more fluid movement around the brain within the glymphatic system. The blackout curtain conditions helps promote better melatonin production which has anti-inflammatory and immune benefits.
  3. Stop eating/breathing/drinking toxins – this is a bigger point in modern life than people or corporations care to admit. Even the supplements that you buy thinking they will help, may be made with a capsule or other additive ingredient that is itself a source of inflammation or a potential toxin.
    1. Commercially grown foods or ingredients have agricultural chemical residue in greater amounts than food grown to ‘organic’ standards. Glyphosate may be a significant risk to vitamin D and mineral status and a couple amino acids. It is a mineral chelator and antibiotic by disrupting a pathway that also is involved in amino acid digestion. Glyphosate may be inhibiting enzymes involved in vitamin D metabolism and causing widespread low levels of vitamin D in populations that have plenty of vitamin D in many foods.
    2. Subclinical hypothyroidism seems common. Iodine intake may be too low in comparison to the amount of goitrogens in the diet or medications or water, (potassium bromide as an anti-caking agent in flour, fluoride and bromide is in many medications, and fluoride is in water, perchlorates as an environmental toxin is also a halide risk. Iodine is a larger atom of a similar chemical type, halides, as bromide, chloride, and fluoride. The body may put at atom of one of those three in place of iodine in a larger molecule such as the thyroid hormone, but then the molecule is dysfunctional, though lab tests might indicate ‘normal’ levels.
    3. Smog, air pollution, third-hand smokeformaldehyde and other lingering toxins from secondhand smoke. Simply poor ventilation also is unhealthy, and if humid, mold may cause significant health problems. Keep air moving, keep air fresh. Some models of air cleaners use a UV light attachment to kill mold and other pathogens.
  4. Eat more healthy foods, that don’t inflame your particular body chemistry – this may be something brand new to people or an immediate, “okay, got it.” If feeling very unwell with mystery symptoms, an elimination diet can help identify whether foods are a factor. Eliminate everything except a list of odd foods that are least allergy prone, and most people don’t eat that often anyway – eat that for about three weeks – give the intestines a chance to heal (takes a week at least), and try to get to a baseline of “I feel better” – then gradually add back one food (or sometimes a group) for a few days and see if the “I feel better” gets worse again, if not, continue with that added food and add another one, wait a few days…if okay add another one, wait… etc – that is slow but it can work in a very individual way that lab tests can’t. Lab tests are about ranges based on group averages. No one person is a group average.
  5. Nutrient and herbal supplements can help too, but nutrient dense food is the priority step. One nutrient can’t do much all on its own. The nutrients to focus on – for the mitochondria to perform the Citric Acid Cycle to burn sugar aerobically, with oxygen – include:
    1. B vitamins: B1 (Thiamin) (3) , B2 (Riboflavin) (4), B3 (Niacin) (810), B5 (Pantothenic acid) (5), B6 (Pyridoxine) (67), B7 (Biotin), B9 (Folate) (9),
    2. Minerals (17): Mg++ (Magnesium) (111213), Mn++ (Manganese), K+ (Potassium) (13), Zinc (1415), Iron (16), Copper, Sulfate,
    3. Amino acids: Carnitine (derived from lysine), Cysteine,
    4. Antioxidants: CoQ10, Glutathione, Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA).
    5. Based on a graphic by Dmitry Katz PhD, see post for image: Niacin may help reduce chronic migraines.
    6. *Some of the reference links are to posts with food and supplement info about the nutrient or cofactor molecule.

Those are nice start, but there are more nutrients that are important too, and the question of dose to take treads dangerously closely to the mindset that “If I take this pill, then I will be better.” – and then that simple idea doesn’t work, of course, and the person gives up on ‘nutrition’.

Are you drinking enough water? Any water? How is your sleep? Stress level on maximal? Do you eat protein foods? vegetables? Daily? — people really don’t eat ‘normally’ far more often than realized. Or ‘normal’ is not that healthy…

Some guidance for dosing details is possible, but ranges are better for open-ended education: What amount is safe? What amount is typically taken for research shown benefits, and it that the amount that is typically available or do I need to look for a bulk supplement and use a spoonful? What is recommended regarding gradual increase, or gradual withdrawal? Herbal supplements and nutrients in high doses can act in medicinal ways – cause a positive and/or negative medical effect within the body that presents as a symptom in some form, mood or physical changes.

Those are the questions that I try to answer in educational guidance that I provide – with the disclaimer to seek individualized health care professionals for individualized guidance.

Food serving guidance is also of value.

  • Nutritional yeast flakes or deactivated baking yeast sold as a supplement powder can provide a day’s goal of many B vitamins, some amino acids, nucleotides, and beta-glucan which is a protective type of fiber/starch — in just two teaspoons.
  • 1/3 cup of mushrooms would provide a similar amount of beta-glucan. Supplements of it may be available as a 500 mg capsule.
  • Meats, shellfish, dairy products also provide nucleotides. Shellfish are a good source of many trace minerals.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids are found in fatty fish, fish oil, krill oil and algae sourced oil. 300 mg DHA/EPA to1500 mg (depression research) may be beneficial. Excess intake may cause too easy bruising or bleeding problems to occur, vitamin E, ginger, and some other herbals may add to a risk of anti-coagulation – bleeding instead of clotting. Lack of vitamin K would increase risk of bleeding, occurring within the brain or intestines most commonly – so a silent problem adding to risk of brain inflammation from microbleeds.
  • Green leafy veggies – provide vitamin K, trace minerals, sulfur phytonutrients, fiber for our microbiome – who we want helping us as symbionts on our team, instead of pathogens adding to an inflammatory condition. *I literally do try to have a salad everyday, or kale in soup, or spoonfuls of dried basil, tarragon, oregano, cilantro if fresh veg isn’t available.

Dosing – how much may vary with how sick or well you are.

With an Elimination diet, the foods that were still a problem during initial healing may become more tolerable again once you have been healthy for a while. The healed intestinal lining is also less likely to allow allergenic particles to enter the body. Rotating questionable foods you eat over a four day cycle, roughly, can reduce risk of a food sensitivity reoccurring. Things we eat every single day, forever…, are more likely to become an allergen or autoimmune risk.

Picky eater test for parents – Does your child [or you…] eat more than 15 different foods regularly? Toast, saltine crackers, Wheaties, pasta, pizza crust, waffle, Cream of Wheat – all equal “1” – wheat. Spaghetti sauce, salsa, tomato slices – all equal “1” – tomatoes. The oregano, basil, onion, garlic, cilantro, lime, would be an additional six foods. Herbs and spices do have similar but also variable phytonutrient content and can add to your daily intake when used generously. Cardamom may have particular health benefits in a few ways and is similar to cinnamon without a same headache risk (cinnamaldehyde triggers TRP channels and can be a migraine trigger).

Autoimmune conditions may improve, however foods that are avoided because of autoimmune molecular mimicry (gluten/thyroid hormone) would have to be continued to be avoided for life. Memory immune cells to the gluten/thyroid hormone exist once the autoimmune condition occurred. Strictly avoiding the food/ingredient for six months can get the active antibodies to go away (naturally occurs), but any little taste or serving again can cause a reactivation of the memory cell and production of a bunch of new antibodies against gluten/thyroid hormone – which you don’t want, trust me on that ;-)

This is what I got so far re dosing details – the middle still needs to be completed (8-12-2021), I have been working on the document version, Spike Protein Risks & Aids – Summary List, rather than the blogpost version:

Short list-Dosing and other details:

  • Beta-glucan~ supplement as a powder, likely least expensive what to supplement with beta-glucan, example: (134). A teaspoon of a powder is roughly five grams, 5000 milligrams. An eighth teaspoon would be roughly 625 milligrams.; Medical research has used 100-500 mg of beta-glucan for immune support research and 3 grams for cholesterol reduction. (41) In mushroom equivalents? – 0.21 – 0.53 grams per 100 grams of mushrooms (42) 1/3 cup mushrooms would be about 100-150 grams. Medicinal mushrooms may have more benefits than standard mushrooms and tend to be what research uses as the experimental substance, however they all have similar starch content; or 2 teaspoons Nutritional yeast flakes ~ 2 grams beta-glucan and alpha-mannan, also beneficial –
  • Nutritional Yeast Flakes also provide Nucleotides which plus NAG, n-acetylglucosamine may help us make more sialic acid, needed particularly for platelets and the intestinal lining, but also throughout the body. 
    • N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) is a specific form of glucosamine and more standardly available glucosamine supplements would not be the same. Example of a bulk powder available: (135). 
    • N-Acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), 2-acetamino-2-deoxy-β-d-glucose or 2-(acetylamino)-2-deoxy-d-glucose, is a monosaccharide derivative of glucose and is widely distributed worldwide.” […] “In plants, GlcNAc has been found in bromelain, ricin agglutinin* [*castor beans, also the source of ricin toxin] and abrus agglutinin** [7,3537]. In humans, GlcNAc is frequently observed in glycoproteins, such as tissue plasminogen activator [38]. It is also detected in mammalian growth factors and hormones [35], including follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), human menopausal gonadotropin (hMP), pregnant mare serum gonadotropin, thyroid-stimulation hormone (TSH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).” (136)  
    • **Abrus agglutinin is from a medicinal plant used in India, and it may be helpful against cancer. (137)
  • Dandelion tea leaf/root; &/or Pine/evergreen needle tea (but not yew) 3 tablespoons of needles per cup, steep in hot but not boiling water (~175’F) for 20 minutes or overnight for a stronger tea. Fennel seed in the tea adds flavor and softens the seeds, and has health benefits, included later. Star Anise may have similar phytonutrient potential as the evergreen needles and a few pieces adds a nice flavor and sweetness.
    • Amount recommended: 2-3 cups per day, of either, having some of both if tolerated may be helpful, or alternate. Diuretic effect may occur, have earlier in the day and drink plenty of water to help it wash through, removing toxins! Diuretics can be helpful if not excessive. 
    • Signs of excessive acidity or tannins along with too little water, dehydration, may be an urge to urinate then only producing a small amount of urine that has a burning sensation. Drink more water, cut back on the diuretics.
  • NAC – glutathione precursor, 500-600 mg may be recommended preventatively, or higher doses may be given intravenously to hospitalized patients (112, 133), Vit. C, zinc, selenium, magnesium sulfate, sulfur rich foods, garlic, cruciferous, and glutathione rich foods: asparagus, okra, avocados, greens; whey protein for cysteine (caution glutamate source), Milk thistle, turmeric; sleep & exercise!
  • Glycine (DMG) (daily needs may be as much as 10 grams per day, I take about five grams, a teaspoon in water daily along with methionine, another amino acid I need due to a gene difference. It may also be helpful in a glyphosate rich world.; possibly heme-oxygenase-1, an anti-inflammatory enzyme that may be negatively affected by glyphosate residue in our food supply, along with tryptophan, manganese and other trace minerals (138); also taurine & serine, both are protective within the brain.
  • Niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, other B vitamins, D and/or sunshine. Trace minerals., boron, manganese, . . . except iron if elevated ferritin.
  • Quercetin, resveratrol, curcumin, artemisinin, Pomegranate peel & Goji berries (catechins/EGCG) – iron chelator and other benefits, lactoferrin – also an iron chelator. If excess ferritin/iron is a concern – which it tends to be with Spike issues, avoid high iron foods.
  • Bromelain – serratiopeptidase – clears mucus, protects blood vessels. I take a 500 mg capsule daily, and an extra one if I feel congested. Raw pineapple, including the core, is a natural source of bromelain. Thin slices of the core are edible, or could be blended into a smoothie mixture.
  • Acetaminophen, loratadine (anti-histamine).
  • Omega 3 fatty acids. 300-1500 mg several times per week or daily. Cut back if bruising tendency increases. Liquid fish, krill or algal oil is the easiest way to get the larger 1000-1500 mg dose.
  • Nicotine – patch lozenge, gum, may have fewer toxins and lung risks than smoking or vaping – the nicotine itself is still addictive but could help protect against spike issues affecting the nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors (nAChRs). I use a half a patch a day for gradual dosing equal to about a half a pack, (10.5 mg nicotine), plus occ bits of lozenge equalling .5-1 mg nicotine. To reduce addictive behavior risk I avoid using too much at once, nicotine & other drugs associated with addiction cause a dopamine surge that can be ‘fun’, but is like mania, really. Lobelia may be a non-addictive substitute that also protects the nAChRs.
  • If legal, THC products for anti-phospholipid issues.
  • Butyrate, Resistant Starches, Probiotic & Prebiotic foods – 2-5 grams per day butyrate may be the goal, based on what a healthy microbiome and resistant starch rich diet might provide. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs): 5-15% of our total calories and the epithelial cells lining our colon need even more – 60-70% or their energy use is from SCFAs. (123) How much resistant starch to eat? More probably, then we are eating on average. I try to have something with resistant starch everyday, sometimes more than once, maybe with every meal would be ideal – our colon cells like to eat all day long! Potato or pasta salad, polenta or chilled amaranth would provide resistant starch, and Bubble tea! More info: Resistant Starch/Butyrate.
    • Fennel seeds – available as a flour or the seeds are eaten like an after dinner mint in some cultures, a pinch or two (½-1 teaspoon) is chewy and flavorful, aids digestion and freshens breath while leaving a few seeds stuck in your teeth to enjoy later!
  • Detox aids: Bentonite clay (spoonful of a premade mix in glass of water – 15 ml hydrated Bentonite – Great Plains Bentonite Detox), and/or Activated Charcoal, (500 mg with meals – Natural Elements Activated Charcoal). – with meals or once or twice per day to help clear toxins in the GI tract. 

*addition “(It is important to note that a TMPRSS2 inhibitor is BROMEXINE).” – @BidoliNicola

Niacin dosing, and gradual increase to a high dose info is in this post, with graphics by Dmitry Katz, Ph.D: Niacin, & early treatment in general for SARS-CoV-2 is sensible, reduces hospitalization and mortality rate.

Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.