My Presidential Platform is a plan to turn that “E” for Health and Wellness from a failing grade into an E for excellance.
- Effective Health Care – a preventative healthcare, not-for profit single payer system.
- Economy & more Green Jobs.
- Environment & more Green Jobs.
- End the War on Peace.
- End Citizens United & reform campaign finance and voting transparency laws
- Education — Repeal or rewrite the No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top policies to create a public education system that promotes helping the child to maximize their own potential – whatever it is. — Require all under graduate education providers to teach evolution and a science based curriculum. — Reduce college tuition loan rates and work towards restoring public education subsidies for in state college tuition.
The Supreme Court Decision in the Citizens United case allowed nearly unlimited donations to flood elections throughout the nation without heeding state or local boundaries. Judicial elections have also been affected by increased donations or campaigning by PACs. Ending the Citizens United decision that created corporate personhood and allowed businesses to donate to political organizations would be the right thing to do because corporations aren’t citizens and don’t have the right to vote and therefore shouldn’t be allowed to donate to elections whether they are ‘people’ or not. I also don’t think nine humans should be allowed to create a new class of ‘people’ – but that isn’t up to me, so I’ll stick with the fact that corporations certainly aren’t citizens and they don’t have the right to vote.
Getting big money out of elections might help get more citizens elected who would be invested in helping create a sustainable government that supports a healthier environment and viable economy for current citizens and for the future rather than invested in lobbyist’s goals and prewritten bills. Reducing influence of money and lobbyinsts could help effective health care by reducing risk of laws being influenced by profit goals rather than health goals.
Voting and election rules also need to be strengthened. Gerrymandered districts should be redrawn and prevented in the future. Voting by absentee ballot rules should be made simpler for working people or a national holiday should be scheduled in support of getting more voters out to vote. Transparency of electronic voting systems should be required in order to reduce the risk of voting machines being able to be hacked or otherwise tampered with.
Providing government and nonpartison funded forums for campaigns and restricting commercial advertising by campaigns could bypass the issue of money in elections by reducing the cost of campaigns. Less expensive campaign costs could allow a wider variety of candidates to run and provide a more fair representation of the voters.
To be con’t.
Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.