In celebration of freedom and equality for all communities across the country today celebrates the birth of Martin Luther King Jr. . He spoke about the need for income equality to exist for true equality for minority groups to be likely. Civil rights are about the right to vote and be represented equally in government.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Martin Luther King Jr., Sculpture from the Remember Them Monuments at the Henry J Kaiser Memorial Park, See:
Education about our rights and about government is necessary to be able to recognize when civil rights abuses are occurring. Lesson plans and activities for students or other learners are available on the website i
It is the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr’s death, may he rest in peace. My dream is simple – promoting an equal opportunity for all of us to life, liberty, and the ability to pursue happiness. During my fifteen years working with families it became clear over the years that a larger percentage of parents and their children were having to cope with more severe health issues, both acute, short-term, and chronic, long-term, health issues whether due to infection, cancer, autoimmune, or other illnesses, or birth defects or issues related to being born prematurely.
My own health has always been not great or at least not as good as what seemed normal for my peer group, from childhood, so I have always valued health and knew that you can’t just get it back from a prescription or visit to the doctor’s office. So sharing health information with others has always been important to me and I appreciated my job for both the opportunity to share with others but also to learn from others about the strategies that helped them or their families to cope with I’ll health or to maintain good health – and I passed forward the helpful advice when it was confirmed in research fact checking and seemed appropriate to share.
In more recent years my health has improved in some ways but overall the diagnosis that I received is not good. A few year’s ago this was made clear to me when a life insurance agent quoted a policy for me based on their estimate for my expected lifespan at 62 years old. This year I turned 52 , so any hope I have to share health information needs to be based on that ten year estimate, while I am also working on beating those odds. I didn’t buy the policy but in my family living to 80 or 90 or 104 is the norm. Only one of my grandparents passed away in their 50s or 60s. So my work on healthy bean soup or healthy cookies is for my own health and I share the information in case it might be helpful for other’s use in their equal opportunity pursuit of life, library and happiness. We don’t all have equal opportunities to clean air, water, and adequate food, and increased stress levels can also make maintaining health more difficult so any help I received is greatly appreciated and thanks is inadequate. The ten year plan is flexible, I do what I can as I learn and have time and resources to share information, and the age 62 estimate is based on standard medical care. I have already done better than standard with my dietary approach to health as I only needed less than two months supply of the potentially livet damaging medication that is one of the standard ones prescribed for my diagnosis. I’ve been in remission ever since – but with a few additional health issues that I’ve coped with and a significantly restricted diet from typical. So easy would not be a good description but worth it would be.
Hopefully my flexible ten year plan will extend into a twenty year plan, and a thirty, forty, and fifty year plan, and maybe I will dance at my hundred year birthday like my grandmother, but maybe isn’t as solid as today- today I take care of my health and I wish condolences to the surviving family and friends of Martin Luther King Jr.. He did get the opportunity to dance at his hundredth birthday but maybe some of his family dance at their own in his memory.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. – Martin Luther King, Jr..
Disclosure: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use. While I am a Registered Dietitian it is not intended to provide individualized health care guidance. Please seek an individual health care professional for individualized health care guidance. Thanks.
A memorial sculpture park was created after 9/11 by Mario Chiodo to remind us of the words and vision of peace shared by 25 great healers, leaders, writers, artists, activists from around the world. The Henry J. Kaiser Memorial Park is a sculpture park in Oakland, California includes four large works that combine words and images of the 25 leaders with 14 additional local activists including Henry J. Kaiser, founder of Kaiser Institute and Kaiser Permanente, and a fireman is included to represent the workers and others who lost their lives on 9/11/2001. The 25 heroes are also portrayed individually with one of their quotes in two rows of smaller brass sculptures and plaques.
The tragic events of September 11, 2001, compelled Mario Chiodo to create the Remember Them monument. Embedded deep within the foundation is an original steel fragment from the New York World Trade Center. A sculpted replica of the fragment is shown above. It is Mario’s hope to inspire the world to work together to turn tragedy into peace.
Remember Them: Champions for Humanity
The tragic events of September 11, 2001, compelled Mario Chioda to create the Remember Them monument. Embedded deep within its foundation is an original steel fragment from the New York World Trade Center. A sculpted replica of the fragment is shown above. It is Mario’s hope to inspire the world to work together to turn tragedy into peace.
This site is a celebration of 25 healing people – 25 very real people who made real choices in the real world to make the world better and healthier – and the world is better because these 25 people did what they did with their lives. They are all heroes. – George C. Halvorson, Kaiser Permanente Chairman & CEO 2002-2013
Kaiser Permanente
City of Oakland – Honoring diversity and humanity since 1852.
Heroes on this monument are the children of yesterday and we honor them. You might be the hero of tomorrow. How can you give of yourself to deliver peace, understanding, hope, and forgiveness to improve our global community? Are you the girl, boy, man, or woman who will change the course of our future? – Bernard J. Tyson, Kaiser Permanente Chairman and CEO, 2013-
In every human being there is the spark of God . . . Realizing and practicing this belief is an essential foundation, the role that every one of us has in dealing with each other. – Henry J. Kaiser, 1882-1967, Chairman of Kaiser Industries and Founder of Kaiser Permanente
Henry J. Kaiser
The concept of medical care as a right is an excellent principle that both the public and the medical world have now accepted. – Sidney R. Garfield, MD, 1906-1954, Founding Physician, Kaiser Permanente
The Path to Peace.
Every act of love is a work of peace, no matter how small. – Mother Teresa
More than an end to war, we want an end to the beginnings of all wars. – Franklin Delano Roosevelt
You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be a at peace unless he has freedom. – Malcolm X
Humankind will not recover from its mistakes without global education. – Rigoberta Menchu
Hope will never be silent. – Harvey Milk
Only equals make friends. – Maya Angelou
If we forget, we are guilty, we are accomplices. – Elie Wiesel
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. – Nelson Mandela
Treat all men alike. Give them a chance to live and grow. – Chief Joseph
When any person suffers for someone in greater need that person is a human. – Cesar Chavez
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. – Mahatma Gandhi
I believe there is only one race – the human race. – Rosa Parks
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Knowledge is love and light and vision. – Helen Keller
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally. – Abraham Lincoln
Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated. – Coretta Scott King
To work for peace is to be peace in every breath, every step, and every action. – Thich Nhat Hanh
The true republic: Men, their rights and nothing more; Women, their rights and nothing less. – Susan B. Anthony
Let us keep love in our hearts but fight until the walls of segregation crumble. – Ralph David Abernathy
Contrary to what certain governments say, human rights are universal. – Shirin Ebadi
We all dream of freedom in the same way. – Wei Jing Sheng
Each and every one of us is born with a clean heart . . . we know nothing about hate or racism. – Ruby Bridges
Never, never, never give up. – Winston Churchill
The soul that is within me no man can degrade. – Frederick Douglass
I am the conscience of all those who knew something – but did nothing. – Oskar Schindler
Remember Them – by Mario Chiodo
Remember Them – by Mario Chiodo
Remember them when you walk with freedom.
Remember them when you think of liberty.
Remember them when your children get on the school bus.
Remember them while you sleep without fear.
Remember them when you are hungry or lonely.
Remember them when you thirst for knowledge.
Remember them when you cannot see the light or hear the birds sing.
Remember them when you are lost and need hope.
Remember them when others say “You cannot . . .”
Remember them when you know you can.
Remember them when it is difficult to see the good.
Remember them when those less fortunate come your way.
Remember them when someone is unkind.
Remember them – forgive and be compassionate.
Remember them when you see injustices.
Remember them and know your voice can be heard.
Remember them and stand up for what is right.
Remember them and know that we are all equal.
Remember them and know that our children become what they see.
Remember them and know that your actions determine history.
Remember them and know that obstacles are opportunities.
Remember them and know the greatest success often comes from failure.
Remember them and know you have so much to give.
Remember them and walk the path of peace.
Remember them and never give up.
Remember them and reach for the stars.
Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.