The funeral director, John O’Looney, shared in an earlier video that he had been asked to change his normal routine during the early pandemic for news footage – it made it seem worse than reality. Masking and biohazard gear was also used that he wouldn’t normally use. Later he realized how the fear building was set up and that it didn’t match what he was seeing in his funeral business.
More recently he did see a large increase in deaths and that is has been in people who were CoV vaccinated.
He stresses that there have been no deaths of children due to CoV infection, so, no need for an experimental treatment to protect them, yet – expect that the talk of ‘variants’ is likely going to be used to explain an increase in deaths this winter, after more children receive the CoV injections. (~ 21:00 minutes) Deaths have been mislabeled as Covid19, Mr. O’Looney gives several stories and said that he is also in communication with other funeral directors and is sharing an overview.
These graphs of death rates, are related in topic, but are not directly about the video above.

Beautiful bonus just for pretty –
focus on what is good and work to change what can be changed.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.