Magnesium- protects against vascular calcification

Summary – Calcification is damaging throughout the body, not just in the kidneys, and magnesium can help reverse calcification but intestinal absorption of the magnesium may be a problem, increased urinary or sweat losses may also be a problem, and/or low protein and low phospholipids in the diet or inability to make the chemicals endogenously …

Calcification of the pineal gland – some statistics and sleep habits

Calcification of the pineal gland was found to be less prevalent in a study collecting data on a group of people of black ethnicity. The following link and article suggest that black people genetically may be less at risk for calcification of the pineal gland.(The pineal gland is important because of hormones like melatonin that …

Calcification of soft tissue – hardening organs and softening bone

     Vascular calcification is better known as atherosclerosis. Cholesterol plaques in blood vessels are generally a mixture of calcium with the fat. Calcification also occurs in arthritis as bone spurs and calcium can collect in organs and glands and impair their function. The pineal gland is very tiny and located within the brain. It …