Fullscript is a wholesale supplement dispensary which carries a lot of reputable brands. Individuals can order through an affiliated healthcare professional. People ordering through my account will receive a 30% discount. Happy Health to you!
If interested sign up here and browse the various protocols that I have posted for anyone’s use. (Welcome/Sign up page) Product examples included in one of my protocols are intended for you to browse through rather than a recommendation to get all of it. (Any time I edit a protocol the system requires that I add another product to be able to save the edits.) People signed up under my account are allowed to browse the entire catalog or select from the examples I put in some protocols.
In order to participate in Fullscript’s promotion I had to change my settings – so the holiday discount should be active as of now through November 28th. Feel free to ask me questions in the comments or you can reply to email posts directly rather than making a public comment.
Thanks for the support and feedback about leg lymphedema. (Yesterday’s post: Lymphedema, movement, and structured water. (open.substack.com/pub/denutrients) – subscribe to my Substack for emails of my latest posts) I was trying to be light-hearted about it but it is worse than it used to be and I don’t really know why/what to do different besides try to return to my good health habits that I have been slacking on too long.
I ordered some compression stockings to try in the meantime.
The infrared space heater structured water experiment in yesterday’s post seems to have worked. I tried some this morning and it also has the slightly thicker/slipperier mouth feel that is different than tap water. I haven’t read much about health benefits of diatomaceous earth but it does add a slight cloudiness/whiteness to the water.
It is a source of silica and is good for skin, hair, teeth and bones.
What’s on the menu? Some time in nature. And blogs on preventing or treating chronic inflammation. I will try to copy my planned series here in addition to Substack.
Dandelion mountain?
Food first! Many very nutrient packed plants and foods are available in the grocery store or foraged from wild areas that haven’t been treated with lawn chemicals.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Expanded last post: Niacin deficiency linked to glyphosate and cannibalism (in wild hamsters). (substack.com) I posted that link before I was done watching the video, and slept a little more after watching it. So now the post has the hamster story in more detail and some other info from the video webinar. Each of the four speakers had significant info that added to the bigger picture.
What I didn’t include in my rewrite was that action individually is being encouraged – informing the government isn’t working or what they claim to be doing is on a too long-time scale – status quo to continue until some future date.
We are in a corporatocracy, an oligarchy, and corporate profit is protected over individual consumers. Our buying power collectively may be our biggest voice. If the consumers stop buying the poisonous products more producers might switch to organic foods. However – with the government complicit – they buy a lot of food and provide a lot of school children on Free or Reduced-price meals with two and sometimes three meals a day. Our individually stopping the purchase of RoundUp ready crops or meats raised with them – will not stop the big bucks that agribusiness gets from government purchase for schools, VA hospitals or facilities, or the military. Anyone on a cafeteria meal-plan will likely be getting glyphosate foods.
Glyphosate disrupts actin which is like a scaffolding with a crane that can direct activity and line up vital chemical parts within the cell. Glyphosate disrupts the crane’s ‘hook’.
Series – glyphosate is a big deal and has been since around 1965, use greatly increased sometime between 1985 and 1995:
Covid-19 “broken glass lung” and glyphosate, draft (March 4, 2021), posted (Dec 17, 2022) *This is/was a follow-up to Glyphosate & COVID19, (Oct 25, 2020)
Glyphosate increases histamine, both may be a factor in COVID19 (Nov 10, 2020)
Glyphosate & COVID19, (Oct 25, 2020) *Biofuel made with RoundUp biomass is producing increased glyphosate residue in the air of communities near the biofuel production facility and in areas that now use a lot of biofuel in their gasoline mix. This post has a link to a company where you can self-order a screening test for glyphosate residue (in a urine sample I think).
A US Congressman [Ted Lieu] is concerned about safety of glyphosate, (March, 19, 2017) Excerpt from the brief post: “An employee of the EPA may have colluded with Monsanto to suppress investigation of the safety of glyphosate and the herbicide Roundup.” (My words, link to a sustainablepulse.com article in the post).
Glycine, Cheerful Juice, and testing for glyphosate, (Oct 26, 2016) *One of my solutions is to take powdered Dimethylglycine in water with a little sweetener, smidge of baking soda to offset the acidity, and a little juice for flavor. It can taste a little like red wine. Acidic citrus juices are not as helpful as a little blueberry, pomegranate or cherry juice. This post has links to previous posts I had written about DMG and my ‘Cheerful Juice’ – it makes me more cheerful but can taste kind of bad without the extra additions.
Glyphosate and disruption of the protective mucus layer made by coral species. *an old draft post that I just posted, (Oct 19, 2016) (Dec 17, 2022)
The herbicide Round-Up found more dangerous than glyphosate alone, (Oct 17, 2016)
Glyphosate, a consensus statement; a link, (Sept 21, 2016)
Updates regarding glycine, health, and glyphosate, (Sept. 20, 2016)
Glyphosate was found in vaccines; and tips for reducing dietary exposure, (Sept 16, 2016)
*Gelatin from commercial sources is likely also a source of glyphosate residue as collagen is a protein made with a lot of glycine – leaving a lot of opportunity for glyphosate to be substituted instead in an animal fed RoundUp crops as feed. This would make gelatin capsule supplements a negative and any collagen joint support products that use commercially sourced collagen instead of organically raised sources.
Glyphosate was created as an antibiotic and mineral chelator but is being used as an herbicide, (Aug 2, 2016)
CYP enzymes are needed to produce both 25 vitamin D and 1, 25 hormone D; and more on glyphosate, (June 29, 2016)
There is never going to be a good time to say that glyphosate is unhealthy, (June 17, 2016). This post is more about how society ignores some people, the second in command in the airplane, and that can lead to big crashes. I bring up the infertility aspect of glyphosate in this post, and that it is likely part of the increase in gender dysphoria.
Vitamin D activating enzyme and Glyphosate, the herbicide Roundup, (June 14, 2016)
Glyphosate would be causing a DNA female fetus to develop male pattern instinctual behaviors – rougher active play as a child and mounting dominance behavior when sexuality is developing rather than bending over and wanting to submit. Gender dysphoria is very real and occurs in the prenatal hormone environment of an infant when there is a mismatch between the uterine hormones that are predominant and the fetal DNA sex.
Historically, male DNA with female gender behavior was more common, though rare still. A pregnant woman is female and has female hormones, so it makes sense. Endocrine mimetic pesticides and BPA are likely increasing the incidence of male DNA babies that grow up with female gender behavior instincts. The glyphosate is newer to human history and now there is a big increase in female DNA babies that grow up with male gender behavior instincts. There is also social pressure on young girls and woman to be very overtly sexual, or maybe skip it by transitioning to male. Join the fun LGBTQIA+ marginalized group and give up your ‘white privilege’ – along with your healthy body, normal function sexual parts, and ability to have a baby or breast feed it…. This is not a solution to reducing glyphosate or estrogen mimetics in our food supply and environment.
We, humans, are causing trans or homosexuality in other species too. It makes me embarrassed for humans and sad for other species and the planet as a whole. We are a blight on this planet.
Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.
I have been very busy with the pomegranate paper, and sadly, or not surprising, it was not accepted for further review – non-standard, which is true. It was too long and I learned more while researching for it and needed to rewrite the main article. A book or website with guided pages and some screening questions to help guide people to material that may be helpful is my plan.
My goal is to make a more concise site with a dropdown menu of some sort to help guide people to the info that they want or need – and some screening question sections to help pinpoint which information may be needed. I have started a very preliminary workflowy.com (https://workflowy.com/s/hyperinflammation-pr/NA9NrJpva8lyi1nH) but got hung up on how to add images. It says just “drag and drop” and I have no idea why that doesn’t seem to work. Is that an Apple thing? ** I figured out how to drag and drop an image but then I couldn’t move it to any other sections. WorkFlowy may not be for me.
I have been posting on SubStack and need to post here more. I have posted a few new things to peace-is-happy.org, but an older post was most read in November so that may have been Oct or even longer ago. The images in this post are some of my travel pics. Peace is mental and physical. (peace-is-happy.org) It is not a long post but has some good starting points. Build mindfulness, peaceful brain pathways and try to forget stressful worry pathways by not thinking about them. One anxiety tip I like – make a Worry Jar and write down your worry, stick it in the jar, schedule 15 minutes to go through your Worry Jar once a week. Saves mental strain to not have an overload on your mind. Writing lists or goals can help put them someplace else where you know you can find it again, and have a little more peace of mind.
“Great design should be ‘intuitive.’ Translation: feel natural.” — Tom Peters
Nature repeats chemical structures and pathways across the chain of life. The essential omega 3 fatty acid DHA is ancient, unchanged from simple life forms to complex.
This post is the first of a series, in which I will share my Genes Table.
It has the solution for the health problems that gene alleles may cause – plant polyphenols. Polyphenols may be able to correct the up or down regulation in important pathways that the dysfunctional allele caused by affecting microRNA.
“microRNA are the real regulators of gene transcription”. – Substack.
“microRNA, elevated homocysteine and is there a role for excess Retinoic Acid?” (substack.com) *The hyperhomocysteinemia/homocystinuria section of my Genes Table.
“Pollutants in Human Plasma Found via Double-Filtration Plasmapheresis Plasma Exchange”, James Lyons-Weiler. (substack.com) *This is a cross post. Heavy metal toxins and thread like objects and aluminum-silicon combinations were found in a filtration of plasma procedure. This is related to pomegranate because the peel is effective at clumping nanoparticles into larger clumps that are big enough for white blood cells to sense as something needing to be removed.
“POTS – Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, can be epigenetic & therefore may be reversible”. (substack.com) *The Dystonia section of my Genes Table.
Before moving on to more sections, or exploring other conditions and yet more links…
This one is excellent and has a video abstract/overview: (Hayden, Tyagi, 2022) Hayden, M.R., Tyagi, S.C., (2022). Impaired Folate-Mediated One-Carbon Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetes, Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease and Long COVID. Medicina. 58(1):16. https://doi.org/10.3390/medicina58010016 Available at https://www.mdpi.com/1648-9144/58/1/16 (Accessed: 4 Dec 2022) Figure 1: Folate-Mediated One-Carbon Metabolism (FOCM).
In it we learn that the one-carbon methylation cycles are used within cell’s cytoplasm, within the mitochondria, and within the cell’s nucleus – and if the nucleus version is impaired, then … methylation of DNA will be impaired – it will not occur. Epigenetic changes will be very likely if there is dysfunction in the one-carbon methylation cycle within the nucleus.
Nature loves a good design and will repeat it.
“Figure 2. Compartmentalization of FOCM. Note the presence of the folate-methionine one carbon cycle metabolism in the cytoplasm (cytosol), mitochondria and nucleus.Additionally, note the importance of formate being transferred from the mitochondria to the nucleus, as well as S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) via nuclear pores. Importantly, deoxythymidine monophosphate (dTMP) synthesis occurs in the cytosol, nucleus and mitochondria, whereas purine synthesis and methionine synthesis take place within the cytosol. Mitochondrial FOCM generates formate for cytosolic and nuclear FOCM and biosynthetic precursors for mtDNA synthesis and mitochondrial protein translation. Thymidylate synthase (TYMS) converts deoxyuridine monophosphate (dUMP) to dTMP in a 5,10-methylene-THF-dependent reaction (not shown). It is important to note that mitochondrial SAM (Mt SAM) is derived from cytosolic SAM (cSAM). Additionally, the Krebs cycle also resides within the mitochondria and provides NADH and FADH2 to the electron transport chain for ATP production. ATP = adenosine triphosphate; c = cytosol; ETC = electron transport chain; FAD = flavin adenine dinucleotide; FADH = reduced flavin adenine dinucleotide; FFA = free fatty acids; HHcy = hyperhomocysteinemia; MS = methionine synthase; Mt = mitochondria; NADH = reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; T = thymidylate-thymine; U = uracil.” (Hayden, Tyagi, 2022)
I had a reply recently saying nobody understands this (roughly) and my response would be: We learn by studying things that we don’t understand and looking up whatever words we need to look up in order to better understand it.
Here, in this complex graphic (above) – even a First Grader might guess that “Formate” is important. It appears that the nucleus version of the one-carbon cycles will not occur without formate to get it started. SAM is also important – the one-carbon cycle taking place in the cell’s cytoplasm creates the methyl donor cSAM which is converted into mitochondrial mSAM. The nucleus needs the (I don’t know what it is either) “Formate” and cSAM to enter through nuclear pores in order for the one-carbon cycle to be able to take place within the nucleus for DNA methylation needs. Meaning mitochondrial dysfunction of the one-carbon cycle leads to epigenetic changes and lack of DNA methylation in the nucleus of the cell, and dysfunction of the one-carbon cycle in the cytoplasm might precede the mitochondrial dysfunction as the cSAM is needed by the mitochondria and the nucleus. (Hayden, Tyagi, 2022) *They recommend that physicians screen homocysteine levels more often – it is not standardly measured with basic labs.
Formate, heat stress and SMYD3.
Internet answers: Formate is a result of the breakdown of Carbon dioxide, CO2,— and various engineering research approaches have been used to try to reduce CO2 from the air by promoting formate production (in microbes or chemical reactions) – but that is tangentially related and simply was the immediate search results. More to the physiological point – if we want to be able to make formate, we need the gene SMYD3 to be functional and active as it promotes synthesis of formate.
“Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that SMYD3 regulates the activity of the mitochondrial metabolic enzyme MTHFD1L through H3K4me3 histone methylation modification, promotes formate synthesis and induces mitophagy, which inhibits M1 polarization in macrophages.” (Zhu, et al., 2022)
SMYD3 is important in histone methylation, and growth of embryos and cancer tumors, in order to localize it to the nucleus, where we need it for the one carbon cycle and methylation of DNA, Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP 90) is needed as a nuclear chaperone (~transport protein). “[12, 23, 31]” (Bernard, et al, 2021)
“In summary, SMYD3 is critical for the activation of MAP3K2, a key kinase in the Ras-activated MAP signaling pathway, in both lung and pancreatic cancers. Furthermore, SMYD3 is associated with advanced stage and poor survival in NSCLC, and promotes cell proliferation, invasion, and chemotherapy resistance phenotypes.” (Bernard, et al, 2021)
… ‘miR-3613-3p/MAP3K2/p38/caspase-3 pathway regulates the heat-stress-induced apoptosis of endothelial cells’ (Liu, Liu, Chen, 2021)
“The results revealed that miR-3613-3p expression was reduced in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) following [heat stress] HS, which led to apoptosis. Mechanistically, following HS, a decrease in miR-3613-3p binding to the 3′-untranslated region of MAP3K2 directly upregulated its expression, and the downstream p38 and caspase-3 pathways, thereby leading to apoptosis. Taken together, the results of the present study demonstrated that HS suppressed miR-3613-3p expression, which activated the MAP3K2/p38/caspase-3 pathway, leading to the apoptosis of HUVECs.” (Liu, Liu, Chen, 2021)
Our goal – to not get overheated – avoid heat stress.
Not the same miRNA exactly, but from an interesting paper. “Chen et al. identified two miRNAs (hsa-miR-1307-3p and hsa-miR-3613-5p) that could prevent viral replication by targeting the 3′-UTRs of replication-related SARS-CoV-2 RNA 67.” (Yang, et al., 2022)
Pomegranate and heat stress – nature designed the plant to tolerate heat.
Pomegranate is a sustainable crop because it can tolerate heat, and salty soil and doesn’t need much water. The MAPK pathway is inhibited by pomegranate peel extract, and also by the 9 polyphenols discussed in the post: 1. “microRNA are the real regulators of gene transcription”. – Substack. I am not sure if the MAP3K2 is similarly inhibited but it seems likely.
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome can have an epigenetic cause.
Why is this important? Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome is no fun and kind of scary. If you stand up too fast, your blood pressure can no longer shift quickly enough, however that works, and you get dizzy and need to grab something and rest a minute to get the accompanying tachycardia (very rapid heart rate, like it is trying to leap out of your chest almost). Laying down and lifting the knees and feet up helps slow the heart rate. Sitting or at least pausing is necessary or fainting may occur. I did faint once or twice and that is an odd feeling to find yourself on the floor after you come around. See: POTS – Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, can be epigenetic & therefore may be reversible. (substack.com) *Includes the Dystonia section of my Genes Table with more info and a link to my book chapter on the topic (but in computer lingo, the links don’t work).
Many chronic conditions involve epigenetic changes. Sometimes it can be reversed but not always and less likely the longer the condition has lasted. I had POTS-like symptoms for a few months twice and I figured out how to get better. It is not a fun condition and standard treatment usually does not help enough. People become physically disabled as it worsens. You can’t over-exert or stand up too fast or the symptoms of dizziness and racing heart occur.
When you have an open mind, you can learn new things.
Epigenetics – the basics.
Epigenetics – an overview/the opening of an Abstract about a review paper focused on cancer treatment and epigenetics:
“Epigenetics refers to heritable changes that are not encoded in the DNA sequence itself, but play an important role in the control of gene expression.
In mammals, epigenetic mechanisms include changes in
DNA methylation,
histone modifications and
non-coding RNAs.
[microRNA are non-coding RNAs (19-23 nucleotides) and there are also longer ones (up to ~100, or a few >/= 200 nucleotides) that are still shorter than an mRNA which is used to transcribe a protein, so it is the full length of the matching DNA from the gene sequence, but only half of the zipper/ladder shape of the double helix.]
Although epigenetic changes are heritable in somatic cells, these modifications are also potentially reversible, which makes them attractive and promising avenues for tailoring cancer preventive and therapeutic strategies. Burgeoning evidence in the last decade has provided unprecedented clues that diet and environmental factors directly influence epigenetic mechanisms in humans. Dietary polyphenols from green tea, turmeric, soybeans, broccoli and others have shown to possess multiple cell-regulatory activities within cancer cells. More recently, we have begun to understand that some of the dietary polyphenols may exert their chemopreventive effects in part by modulating various components of the epigenetic machinery in humans.” (Link, Balaguer, Goel, 2010)
*Bullet points and note added by me. See: Non-coding RNAs: Classification, Biology and Functioning. (Hombach, Kretz, 2010)
Cancer is mitochondrial dysfunction related to cytoplasm dysfunction of the One-Carbon Methylation cycles.
As it turns out, nature really likes the one-carbon methylation cycle and mitochondria seem to be a control center of our cells rather than the nucleus. Cancer is dysfunction of mitochondria which leads to aberrant signaling to the cell nucleus which leads to cancerous like changes in their growth. Experiments have shown though, that when the nucleus of a cancer cell, with the gene changes in place, is transplanted into a healthy cell with healthy mitochondria and cytoplasm, the cell does not become cancerous. However, when a nucleus from a healthy cell is transplanted into a cancer cell that had its nucleus removed, the cell remains cancerous. When cancer cell mitochondria are transplanted into a healthy cell with a normal nucleus – it changes into a cancer cell with cancerous gene changes and out of control growth. The increased growth may be part of more normal pathways used during embryology and child growth. This indicates that cancer is NOT a GENETIC disease. The disease pathology was connected to the diseased cell’s mitochondria, not the diseased cell’s nucleus.
It turns out that mitochondria direct events within the cell and are the controller for signaling the need for apoptosis – put this cell to a merciful death, it is done. But with dysfunctional mitochondria there is no signal presented to kill the cell and it grows out of control or remains dysfunctional but alive – a senescent cell – alive and consuming, but no longer producing functional benefits for the organism or organ.
Cancer is a mitochondrial dysfunction. The one flaw in Dr Seyfried’s treatment plan though, is that such a high fat diet will still promote mitochondrial dysfunction. I would recommend a less stringent ketone diet, at least after some short-term initial phase that is moderate carb and >/= 50% of calories from fats. Use more ketones and some protein, but a diet above 60% fat may in itself cause mitochondrial dysfunction.
His depressing but helpful message is that also, the chemotherapy, radiation and some of surgical approaches are likely just adding to mitochondrial dysfunction and making the cancer worse. Carbohydrates and glutamates need to be restricted – and that equals sugar, bread, potatoes, pasta, pizza, tomato products, cheese, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, barbecue sauce or barbecue, artificial seasonings, ice cream, sweetened beverages, etc – much of the modern diet in other words.
/Housekeeping – I noticed an older comment suggesting that I provide checklists or more guidance for what to do, regarding my Table 5 – Nutrients depleted by psychiatric medications, which also are nutrients needed by mitochondria, and are risk factors for schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s dementia, or COVID19. I shortened the name of that Table to ‘Nutrients of Concern’.
Downloadable Tools in my toolbox – by Jennifer Depew, R.D. (substack.com)
My first Substack post is still pertinent – Nrf2 & NF-kB – 2 proteins to know. (substack.com)
Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.
(Liu, Liu, Chen, 2021) Liu J, Xu S, Liu S, Chen B. (2021). miR‑3613‑3p/MAP3K2/p38/caspase‑3 pathway regulates the heat‑stress‑induced apoptosis of endothelial cells. Mol Med Rep. Sep;24(3):633. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2021.12272. Epub 2021 Jul 19. PMID: 34278472; PMCID: PMC8280962. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8280962/ (Accessed: 5 Dec 2022)
(Yang, et al., 2022) Yang, C.Y., Chen, Y.H., Liu, P.J., Hu, W.C., Lu, K.C., Tsai, K.W., (2022). The emerging role of miRNAs in the pathogenesis of COVID-19: Protective effects of nutraceutical polyphenolic compounds against SARS-CoV-2 infection. Int J Med Sci. Jul 18;19(8):1340-1356. doi: 10.7150/ijms.76168. PMID: 35928726; PMCID: PMC9346380. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9346380/ (Accessed: 5 Dec 2022)
(Zhu, et al., 2022) Zhu, W., Wang, S., Xue, L., Liu, L., Yang, X., Liu, Z., et al., (2022). The SMYD3-MTHFD1L-formate metabolic regulatory axis mediates mitophagy to inhibit M1 polarization in macrophages, International Immunopharmacology, 113(Part A), 2022, 109352, ISSN 1567-5769, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intimp.2022.109352. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1567576922008360
Excerpt from The Epoch Times gives another warning to be cautious of psychiatric referrals. Autoimmune patients are used to being called hypochondriacs & sent to talk therapy. Now more are at risk.
Via COVID-19 Vaccine Injury, Syndrome Not a Disease: FLCCC Conference Shares How to Treat It, by Marina Zhang, Oct 17, 2022, The Epoch Times, (Zhang/theepochtimes):
[Dr. Ryan Cole] “Cole presented biopsies that showed spike protein presence and inflammation in small blood vessels, muscles, heart muscles, brain tissue, lungs, spleen, and many more.
Most of the biopsies presented damaged cells that expressed only spike protein, rather than other SARS-CoV-2 proteins. This suggests spike injuries are caused by vaccination and not natural infection, because in infection other SARS-CoV-2 proteins including nucleocapsid proteins [the base subunit S2 is connected to Nucleocapsid subunits] are present in addition to the spike protein.
[Dr. Paul Marik, co-founder and Chief Science Officer of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC),]
Cole’s findings fed into Marik’s lecture on symptoms and treatment options for long COVID and post-vaccine injury syndrome.” (Zhang/theepochtimes)
React19 is a science-based non-profit offering financial, physical, and emotional support for those suffering from longterm Covid-19 vaccine adverse events globally. (react19.org/about
“Evaluating React19 survey data from people suspecting vaccine injuries, Marik found the most common symptoms of spike protein-induced diseases.” (Zhang/theepochtimes)
Ten most commonly reported symptoms of people surveyed about suspected CoV vaccine injury.
Dr. Paul Marik’s slides presented at the FLCCC Conference in Orlando Florida (Courtesy of the FLCCC) (Zhang/theepochtimes)
““Believe it or not … the average number of symptoms reported is 23,” said Marik.
However, because most patients complain of an extensive list of symptoms not found in any disease, “[patients] will go to the doctor with all these complaints … and the doctor will say it’s all in your head,” said Marik.
Marik said that many patients are thus referred to psychiatric specialties rather than physicians who understand and can treat their disease.
“The vaccine-injured are vast,” said Kory, “the numbers are massive … they are underserved and their needs are not being met.”” (Zhang/theepochtimes)
Brain fog experienced by 71.5% of people who suspect they were CoV vak injured. (Zhang/theepochtimes)
Wormwood and artemisinin have also been part of my self-care arsenal. The pomegranate peel helps a lot but when I had post CoV infection fatigue and any flair ups since, artemisinin and then Wormwood tea more recently has helped fairly quickly. The artemisinin got more expensive, so I switched when I ran out of the 6 bottles I had bought online in 2020 when my symptoms felt like anemia of chronic inflammation/infection. It worked, I used it am and pm, 200 mg, for a few months and then once a day for the next year. The Wormwood tea is harsh on the gut, and I use it for flair-ups, any worsening of cold symptoms, swollen lymph nodes, achy body pain, or night sweats (a sign of worse autoimmune/inflammation/cancer).
Addition: Sweet Wormwood leaves is what I should have bought. Wormwood has thujone and is used in absinthe. Too much is a GABA disruptor and can cause seizures. Neither is recommended during pregnancy or child-bearing years. Artemisia afra is used I believe as an anti-malarial preventive in endemic regions of Africa. Artemisia afra does not have the same phytonutrients as the other Artemisia/wormwoods (and mugworts), but trials have had positive results. (du Toit and van der Kooy, 2019)
I used an old browser url to open my transcendingsquare.site and it was synchronicity – pertinent: Neuropathy can be a cause of extreme tiredness, 8/Dec/2016, with a helpful list of possible things to try. (transcendingsquare.com)
What I wanted was this post, I wrote about it more and of my use for my extreme fatigue: Artemisinin, arteannuin-B, sgp130Fc and COVID-19, 25/June/2020. The extreme fatigue needs an iron chelator to help the body recover balance after an infection causes a shift of iron from hemoglobin into storage as free iron or ferritin. If too much is free the storage becomes an issue and if it leaks to extracellular tissue, it causes oxidative damage and more inflammation.
The protein sgp130Fc may also be helpful but I have not seen much followed up on that topic.
SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: Is interleukin-6 (IL-6) the ‘culprit lesion’ of ARDS onset? What is there besides Tocilizumab? SGP130Fc. (Magro, 2020)
This article is mostly about the medications but mentions the sgp130Fc, a normal protein that would be protective, but during inflammation/infection we would need five times more. My post includes more description in a later section. Artemisinin, arteannuin-B, sgp130Fc and COVID-19
“There has been increased interest in employing the inhibitory agents tocilizumab, siltuximab and sarilumab in COVID-19 patients, with a series of clinical trials being registered and launched in different countries. In addition, the use of anti-IL-6 drugs is associated with an increased risk of some adverse reactions [8]. The use of metalloproteinase 17 (ADAM17) or soluble glycoprotein 130 fused chimera (sgp130Fc) to specifically inhibit pathological IL-6 trans-signaling in patients with severe COVID-19 promises to be a more effective and safer strategy to ameliorate disease states.” (Du, et al, 2021)
When I talk about membrane damage, realize that also means nerve membranes – myelination which makes our nerve signaling more rapid and accurate. (effectivecare.info/G12. Demyelination) I never got back to finish that page – a very revealing trend that I meant to move onto next was general malnutrition seems to be a big risk for demyelination. If the body gets hungry enough it starts using muscle tissue for protein and likely breaks down myelin for fatty acids.
My fingers get more pins and needles numb when I forget my methyl B12 too often or go too long between Epsom salt soaks. CoQ10 is on my Don’t forget list, and I have been.
Seeking help from people that dismiss your long list of aches and pains as hypochondria or psychosomatic is a bad idea. Complaining about it/their treatment, to them, may be a worse idea, as it may lead to a psychiatric commitment against your will and psychiatric medications that are likely to speed up the chronic degeneration and worsen the neurological damage.
This is serious. The powers in charge are forcing this through (CoV vak and other mRNA vak-to-be or other treatments) and ignoring all evidence of the harm of the mRNA process and the LNPs. Banging your head against a locked door (metaphorically) is not sensible . . . asking or demanding help from the people who are harming and denying harm and threatening mental illness diagnosis for people talking negatively about the causal substance . . . is not sensible.
A social media acquaintance literally escaped from a lock facility after their family had them committed for apparent craziness about Covid and posting too much online (late 2021). The person was put on medications that made the escape more difficult and surreal – a family member got a doctor to prescribe something and then swapped it for an antibiotic that was needed (so combined surreal issues from pain and an untreated infection). Psychiatric medications are dangerous, to many people at least, and we aren’t supposed to talk about that. Family members who are all “concerned” about you can also be very dangerous as they have sway with medical or legal officials.
Seek help from more reliable sources like the FLCCC or the World Health Council, or people who have lived it and survived to tell the tale (of life as an autoimmune patient), like me, and try to find a functional practitioner for local/individual support which is also a need.
Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.
Reference List
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