A Table – Nutrients depleted by psych meds and risk factors for schizophrenia.

My latest work is on SubStack but I am going to start copying it here too. This post is about a series I have been working on regarding underlying risk factors about schizophrenia.

  • This post is the beginning of the series about my proposed clinical trial: Schizophrenia risk factors may also be Alzheimer’s risk factors; Experimental design and variables. (substack.1).
  • This prior post discusses the issue of harm from psychiatric and other medications and has some resources. Another oversite: #21 – psych med use (substack.3).
  • And this one is related: #22 – Psychosomatic symptoms, Childhood ACE score (adverse factors). (substack.2) – The nutshell – psychosomatic symptoms may also be a problem but the overlap with schizophrenia is not significant, suggesting there is a biological basis to schizophrenia.

The second two were later in the series and are pertinent to the Table discussed below:

Since imagining a Table is not as easy as viewing a Table – a link. /*I didn’t imagine that the link wouldn’t work on my phone. (pdf in my Dropbox link)/ Verbal synopsis – a dozen medications commonly used in psychiatric care are listed with nutrients that may become depleted with ongoing use of the medication. The list of nutrients includes 23 items and there was a significant overlap with the potential causal factors I had identified regarding schizophrenia (this series: substack.1) – so I added another column to the medication Table.

The list of schizophrenia risk factors also had matched the previous list I had made for mitochondrial support. Comparing datasets can help show overlap or lack – these are different topics. Sadly, the list of nutrients depleted by psychiatric medications, the list of schizophrenia risk factors, and the list of mitochondrial support nutrients all match. That is some unhealthy math. Mitochondrial dysfunction and quantum biology disruption are likely leading people with less severe mental health problems into more severe schizophrenia and later Alzheimer’s could be the risk if the chronic nutrient deficiencies remain a problem.

Tables help us see patterns in a large amount of data and can help compare similar data sets.

  • The medication data is from the book; Antidepressants, Antipsychotics and Stimulants, by Dr. David W. Tanton, Ph.D. (2006), and is as accurate as his work was at the time.

It makes it clear though, why people who are put on psychiatric medications tend to worsen more than people who aren’t started on meds for mild depression or anxiety. It also makes it clear why quality of life for patients with schizophrenia is now worse than it was 100 years ago. The focus of care at that time was simply stabilizing healthy diet and life routines, in a care facility setting perhaps, but just care, not medications.

A healthy diet can restore physical and mental health in many cases, but it may take work to figure out what individually is healthy versus adding to inflammatory problems.

Good health is visible:

Health shows up in healthy skin and hair. Good hair day selfie, Oct. 2, 2022

And an Excerpt from my really not finished draft, about one of the other Tables viewable at the link. The paper still needs a lot of work and removing opinion excet from the Discussion section.


Pain is a signal from our body that we are doing something wrong. Pain medications to block or desensitize pain is leaving the body vulnerable to ongoing damage. Identifying the causes of pain and removing them, reduces both the pain and risk of chronic damage from inflammation. Table 10 is a snapshot of a much larger database that physicians and patients need to have created, to more easily identify triggers of inflammation in both diet and lifestyle.

Table 10 has a focus on TRP channel activators for this article about nociceptive pain, as TRP channels are so closely involved with pain signaling and the topic is new from a therapeutic diet perspective.

Hot pepper, black pepper, horseradish, ginger, turmeric, mustard, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, mint, and vanilla are TRP activators. Good in moderation, painful in excess. Migraine inducing or colitis flaring for hypersensitive patients.

Vanilla is calming. The TRPV1 channels can do anti-inflammatory things or send pain signals depending on the agonist. Trials with antagonists led to negative side effects from the peripheral functions of TRPV1 channels. Avoiding the activators avoids the pain or colitis flare-up.

Many types of TRP channels exist with varying agonists and those details are not included –it is a snapshot to get an idea of the size of the problem of identifying possible food triggers. From Table 10: TRP activating chemicals include: Histamine, Dopamine, Leptin, Arachidonic acid, Glutamate, cytokines, Substance P, and many others (See: Table 1, Kumar, et al, 2013) 1, 25, dihydroxy cholecalciferol-vit D. “…estrogen, androgen, testosterone, cortisol and many other steroids (Table 1)” (Kumar, et al, 2013)”

*and therefore possibly estrogen mimetic chemicals are also adding to chronic pain. 

See: Table 10. Foods Ranked by Potentially Inflammatory Categories, NF-kB promoting if sensitive; and Nrf2 promoting status otherwise* – healthy if not individually sensitized and the product was grown organically.

The TRP pain chain of events: emotional or physical stress degranulates mast cells, releasing histamine and cytokines, which activate TRP channels that send pain signals via an increase in intracellular calcium or sodium. The influx of calcium can lead to overactivity of the cell and lead to cell damage and add up to fibrotic damage over time.

ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, MCAS, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), Dysautonia or POTS, can all be chronic problems with little help available regarding reversing the symptoms rather than treating symptoms and coping with pain and other symptoms.

Disrupt the pain: self-calming techniques and pacing activity, avoiding TRP and histamine food triggers and vitamin A/carotenoids if Retinoid Toxicity is a problem, and wearing layered clothing to easily adjust to temperature changes, and avoiding excess EMF, etcetera; can help prevent degranulation of mast cells. Taking pomegranate products could also help inhibit mast cells and prevent more histamine from activating more TRP pain channels. Preventing the pain in the first place would be more efficient.

Doctor, it hurts when I bang my thumb with a hammer!” The doctor can give pain medication and ideally would also suggest more practice using a hammer. Knowing what is causing the pain and knowing how to stop it has more value to patients than simply treating pain. We know over-activation of TRP channels can cause pain signals. We know less about why some people seem to have more activation, or more expression of TRP channels. Childhood or chronic trauma can be causal of Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), in addition to gene alleles possibly being an individual factor. Increased expression of TRPV1 channels was observed and correlated with the level of hypersensitivity inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and in patients with rectal hypersensitivity. (Hicks, 2006) (González-Ramírez , et al, 2017)

brown hammer on focus photography
Photo by Moritz Mentges on Unsplash

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

(González-Ramírez , et al, 2017) González-Ramírez R, Chen Y, Liedtke WB, and Morales-Lázaro SL. Chapter 8: TRP Channels and Pain, Emir TLR, editor. Neurobiology of TRP Channels, Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2017. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK476120/

(Hicks, 2006) Hicks, G.A. 2006. TRP channels as therapeutic targets: Hot property, or time to cool down? Neurogastroenterol Motil, 18(8): 590–594. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2982.2006.00823.x. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16918723/

David W Tanton, Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, And Stimulants – Dangerous Drugs on Trial. Soaring Heights, 2006, https://www.amazon.com/Antidepressants-Antipsychotics-Stimulants-Dangerous-Soaring/dp/0977270327

Pox update & the chemistry of weight loss.

Video, TEDx talk, How breathing and metabolism are linked.

The mathematics of weight loss | Ruben Meerman | TEDxQUT (edited version)

The mathematics of weight loss | Ruben Meerman | TEDxQUT (edited version)

This video walks through the chemistry of weight loss – where does weight go? Chemically?

Short answer, we exhale it as carbon. But there is a catch, there is always a catch. We need to have a well functioning respiratory system, including our mitochondria.

The video shares a quest to understand the speaker’s own weight loss better. He does a great job showing us the chemicals that form most of our body. The atoms arranged in the molecular shapes show us that we are kind and of like Lego creatures, built from various shaped building blocks.

For those who watch the video and feel frustrated with his synopsis – eat less to lose weight – I hear you. Other replies also felt similar frustration. The chemistry may seem that simple as the basic equations however add in subclinical hypothyroidism and the basic equations are inadequate to help the person lose weight.

The Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is being discussed in the TEDx talk. It represents how much energy we burn even while sleeping – our need with no additional exercise. Someone with a lower RMR, someone with subclinical hypothyroidism or inadequately treated, would need far fewer calories as a baseline. They could have trouble losing weight on 600-800 calories a day – starvation diet for anyone else.

Bitter tasting phytonutrients in a meal are also key for promoting satiety and preventing insulin resistance. Oregano, garlic, leeks, citrus peel, celery seed, black pepper, basil, cumin, leafy green veggies, – any strongly flavored produce item, herb or spice, likely contains some bitter taste accents.

Breathe in aroma and flavor, and get moving to promote good respiratory health throughout the body’s many mitochondria and the lungs.

Bitter tasting citrus bioflavonoids are very helpful for reducing lung congestion and symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome. Citrus can be a histamine trigger food – caution.

Sunburn pox update

The larger blisters still hurt and itched even after more black seed oil. Aloe Vera gel had helped some yesterday, but today, thinking sunburn pox instead of viral infection, I tried a cold-water washcloth on the worst spots and kept it cold until the itch and pain had faded.

It is a pretty bad urge to scratch . . . the living daylight out of it. But no, self-injury, resist the endorphins. There is some good feeling with scratching initially but that is how it can get worse fast and scab.

Skin care during and after radiation therapy for breast cancer.

It can resemble a sunburn or mild tan afterwards or blistering. It says the severity is unrelated to a person’s tendency to tan or sunburn. That suggests that severity is related to something else, like maybe VAIDs- level of detox or immune function. How quickly can a person clear out the excess oxidative stress chemicals?

Skin care during and after radiation therapy for breast cancer. Pdf of a guide for patients who receive radiation treatment. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7xqmy2pwry7z7xg/skin%20care%20during%20and%20after%20radiation%20treatment%20for%20breast%20cancer.pdf?dl=0.

Addition – 5G roll-out may be affecting more people in subtle ways than we realize and skin rashes may be one of the symptoms of excessive EMF exposure.

Aloe Vera gel is a tip, and avoid extreme hot or cold packs, or rough fabric. I found after thinking of it as a bad sunburn that a cold water-soaked washcloth as a cold compress did help. The black seed oil has not fully helped as much with these larger blisters. Was really itchy today. The cold helped and is the solution for a scald type burn – cool water until it feels like the internal burning has stopped.

green Aloe Vera plant
Aloe Vera plant. The gel within the leaf is soothing fir burns. Photo by Jude Smart on Unsplash

Aloe Vera gel or thinned juice is available for sale in health food stores and needs refrigeration once opened. Emodin (spelling? – is correct (1), is a phytonutrient in aloe which is particularly healing. The jelly like fiber in Aloe gel helps restore our jelly like membrane linings, the Glycocalyx, or extracellular matrix. It may be safer topically than as a juice or food ingredient if used in quantity as there may be some kidney toxicity. (1)

Aloe gel followed by essential oil in a massage base oil can help with skin health or scar reduction. Frankincense and rosemary are good for healing skin. I also add a little tea tree oil as an antiseptic; and be

*This was two posts on my Substack and I have combined them with a few additions.

*Monkey/sunburn pox update – ouch, the sunburn spots didn’t go away as quickly as my previous smaller spots. The cold compress helped, I used that a lot on the worst day, and fell asleep with it. Flaw: then cold clammy damp fabric led to a few more spots. Moderation and good skin care – wash with soap occasionally, re black seed oil, change tops as wetness occurs. A bandage almost seems like it could be protective. No clothes on it is better, but cold.

The first spots have flattened and scabbed a little. This is no fun but the black seed oil does help, the cold compresses helped a lot during the worst of the itchiness or stinging pain. I used aloe vera gel a couple times. I have used artemisinin once or twice a day and a spoonful of black seed oil am and pm by mouth. I take a variety of supplements routinely.

I napped more, and avoiding heavy yardwork for a few days. Pushing myself initially did lead to more of the sunburn spots on my shoulder. Rest is important when the body is inflamed and trying to clean out the oxidative stress chemicals.

High dose niacin is still my go too, but for the half hour of niacin flush, cold compress time on the sunburn pox! The itching is worse with these bigger blisters.

In general now, when feeling a little sicker I take the niacin three instead of two times a day. Yes there is a half hour worsening during the flush of warmth and itchiness. The body will be removing inflammation though all day, so the benefit outweighs the discomfort in my opinion.

Serotonin deficiency is a risk if you suddenly stop taking high dose niacin…

(and melatonin – I take both, melatonin 15 minutes prior, I set a timer or I will forget).

Addition 9/7/2022: *Also once you are following the high dose niacin protocol you need to maintain or only gradually reduce the doses to prevent serotonin disruption. Adding more rapidly can lead to excess serotonin, suddenly stopping high doses may lead to a drop in serotonin and “Crying over nothing” TM moods – sadness and depression. While this article does not mention niacin or tryptophan it does review what symptoms low serotonin might lead to: Serotonin Deficiency: Symptoms, Causes, Tests, Treatments (healthline). Drops in serotonin level may also lead to irritability, aggression, impulsiveness, and may be linked to suicidal urges, PTSD, and bowel trouble/IBS. Healthy gut microbes make most of our serotonin for us and some gets transported to the brain via the vagus nerve – our superhighway between our central and peripheral nervous systems. Axons are tubules between nerve cells and chemicals, mitochondria and exosomes can travel along the route.

Niacin, melatonin, artemisinin, black seed oil, methyl B complex – things I have been using.

The niacin also tends to leave me less congested and more clear-headed and energetic. The methyl B complex is also important and other mitochondrial cofactors and trace minerals. Our mitochondria burn energy most efficiently and need nutrients to be able to do so. Also not having excess Retinoic Acid or a high saturated fat diet (previous post) is needed so the PDK is not inhibiting use of the Citric Acid Cycle.

Overweight often is inflammation and a diet that is too high in carbohydrates and/or fat and low in other nutrients. This leads to inefficient burning of energy by the mitochondria. The Citric Acid Cycle is much more efficient, quantum biology efficient possibly. Cancer and other degenerative diseases are also linked to the mitochondria switching to fermentation for energy production.

How many carbon atoms will be exhaled depends on part on whether the person’s mitochondria are using the Citric Acid Cycle or fermentation.

It helps to understand the basics, the forest – the overall picture, and also to see the many trees that make up the forest – the variables that make the easy answer into a complex one.

  • Still need to get out my laptop, I am taking an EMF vacation for pox healing purposes or a mental health break or both.

Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance. Please seek a functional health practitioner for individual health care guidance. Thanks for reading!

Reference List

  1. Dong X, Zeng Y, Liu Y, You L, Yin X, Fu J, Ni J. Aloe-emodin: A review of its pharmacology, toxicity, and pharmacokinetics. Phytother Res. 2020 Feb;34(2):270-281. doi: 10.1002/ptr.6532. Epub 2019 Nov 3. PMID: 31680350. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31680350/

d bergamot or geranium for fragrance and other benefits.

Nature is glorious – not my pic, bioluminescent algae or something like that is the magic.

Good night, sleep tight!

Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use. It is not intended for individual health care guidance. Please seek a functional health practitioner for individualized health care.

*phone post.

9/6/2022 edited

Solar flares/EMP, false flags, & sunburn? – solar radiation pox?

Various brief updates and Histamine Food *and Alkalizing food handout pdf link/s.

False flags as an opener – fear is disabling and staging events to generate fear or distract from other events has occurred repeatedly in US and other history. There may be something on the way this weekend. Courage is persevering sensibly in spite of whatever is being thrown at us.

Avoiding crowds might be sensible. Avoiding the jabbed folks is a warning, that may not be possible, keep your guard up folks, whether jabbed or unjabbed. None of us know what may be possible with the new biotech that has been used. EMF can increase calcium entry into cells which can be stimulating to an excessive, possibly dangerous point. We don’t know what we don’t know and caution and common sense is all we really have for sure.

The rumor mill has had alien “war” as a potential false flag on the way but that rumor got so much advance warning that new talk is that it may have been switched to a “Rapture Event” of some sort instead. Be cautious, be sensible, odd times have been here for a while. Peace be with you in your physical and energy forms. We are just here temporarily before we may be dancing in the starry skies for ourselves.

Epsom salt hand/foot- soaks or a bath can be fairly quickly calming if there is a calcium excess causing mood or pain problems. Acute drop in magnesium level can cause sudden rage and is part of why there is “bar fights” – urinate more, lose magnesium, become acutely deficient and easily enraged.

Solar flares / Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)

Solar flares/EMP is something emergency preparedness folks think about (and do something about) in advance because the event would be quite random in timing. Back up electronic parts and hard drives and cars and cell phones and much of modern life could have its electronics over-heated and ruined. Replacement parts would be needed for cars and the power grid may fail.

  • This is very short: EMP and CME are a threat we need to take seriously, (preparednessadvice.com).
  • This has the policies involved: The Power Industry and EMP, Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, (power-grid.com)

Fairly cost-effective buffering gadgets do exist for power stations but the money was never federally given or mandated.

Low budget quick fix for those of us who don’t plan ahead – large glvanized steel garbage cans or older sturdy decorative tins are completely enclosed metal and can work as a Faraday cage to collect the magnetic field. The electronics within the metal need to be in insulated cardboard, or thick fabric, or wood, or plastic, to separate the device from the metal. WiFi blocking cases for airport security use would also be protective but maybe stick that in the decorative tin. Check the blocking power by putting a battery-operated radio turned on loud enough to hear inside of the metal device. If the sound stops the metal is enclosed enough. Or try calling a cell phone that is inside of it. A large filing cabinet or metal cabinet is metal but may have too many gaps.

My electric rice cooker – is something small I like and is a computerized device. I like my car too, but it is big. A metal sipping container would be a big metal box but have the car on the rubber wheels – not touching the metal container.

EMP is an Electro magnetic pulse – a strong magnetic field that can be generated by a solar flare. More info: EMP Proof Vehicle (preparednessadvice.com)

Although it is commonly thought that an EMP would have drastic effects on modern day vehicles that are outfitted with a variety of electronic systems that help them run, this is actually not the case.

As discussed previously, most cars have their wiring and electronics pretty well shielded against any electromagnetic interference, as well as the chassis of the car acting as a Faraday cage.

A Faraday cage is an enclosure that is conductive and as a result will cause electromagnetic pulses to travel along this conductive outside structure, effectively protecting whatever is inside.

With this being said, there is still the potential for an EMP to cause some sort of electrical interference in modern day cars. One of the best ways to ensure that your car will function in the event of an EMP attack is to drive a diesel fuel vehicle.

Diesel engines do not have an ignition system, which most normal fuel cars do have and often involves some sort of electronic fuel injection system that could be interrupted by some sort of EMP attack.” (preparednessadvice.com)

Solar flares have been active recently: Huge Sunspot Pointed Straight at Earth Has Developed a Delta Magnetic Field, (newsweek.com).

Some older links I had on a different website:

Histamine Foods to avoid or those that might help:

Here is my document/handout on histamine food categories to avoid or that might help. Narrowing down what is inflammatory needs to be quite thorough for best symptom control.

I had forgotten peanut butter when changing my mom’s diet until I reread my handout. I had excluded peanuts a long time ago for myself and forgot they were on the histamine avoid list. It helped to switch her to almond butter. https://www.dropbox.com/s/iz4yui7p8naotur/Histamine%20Food%20Lists%20%282%29.pdf?dl=0 Downloadable pdf I believe.

Alkalizing Foods and other inflammatory food categories – lectins, TRP channel activators, oxalates – https://www.dropbox.com/s/g4a3qfd2sj3fbcu/Alkalizing%20Foods%20%283%29.pdf?dl=0

Not scratching a sunburn?

Last point – I did get some more small not too bad pox on my legs, I haven’t slowed down and rested enough, but none got as bad as the patch on my chest – in the sunburn zone. I was out on a sunny day a lot more than typical prior to waking up scratching. So maybe two rules for me – sunscreen and no scratching. I am sun sensitive and can burn easily. Solar radiation leading to sunburn would be a radiation burn, and radiation can mimic “pox”. See the Substack link in my first post on this topic. Switching gears…

deNutrients – News to Use

Switching gears to – Monkey/shingles/chicken/smallpox

Too much friction is likely part of the risk of Monkey pox based on my own shingles/chicken pox experiences. They can appear in embarrassing locations that receive too much friction – like on the side of the knee when wearing tight jeans. Do mosquitoes bite through jeans? Yes, they can. The mosquito Itch ointment that usually helped didn’t help though…Read more5 days ago · 10 likes · Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Overall point: Fear itself is disabling and may be the point in addition to creating chaos that might make some takeover easier for someone. Good luck and peace be with you all.

gray galaxy
See you on the Milky Way! Photo by Lubo Minar on Unsplash

Read the post Solar flares/EMP, false flags, & sunburn? – solar radiation pox? on Substack where my most recent writing is there: https://denutrients.substack.com/p/solar-flaresemp-false-flags-and-sunburn

Black seed oil topically helps the pain and seems healing within a few days. The Chicken/shingles/monkey/smallpox series starts here, Switching gears to – Monkey/shingles/chicken/smallpox: https://denutrients.substack.com/p/switching-gears-to-monkeyshingleschickensmallpox

Disclaimer: This information is being provided within the guidelines of Fair Use for educational purposes. It is not intended to provide individual health care guidance. Please seek an functional health practitioner for individual guidance.

Treatments vs ‘a cure’ – flashback to 2020

Vitamin C and Intravenous Vitamin C/Thiamine therapy for cytokine storm are treatments that have a long history of safe and effective use. In early 2020 even vitamin C was getting discredited by the media and FDA as helpful and allowed treatments for Covid19. The post Treatments vs ‘a cure’ was a response to online bickering about there being no ‘cure’ for Covid19 – the implication being it is wrong to talk about how vitamin C can help then.

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for vascular health and most everything else in a functioning body, indirectly if not directly.

Treatment is about providing all of the care a person needs when their health function is over stressed and possibly dysfunctional in some ways due to inflammation or infection effects. Treatment is well rounded to support various needs and reduce various symptoms.

Looking for a single ‘cure’ is a medical model viewpoint, based on the success of antibiotics, but also the success in early research days when finding and providing vitamin C was a fairly quick “cure” for scurvy – a deadly disease that was found to be “Vitamin C deficiency“. In that case the treatment was the cure. Vitamin D for rickets was also an early wonder cure that helped children grow up with straight and strong leg bones. Vitamin D fortification of milk and infant formula helped reverse that trend. Sadly scurvy is still occurring occasionally and medical professionals miss the diagnosis and simple cure – provide vitamin C.

Scurvy – severe vitamin C deficiency: “The modern doctor must keep this ancient disease in mind, as it presents insidiously with debilitating repercussions, particularly in older people who are at a higher risk. It is easily treatable once detected.” (1)

In the post Treatments vs ‘a cure’, I took a close look at a molecular docking study (3) that had grouped potential inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 infection or replication into seven categories. I found that my selfcare treatments covered six of the seven categories, and citrus peel alone was potentially helping my infection selfcare in five of the seven ways. In total though I was using many items included in six of the seven categories. (3) SARS-CoV-2 can enter cells in many ways and spreads by exosomes – making many strategies necessary to block it or stop infected cells from remaining a latent infection.

The seven categories:

  1. PLpro inhibitors: “hesperidin and neohesperidin…might be the potential 3CLpro inhibitors and could probably be used for treating SARS-CoV-2.” (3) Citrus peel is a source of hesperidin and neohesperidin and vitamin C – L(+)-Ascorbic acid, quercetinoids, and other bioflavonoids like rutin. (13); Riboflavin-vitamin B2; Silybin – Milk Thistle; “epigallocatechin gallate, [EGCG]…exhibited high binding affinity to PLpro protein, suggesting the potential utility of these compounds in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2.” (3) EGCG – pomegranate peel and/or green tea. EGCG also acts as a zinc ionophore when zinc is available. (11); (–)- Rosmarinic acid – rosemary.
  2. 3C-like main protease (3CLpro) inhibitors: metabolite of riboflavin, Flavin mononucleotide, which a high dose vitamin B2 supplement might provide as the metabolite; Lutein – kale and other vegetables; and also hesperidin, neohesperidin, and rosmarinic acid.
  3. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) inhibitors: silybin – Milk Thistle.
  4. Helicase (Nsp13) inhibitors: hesperidin, neohesperidin and other flavonoids. “The natural products, such as many flavanoids from different sources (α-glucosyl hesperidin, hesperidin, rutin, quercetagetin 6-O-β-D-glucopyranoside and homovitexin), …showed high binding affinity to this target.” (3) Rutin is found in green and black tea and a few other foods. Quercetagetin… seems to be a form of quercetin, which also can act as a zinc ionophore, (11) and is in citrus and pomegranate peel and many plants. Homovitexin is also called isovitexin and is found in cannabis and flaxseed and in a few other foods. (4)
  5. Targets inhibiting virus structural proteins: hesperidin, and “licoflavonol from Glycyrrhiza uralensis” -non DGL licorice root. “By superimposing the ACE2–RBD complex to the hesperidin–RBD complex, a distinct overlap of hesperidin with the interface of ACE2 could be observed (Fig. 6C), suggesting hesperidin may disrupt the interaction of ACE2 with RBD [the RBD section of the SPIKE protein]. ” (3)
  6. Targets inhibiting virulence factor: did not include any that I was taking.
  7. Targets blocking host specific receptor or enzymesneohesperidin and hesperidin from Citrus aurantium again, the two phytonutrients are also in the peel of other citrus species. (5) “The natural products, such as phyllaemblicin G7 from Phyllanthus emblica, xanthones from the plants of Swertiagenus, neohesperidin and hesperidin from Citrus aurantium, exhibited potentially high binding affinity to ACE2 protein. ” (3

Hesperidin is in five of the seven categories; neohesperidin in four; and riboflavin, silybin and rosmarinic acid might help in two ways. Pomegranate peel phytonutrients likely also can help in numerous ways.

Treatments are needed for multifactorial problems, and SARS-CoV-2 or chimeric spike effects include multiple routes of possible harm. To ‘cure’ this – we need many treatments.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

Reference List

  1. Callus CA, Vella S, Ferry P. Scurvy is Back. Nutr Metab Insights. 2018 Nov 21;11:1178638818809097. doi: 10.1177/1178638818809097. PMID: 30479485; PMCID: PMC6249652. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30479485/
  2. J Depew, Treatments vs ‘a cure’, April 3, 2020, transcendingsquare.com, https://transcendingsquare.com/2020/04/03/treatments-vs-a-cure/
  3. Canrong Wu, Yang Liu, Yueying Yang, et al., Analysis of therapeutic targets for SARS-CoV-2 and discovery of potential drugs by computational methods. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 27 February 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsb.2020.02.008 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211383520302999 * the genetic structure of the SARS-CoV(2) virus more closely matches the first, 2003, SARS-CoV virus in the way it can enter at ACE2 Receptors than it resembles the genetic structure of the coronavirus from bats native to China. There has also not been research support of the theory that the bat virus can infect humans as the shape does not fit the human ACE2 receptor: “…4 among the 5 most important amino acids (L465, L495, Y502, D510, and H514) that bind to ACE2 12 in Bat-CoV RaTG13 differ from SARS-CoV-2 (Fig. 3C). And there is no related research literature about whether Bat-CoV RaTG13 can infect human yet.”
  4. The other numbered references are on the original post. See 2 above. https://transcendingsquare.com/2020/04/03/treatments-vs-a-cure/