It also is a reality check – OH, WOW, I am so unprepared. With practice strategies can become routine, quick, ready to go.
*This is a follow-up post to a previous one on Substack. I am copying both here in reverse order.
If solar flares caused EMP problems it would be at a random time. Are your back up drives always stored in EMP proof metal containers within some insulating material?
I now have my laptops and a few things wrapped in fabric in two large metal trash cans. Maybe it will work, but it wouldn’t work if something happened and I still was working in the laptop.
My biggest personal lesson has been that I don’t have much of my work in physical print. Four book drafts, none in print. I might feel bad about unfinished work, however I don’t. Each project has added to the next, built on the foundation of the previous work.
Hyperinflammation and chronic neurologic degeneration has been the overall theme of all four works. Can V was just icing on the cake.
Modern life is sickening in many ways. That is the huge take home point. So, anyone who is looking for solutions based on maintenance of a month from lifestyle will be disappointed by my findings. It is modern life making us sick. To get better requires more than a pill or talk therapy.
What has been interesting is watching mainstream media discredit absolutely everything that might help a little. If you are waiting for authority figure to tell you to take better care of yourselves, then you may be waiting a while, or be given bad advice. Fabric masks for aerosolized particles is bad advice.
People want short and easy, so I try, but they also want the science-y sounding complexity, but then that is too much. I can’t win.
These graphics are my attempt at easier – think of it as the distillation of four book drafts and maybe it will seem more helpful. PDF links included later.

There are more details, certainly, but many people don’t want more details and this amount of info may already be too much. Even health professionals don’t seem to get it. I don’t really understand but will keep trying.
It is not fun to have your brain go wacky or your body become dysfunctional. Modern medicine tends to add to chronic degenerative disease overall, more than prevent it. Bluntly, truly, buyer be wary of “health care”.
It isn’t simple. People who like the promise of a pill as a quick fix will likely still seek a pill. Eventually they may realize that the pill or four pills, or ten a day is not helping. Or maybe they won’t.
Peace be with you. I got my laptop out to add the latest version of my Hyperinflammation – positive feedback loop graphic which includes niacin as an inhibitor of the inflammatory escalation. So I will create some Dropbox links for a few drafts.
Clearly Dmitry Kats, PhD is not wrong. High dose niacin has been extremely helpful for my own health needs. I do have metabolic gene differences so some people may need it more than other people.
Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water.
The point of Equal Opportunity Programs is to allow people to try without discrimination based on personal attributes. It seems like modern medicine discriminates against physiology which is based on nutrition. We are a chemical soup, how many ingredients are in your chemical soup? And how many toxins?
Health wasn’t easy for cavemen and isn’t really easy for us either if you considered how disabling physical or mental illness can be. Life just seems easier because we don’t have to work as physically hard.
If I have survive on what I can forage from nature or standard grocery stores, I will starve or get unhealthy very quickly. That is a truth I just have to try to plan ahead for and stock up on the foods and supplements my quirky genetics and health needs at this stage of my aging process.

I think the sunburn idea is valid. Fabric was itchy so I wore a wide neckline and now have new spots on my neck/shoulder area – in the sun exposed area. Black seed oil. It takes away the sting and they are slowly flattening out.
Health is not a guarantee from your doctor, your government, your mother, or anyone. It is something you have to take care of with daily habits.
Who am I to say anything about health or diet? My job was helping women to grow new babies with inexpensive food and I was good at it. Infertility is in part due to the Modern Life – Promoting Nf-Kb graphic and lack of some of the nutrients and phytonutrients on the next two graphics.
Why should we expect to be able to grow a baby out of nutrient deficient high calorie food? Babies are not marshmallows. We can’t make a baby out of sugar and glyphosate.
- Preventative Health for Multifactorial Disorders (autism prevention – got so much flack “What, you are trying to prevent our Tweeting neurodiverse high functioning selves? You vile creature you….” The pushback was surprisingly huge. It seemed shills/media supported, not just grassroots #ActuallyAutistic Tweeters. News flash: Not all people on the autism spectrum are high functioning, or functioning much at all. There are pre-conception strategies that the baby daddy AND mommy can do – before the twinkle in the eye stage. Why should we normalize pesticide and herbicide neurologic damage as just normal? It isn’t normal for humans or any of our wildlife. Why should human toxins pollute other species? Why are humans poisoning the planet for all of life?
- My site is a book draft also – Instinct & Policy
- My book draft on Leanpub – Tipping the Clock Towards Health –
- Latest version Protocol Collation & Therapy Goals in pdf form
- Health Aids for Special Times – my initial protocol. Some of it is in the Protocol Collation but not all of it.
- Pomegranate Benefits and Preparation
That is some of my work that I feel was background material for the more recent histamine excess/retinoic acid series here on Substack.
If health is easy for you, then you may be genetically lucky or still fairly young. Health is not easy in modern life. Modern life just seems easy because we don’t have to gater dandelion greens and hunt rabbits for our dinner. The exercise, fresh air, wild dandelion greens and rabbit might be healthier for us though.
Emergency preparedness role playing can give us a chance to think more deeply about what we care about and what we want to protect.
Peace be with you all.
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance. Please seek a functional health practitioner for individual health care guidance.