In the last post I stated my long term goal regarding phospholipids and infant or adult complete diet formulas in simplified terms. The primary complicating factor is the limits that are placed on cannabinoids by the U.S. rating of cannabis/marijuana as a plant with no medical value. As a Schedule 1 controlled substance research is only allowed to be performed regarding toxic or addictive aspects of the plant or substance. Many groups including physician groups have stated that the underlying premise that there is no medical value for cannabis/marijuana is wrong. Phospholipids form one part of the more complex group of molecules called cannabinoids and cannabinoids are found in every cell of the body and in most species of animals and many plants and even a few types of insects. The group of chemicals form a flexible part of cell membranes and also act as messenger chemicals that are important in immunity, appetite control and mood to name a few roles. For infants the nutrients are found in a well nourished woman’s breast milk and it helps promote a good appetite and weight gain for the baby. A chronically ill, elderly, or genetically not average person might also need a dietary source of phospholipids or cannabinoids.
So having a goal of establishing an additional ingredient for infant or adult formula is simplifying the need to have the same group of molecules stated to be of medical value within the controlled substance regulations of the U.S. and other countries. Mexico has changed regulations to state medical value so advances in infant and adult formulas with research to show safety and effectiveness might start there unless or until the U.S. companies work with the simpler phospholipids or the Schedule 1 regulation is changed for cannabis/marijuana at the Federal level.
Disclosure: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health care guidance. Please seek an individual health care provider for individualized health care guidance.