US manipulation of Ukraine law enforcement and prosecutors has been ongoing with the assistance of Joe Biden. The US Treasury is demanding investigation by Ukraine officials cease rather than cooperating and applied sanctions against the investigator.

Resource 1.

Resource 2: and more information is available on this article:

Resource/Image 4. Follow the money:

Website pages about US biolabs in Ukraine have recently been deleted from the site. Copies have been saved independently.
Resource 5. See this Thread: The US Embassy in #Ukraine has just deleted from its website all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine. I have published all these documents (now deleted by the Embassy) here… and in the thread below (

Copies of the other documents that were removed recently, via ( .
Resource 5.5 : news article by that Tweeter on this topic:
which was recently removed from website of the US embassy for Ukraine.
Biological weapons were tested on Ukraine and Georgia personnel, and deaths were caused.
Resource 6. link in screenshot caption below:

US stay home – seems reasonable when what the US does best seems to be steal from citizens and cause death.
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