Breakthrough Boss – an autoimmune and functional health success story.

Large size three ring binder full with a printed out Action Guide and green cardstock dividers between the modules.

*and a Black Friday special with a BIG discount for the first 7 people who respond.

Do you have a feeling that you are your own worst enemy when it comes to success at business or even just at living? Mindset work can help readjust negative attitudes we developed in childhood or learned from parents or society and replace them with positive mind talk that helps give you more confidence and frees up paralysis from feeling overwhelmed.

Tara Wagner, a business and mindset coach, is very organized with a good systems approach to business and life. Her primary goal is to help others work towards time and financial independence. She had autoimmune health issues and was forced to slow down her work pace. She is sharing what she learned about balancing work and selfcare and family time in online courses and free Youtube weekly videos.

  • Building a Business with Chronic Illness + Disabilities | What It’s Like, What Works For Me, (Youtube)
  • Tara has a Youtube channel with years of free video content that is quite useful and organized in topical series within playlists. See Tara Wagner Coaching on Youtube.

Routines for selfcare and work can save brain energy for more important tasks.

The more we routinize our habits in personal life or within a job, the more we can prevent brain fatigue. Every decision, even tiny ones like what to wear or make for breakfast, to pack a lunch or buy it?, etc., each is using some energy. It seems that we have a maximum capacity for best mental effort. Saving that level of cognitive skill for important work makes more sense than wasting it on thinking about whether to put on your shoes first or brush your teeth first.

Systemizing your routine or simply making a routine means doing things the same way or in a systematic way so that it can be done on autopilot, effortlessly like a choreographed dance routine that has nothing to do with CoV scamdemics.

Mindset: I get up, I get moving, I get active. (My motivating motto)

Seemlessly flow through a getting up, getting washed, dressed, breakfasted, supplemented, etc. all in routine way. Prepping for that may include setting up stations for this or that activity with all the needed things organized and easy to find. Linking supplements to meals as an example can help remember the supplements. I have been doing better with my leg swelling issues. After refilling my vitamin boxes a couple days ago, I have streamlined the complexity into: melatonin with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with one box of the supplements, and follow that with the niacin 15 minutes later/at end of meal. Bam, that is 9 different actions/supplement swallowing that are now linked to a meal instead of being 9 individual things to remember to do. And then I have one more box to take before bed.

Supplement inventory and weekly boxes

To make refilling the weekly boxes easier, I buy about 6 months worth of a supplement at a time and have a simple inventory log to see what I should rummage through my box of backup bottles for and what I need to add to a shopping list before another 3 weeks is up (I have 3 weekly boxes. I had four but one broke.) I tend to buy several things at a time and then they are running out at slightly different times so the cost is spread out over the year. But I am spending a few hundred dollars when I replace things.

The boxes are better than opening a bunch of bottles everyday – that is time consuming and too easy to put off.

Why not a one-a-day for me? – vitamin A. See this post with my daily supplement list: Substack.

A good one-a-day supplement would cover a lot of my list in the last post, but in needing to avoid vitamin A, and initially vitamin D and iodine, I have to avoid one-a-day supplements. My mother has been doing well (roughly) regaining a little function with the addition of a Thorne brand two-a-day powder in a capsule product. I open the capsule and stir the powder into a protein shake or bean soup puree.

  • Basic Nutrients 2/Day, Thorne, available on Fullscript, 60 capsules (one month supply) for $30 retail or $21 with my discount. You can sign up under my account to browse the catalog or pick through examples in protocols I have on the site. (

Since learning more about lymphedema I have added an iodine supplement, about 3-4 mg of a high dose powder capsule product. And it seems helpful and my thyroid is not going hyperthyroid it seems. Yeah! I also take vitamin D3 now but had avoided it for a while on the Marshall Protocol which got rid of a severe migraine problem for me.

Burnout Recovery

Burnout recovery is a big focus within Tara Wagner’s coaching as it is seen frequently with small business owners. Women with other caregiving roles can be at high risk for stress overload and females may have been raised with messaging of helping others more than focusing on their own self-care needs.

A free webinar is available by Tara Wagner, a business coach focused on helping female entrepreneurs breakthrough mental or health blocks to reaching their goals. The video includes useful tips about building a successful business and working through blocks if you’ve been stuck for a while at starting stages. The course the video is about goes into greater detail and has a lot of bonus material including the burnout recovery info. (https://jendepew– The free video ends with a pitch for a business course/website of business building and maintenance courses, with templates, pre-built spreadsheets and other benefits called Breakthrough Boss.

Thanks in advance if you do buy her Breakthrough Boss course though my affiliate link. Affiliate link: (jendepew– – clicking does take you to her site showing the special price $777. That is a lot of money but I paid a bit more than that and feel like it is a good deal. It has the small business information but also has Mindset, Imposter Syndrome, Burnout Recovery, Goal Setting, and other topics included. The online business building guidance has templates and how-to’s for organizing your work and life and recommended software/site subscriptions to use. This could be useful for any online business as systemization strategies can be modified for your own needs. She offers a seven day return policy in case you decide you don’t want to keep the course access.

The course/coaching might be most helpful for someone who feels like they are getting in their own way for whatever or an unknown reason. Her methods walk you through how to dig into your own crud to find out where you need to improve and what your goals may truly include if you really think about it rather than a vague, “I want to get rich or famous.” Her online course set-up is fun and easy to navigate and has lots of links to extra material on her YouTube channel or book recommendations. Purchase is for-life access rather than some limited time and there is a private Facebook community for questions.

An Action Guide to handwrite in is included with each section and it is doing the repetitive work/exercises that helps reprogram our habits in the way we choose to build them to be our best self – without shaming for slow days. Her strategy with autoimmune disease was to just accept that she needed to build a new job for herself that has flexible scheduling built into it and streamlined with automated computer strategies and hiring a team as needed.

To save time, work is needed to set up systems – and that takes time to do. So schedule it! Make time to learn helpful software and set up the data templates that fit your needs. “Success is scheduled.” – Tara Wagner, quoting someone maybe.

  • A recommended site: You Need A Budget – yeah, I do. ( – fee service, $99/year or $14.99/month. The site says most users save money, an average of $600 by the second month.
  • is another recommendation. It has a free service, good for personal use, and low cost monthly fees get you more memory storage and may be needed for teams.
  • I use for graphics. It has a free service but I pay ~ 12.99/month for the added ability to custom change the size of graphics and maybe other perks. Or I pay $119.99/year. I do need a budget.

I have found the mindset work helpful and eventually printed out most of the guide. I will work through the business sections later. I am starting with the mindset and organization sections first. Printing double sided would be better, except the blank back page can be used to write more extended thoughts.

*Handwritten work seems to sink into our brains better than typing on a computer. She recommends physically writing and copying what you want on the computer later.

Breakthrough Boss Action Guide printed single sided – double sided would be better.

Use of essential oils for emotional support and for use with mindset adjusting practices is included. Linking aroma to mindset work, can then help later once the pathway is formed in the brain to quickstart a desired mood change. Link one scent to calming practice, and another to a get moving, “I got this”, confident mindset, and then when you need a boost, sniff the aroma for confidence, or if stressed, sniff the aroma you linked to calming affirmations. I have a post started with more info about essential oils. I also have a Lymphedema Protocol in the works which ended up being about Alzheimer’s Disease risk too – fluid excess in the brain is more damaging than fluid excess in our ankles and legs.

Tara’s free information on Youtube, and the info sales video have a lot of value for helping clarify goals even if you don’t buy anything. See Tara Wagner Coaching on Youtube. Readers who have been following my work for a while will be able to see if it helps or changes my writing here.


The Crappy Childhood Fairy also has quite a bit of free information available. She discusses how chronic trauma can negatively impact your work relationships due to trust issues or seeking approval neediness.

Your Work Life Blossoms When You Heal These Symptoms, Crappy Childhood Fairy, (Youtube).


Looks helpful: Overcoming Clutter Paralysis: How to Get Unstuck, Angela Brown Cleaning, ( — overwhelmed by stuff, and now also have the loss of a sibling and all the sibling’s stuff is now on top of her own excess stuff… Yes, I need this video too.

It is time to break my paralysis of overwhelm and disorganization in my real world and online work.

Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.

Fullscript Cyber sale through Nov 28.

Dandelions in close up with a mountain in the distance.

Fullscript is a wholesale supplement dispensary which carries a lot of reputable brands. Individuals can order through an affiliated healthcare professional. People ordering through my account will receive a 30% discount. Happy Health to you!

If interested sign up here and browse the various protocols that I have posted for anyone’s use. (Welcome/Sign up page) Product examples included in one of my protocols are intended for you to browse through rather than a recommendation to get all of it. (Any time I edit a protocol the system requires that I add another product to be able to save the edits.) People signed up under my account are allowed to browse the entire catalog or select from the examples I put in some protocols.

In order to participate in Fullscript’s promotion I had to change my settings – so the holiday discount should be active as of now through November 28th. Feel free to ask me questions in the comments or you can reply to email posts directly rather than making a public comment.

Thanks for the support and feedback about leg lymphedema. (Yesterday’s post: Lymphedema, movement, and structured water. ( – subscribe to my Substack for emails of my latest posts) I was trying to be light-hearted about it but it is worse than it used to be and I don’t really know why/what to do different besides try to return to my good health habits that I have been slacking on too long.

I ordered some compression stockings to try in the meantime.

The infrared space heater structured water experiment in yesterday’s post seems to have worked. I tried some this morning and it also has the slightly thicker/slipperier mouth feel that is different than tap water. I haven’t read much about health benefits of diatomaceous earth but it does add a slight cloudiness/whiteness to the water.

It is a source of silica and is good for skin, hair, teeth and bones.

“When taken by mouth, diatomaceous earth is used as a source of silica, for treating high cholesterol levels, for treating constipation, and for improving the health of skin, nails, teeth, bones, and hair.” (

Brain fatigue post – happy midweek to you!

What’s on the menu? Some time in nature. And blogs on preventing or treating chronic inflammation. I will try to copy my planned series here in addition to Substack.

Dandelion mountain?

Food first! Many very nutrient packed plants and foods are available in the grocery store or foraged from wild areas that haven’t been treated with lawn chemicals.

Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.

Distractions from nutrition – a timeline

Goals for the chronically ill often are different than for those who enjoy typical health – avoiding a cold is less difficult than avoiding increased inflammation that can lead to an inability to digest food, or to heal small wounds, or to grow skin in areas where skin cells are replaced on a weekly basis such as in mucous membranes of the nose or mouth or in the ear canal. Those rapidly growing areas represent all of the lining of the intestinal tract. If your skin isn’t healing well from minor scrapes and you have frequent nose bleeds then likely your entire digestive tract isn’t in good shape either. Cells are replaced throughout the body on a regular basis but some areas have a longer life cycle for the replacement than other areas.

(Non-healing sores may be more common in autoimmune condition Lupus, patient forum, may also occur with vasculitis – migraines may involve vasculitis. Patient forums for people with odd diseases can be comforting if only to let them know they aren’t alone. Sunlight exposure can make Lupus worse or be a trigger for some types of vasculitis sores.  The patient forum tips also included a warning not to use petroleum jelly (Vasoline TM) within the nasal passages as it can increase risk for a type of lung infection. Coconut oil was recommended by another forum comment and is the active ingredient in a product that I’ve found helpful for moistening the dry scabby tissue – pain is the common complaint along with bleeding or seeping plasma from the sore tissue. Applying tiny amount within the nasal passage or ear area is not easy but pain is unpleasant. /(After reading the patient forum tips I’ve switched to plain coconut oil as was suggested and it does seem more healing than the thicker chapstick which likely contains some waxes in addition to coconut oil. While a humid, moist air quality is helpful I’ve also found that clean air is important, smoke or smog like air made the skin condition worse whether there was a humidifier or not.)/

I’ve also found relief after a magnesium sulfate/Epsom salt bath and the dryness is reduced with adequate humidity in the air. A damp towel hung near a heating vent can help add humidity to a closed small room if a commercial humidifier isn’t available or seems inadequate. Commercial humidifiers should be cleaned with bleach water or another sanitizing agent occasionally or they may be adding mold or other infectious pathogens to the air – the damp towel dries each night and needs to be remoistened and simply washed occasionally as it doesn’t really get dirty or mold because it doesn’t stay damp. Mold and pathogens can grow on the commercial humidifiers because they tend to always retain some moisture in portions of the machinery. )

Not having a severe headache, migraine pain, and being able to breathe through both nostrils at the same time due to frequent congestion problems are also part of my good days versus bad days. Severe exhaustion and just having the energy to get dressed can be a limiting factor for a day’s goals to get anything else accomplished. Chronic illness is becoming more common rather than less common and how to help prevent or manage it is something that nutrition can help in ways that a bottle of medication can’t because the cell repair throughout the body needs many trace nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and an adequate amount and variety of protein and essential fats and carbohydrates – every day, throughout the day.

Strolling through the distractions used to suggest my concerns about nutrition are unfounded simply reveal the accuracy. (More on the “Weaponization of Social Media” by the U.S. and others) My providing free information is simply in the hope that it might be helpful to someone. I will be fine because I’ve found the research and am using it for my own benefit. Living in a desert is not something that my health can handle however and has never been my goal. The advantage of a virtual world is that if twenty readers find my information valuable then they can benefit from it wherever they are sitting and don’t need me to be present or to be living in a desert area.

Do your own research or find a health care practitioner that is trained in nutrition to help guide you if you are interested in taking better care of yourself now rather than waiting for worse chronic illness or brain degeneration. You could be one of the twenty readers who are interested or not, life is full of choice but consider whether you are choosing for yourself or whether you are accepting society’s Darwin Award of chronic illness via modern lifestyle. The United States is becoming one of the most unhealthy countries on average. Qatar is leading the group too but only since the decades since switching to a modern lifestyle and dietary habits.  (20% diabetes rate in Qatar)(Magnesium deficiency causes insulin resistance)

Supporting big business profit goals is noble but so is survival of the ecosystem over the next thousand years – if we make it through the next one hundred I have hope that we will have figured out more sustainable ways to produce energy and use renewable agricultural methods and that we will survive the next thousand – we are at a turning point where pretending the status quo is working is no longer helpful and is harmful even over the short term.

  1. Obsessive about vitamin D, must be crazy – no my recommendation to not take excessive vitamin D and calcium supplements as it is not a sure way to protect against bone fracture risk and may be harmful, has been since supported by research and is now the standard recommendation. My initial recommendation was in February 2011, this update is December 2017:
  2. Some people may truly have low vitamin and hormone D levels while others may have a condition that causes the inactive vitamin D level to be low while the active hormone D level is elevated and likely causing an elevation or tendency to elevation of the body’s calcium levels through increased absorption and decreased excretion and which also leads decreased magnesium absorption and increased magnesium excretion as the minerals are kind of a team. In ancient times magnesium was very plentiful in the water and food supply while calcium is rare so our evolutionary physiology tipped towards conserving calcium and wasting magnesium. Ideally simply ask to have both your inactive vitamin D level (25-D) and your active (1-25-D) hormone D levels to be tested but the current treatment and research recommendations generally just test the less expensive measurement of 25-D. Sarcoidosis, HIV, tuberculosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis are some examples of diseases that may have altered balances of 25-D and 1-25-D. The metabolism of vitamin D is complicated and the commonly used herbicide Roundup which contains glyphosate may be inhibiting the CYP enzymes that are needed to make the active form of hormone D from the inactive form or to make the inactive form with sunshine. This is not a widely accepted theory yet (more on the topic in a previous post) but my own health is better for having reduced my intake of foods that may contain glyphosate and by adding a powdered form of the amino acid glycine to my daily routine. I added the supplemental powder when I had a genetic screening performed that revealed a double gene difference in my ability to digest larger proteins down to the individual glycine. It has active roles within the brain which can help reduce anxiety as well as performing other functions and my health has been much improved. Glyphosate is only one methyl group (-OH, one atom of oxygen and one of hydrogen) different from glycine. (more on glycine & glyphosate in this previous post) Inhibition of CYP enzymes might also increase risk of pancreas problems and diabetes and may play a role in risk of developing autism but it isn’t the only chemical that is likely involved and deficiency of vitamin D is likely not the only nutrient deficiency involved – (more on that in this post.)  By the way, I’m looking for a particular link and just haven’t found it yet – please be patient. Still looking but here is a post with some dietary guidance for prenatal or other people interested in reducing intake of foods that may contain glyphosate: (Self care for prenatal care, part one) Okay I found it, see link [page 19, 1] “Other pathogens that have been shown to reduce the activity of the Vitamin D Receptor, in addition to the pathogen that causes Tuberculosis, include the mold Aspergillus, the viruses that cause Epstein-Barr chronic fatigue syndrome and HIV/AIDS, and the autoimmune diseases sarcoidosis, Crohn’s Disease, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Elevated levels of 1, 25(OH)2D are seen with the bacterial infections: “Elevated 1,25(OH)2D appears to be evidence of a disabled immune system’s attempt to activate the VDR to combat infection.” [page 19, 1]”  an excerpt from post: []” which I included in (Preventing autism perinatally – before conception) Newborn umbilical cord samples which are already collected could be tested for more chemicals in order to help identify which infants are likely to be more at risk for developing autism – I would be because of my genetic difference in my ability to digest protein down to the individual amino acid glycine. A researcher found 15 lab test biomarkers/chemicals in common and to save money organized them into three groups – if an infant has the first five, then pay for the screening of the second set of five and if the infant also has those differences then screen for the last set of three chemicals. If all fifteen or most of the fifteen are different than average than the infant may need dietary modifications to help with special methyl forms of B vitamins or supplements of glycine or methionine or help with detoxifying heavy metals for example. See (Newborn Sceening for Autism – 3 sets of 5 potential biomarkers) As an overview and update I will add a link to an article about a recent review of research on the finding that low vitamin D levels are associated with increased risk for many types of cancer – but – excess levels of vitamin D don’t help protect even more than adequate or good levels. Some nutrients and chemicals are safe at elevated levels because they are excreted easily while others are safe and helpful in a -U- shape, too little or too much can be unsafe to health. Vitamin D when activated to the hormone can help control our own immune system’s ability to make antibiotic type chemicals of our own – all day, everyday as long as the nutrient building blocks are available. Too much or too little vitamin/hormone D can increase risk of cancer or of autoimmune disease.
  3. This isn’t about “I told you so” it is about our government or some other agent actively preventing helpful information from being shared. I will keep sharing information that can be helpful because I know how much pain hurts and some chronic degeneration of body and brain function can not be reversed it can only be prevented – seeing your loved ones and having them not remember basic facts about themselves or their family members hurts emotionally – having them forget how to be able to swallow food hurts them physically unless caregivers to spoon feed them can be afforded or are available within the family. You may have to physically massage their throat to help stimulate a swallow reflex, simply putting the spoon in the mouth may not be enough to stimulate a swallow reflex in end stage Alzheimer’s Disease.
  4. Magnesium matters – and Epsom salt baths or foot-soaks (about one cup magnseium sulfate salt to a half bath for 20 minutes every 3 to 4 days or half cup in a tub of water for a 20-40 minute footsoak) can be a better absorbed method – this is now supported by research. It may also help protect against and reverse early stages of Alzheimer’s  Disease.
  5. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include mood changes such as depression, anxiety, or anger and irritability and physical symptoms such as muscle cramps, eye twitches, or dry eye.
  6. Magnesium is nature’s method for blocking calcium channels – and it doesn’t cause the potential side effects that pharmaceuticals may cause (PPIs such as Pprilosec, Nexium and Prevacid.)
  7. Iodine is an essential nutrient for a healthy weight and appetite for adults and infants and moderate deficiency during pregnancy may be an under lying cause of later development of autism. For some reason I can’t imagine the U.S. nutrient database for iodine content was deleted some point in time between when I first started writing about it in 2010/2011 and now. I keep checking in the hope that the information has been restored – but that day isn’t today:
  8. Zinc, B12 and vitamin D deficiency can mimic symptoms of schizophrenia which is a mental disorder where the brain isn’t recognizing the person’s own subvocal thoughts and mutterings. Treating with psychiatric drugs or only one of the missing nutrients wouldn’t cure the person of the symptoms if multiple nutrient deficiencies were the cause.  Low thyroid levels may also be a risk factor and elevated C-reactive protein or an elevated copper to zinc ratio may also be a factor.
  9. Calcium or vitamin D deficiency can cause hyperparathyroidism which can cause disoriented thinking and may cause self injury or suicidal urges.

That’s the short list.

Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.