ADE & Neutralizing Vs Non-Neutralizing Antibodies
The CoV “vaccines” cause the person’s own cells to make spike protein and put it on the surface of the human cell – this would never happen in an actual viral infection. In viral replication the virus with spike are made within the host cell and then burst forth, killing the host cell and possibly also using part of the host cell membrane as part of the membrane of the many replicated virus. The cellular debris from the cell being killed by the exit of the virus leaves inflammatory chemicals in the extracellular fluid.
In the case of the gene therapy “vaccines” the human cell itself has spike proteins produced on the surface – which may be identified by immune cells as an actual foreign protein with viral origin and neutralizing antibodies would be made that attack as if it is a virus – neutralizing the virus from being infectious. Or since it is a human cell, non-neutralizing antibodies might be made that recognize it as a ‘self’ protein – it is on human cell after all.
When the injected person’s immune cells recognize the viral protein on the human cell surface, they make antibodies against the spike protein, and eventually, those antibodies, whether neutralizing type or non-neutralizing, would connect with the spike proteins located on the surface of the human cells – throughout the body, wherever spike is being produced. Depending on the type of antibodies that had been made, other immune cells will either attack the human cell as if it is viral or cause the human cell to die – they were neutralizing antibodies – but instead of neutralizing an infectious pathogen a human cell was killed instead. The immune cells will also be extra busy with all that work, recognizing and killing all human cells that have the spike protein on the surface, so any other random infection may be ignored simply because the immune system is too busy attacking the human cells that have spike – whether a cold, flu, or SARS-CoV2.
Or, if non-neutralizing antibodies had been made, the other immune cells would leave the human cells with spike protein alone. That might seem good, but it also means that a real coronavirus infection might also be ignored by the immune cells, primed with non-neutralizing antibodies that think spike protein is ‘self’ now.
Neutralizing antibodies are the goal of a vaccine because they would help prevent infection or symptoms from the infectious pathogen – neutralizing it from doing harm. In the case of the CoV “vaccines” though, neutralizing antibodies are also causing the human cells with spike on their surface to be killed by immune cells – as if the human cells are a foreign virus. That is similar to autoimmune disease except for many different types of cells throughout the body may all be involved instead of more specific autoimmune antibodies against thyroid tissue and gluten for example (molecular mimicry – similar chemical shape).
Non-neutralizing antibodies are not the goal of vaccines but animal research with mRNA vaccine found that it was a big problem. Eventually all the animals died once exposed to the wild type virus. This is referred to in medical research as Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, (ADE), and more recently has been called as Vaccine Enhanced Disease.
If the non-neutralizing antibodies encounter a SARS-CoV2 virus, any variant with a closely matching spike protein, they will bind with the spike. However the non-neutralizing antibodies are labeling it as ‘self’ and immune cells will ignore the virus as if it was a human cell – not neutralizing the virus. The non-neutralizing antibodies also would not be causing the killing of any human cells that have spike protein being produced on their surface.
People with minimal symptoms after the jabs may have been one of the lucky ones to get the ~30% saline solution batches, or they may be more at risk for ADE infections to any coronavirus that has somewhat similar spike proteins.
Vaccine Enhanced Disease is a descriptive name. The vaccine caused the formation of non-neutralizing antibodies which accept the pathogen as ‘self’, instead of neutralizing ones that would be protective. The infection is able to grow freely, unstopped by the immune cells – which means the disease process was ‘enhanced’ – the infection will be much worse than if there hadn’t been a vaccine inducing non-neutralizing antibodies.
ADE reactions generally lead to death of the research animal with mRNA gene therapy research, and there is limited information regarding the condition in humans as adverse vaccine reactions tend to be called other things rather than performing autopsies and finding out in more detail. A nasal infection leading to lung infection would show more damage in the upper area of the lungs. An ADE infection would likely have damage more throughout the lungs and body.
In the case of an RSV vaccine and later infection, the ADE reaction was “termed vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease.” (1)
Recent research is showing a disease enhancement effect occurring with the CoV gene treatments. Infection rate is higher in the injected than those who have not had the CoV injections:
“Earlier, I had published and announced in a public speech (Harrisburg) that the vaccine program had failed, in part based on my findings that the number of new cases was highest in countries with highest vaccine uptake (See article here). The Israeli and UK data showed more cases in the vaccinated than in the unvaccinated, and my analysis yesterday should silence the pedestrian response “that’s because there are more people who are vaccinated”. I’ve pointed out (as have others) that Fauci’s “go home until you are sick enough to need emergency care” makes people variant incubators.
Now a new study has found the specific mutations by which the SARS-CoV-2 lineages have escaped the vaccine. The study, which is behind a paywall (US$40), reports that these mutations lead to less infectivity compared to the original SARS-CoV-2, but, according to the authors, “can disrupt existing antibodies that neutralize the virus“.
That sounds like disease enhancement to me.” – James Lyons-Weiler (2)
People getting CoV injections are supposed to be informed of increased risk of infection being possible as a result, rather than protection. Research focused on whether they are being informed of the risk of ADE or Vaccine enhanced disease found that there was insufficient awareness. (3)
Variants with a spike modification that evades the antibodies, whether neutralizing or non-neutralizing may also be an increased risk of the leaky gene treatments, (4), called vaccines by the new definition of the word.
Adaptive immunity – ability to make new types of antibodies & more B or T immune cells.
Adaptive immunity means our ability to make new types of antibodies whenever we need, and allow the transformation of undifferentiated immune cells into the active B or T cell type that is ready to make antibodies (B), or fight infection (T). Without the DNA repair function the immune cell differentiation can not occur either. Lack of DNA repair also is a problem because DNA changes can lead to cancer or mitochondrial dysfunction conditions which can include Parkinson’s disease (PD). (5)
The viral infection leads to inflammation, oxidative stress, and that leads to increased DNA damage, which might be random. Adequate nutrients can help correct the oxidative stress chemical imbalance before damage occurs. After DNA damage occurs, it may be too late to correct DNA changes that were replicated in a large enough number of defective mitochondria or cells to cause noticeable symptoms.
“Consistent with our results, clinical observations also show that the risk of severe illness or death with COVID–19 increases with age, especially older adults who are at the highest risk [22]. This may be because SARS–CoV–2 spike proteins can weaken the DNA repair system of older people and consequently impede V(D)J recombination and adaptive immunity.
In contrast, our data provide valuable details on the involvement of spike protein subunits in DNA damage repair, indicating that full–length spike–based vaccines may inhibit the recombination of V(D)J in B cells, which is also consistent with a recent study that a full–length spike–based vaccine induced lower antibody titers compared to the RBD–based vaccine [28].
This suggests that the use of antigenic epitopes of the spike as a SARS–CoV–2 vaccine might be safer and more efficacious than the full–length spike. Taken together, we identified one of the potentially important mechanisms of SARS–CoV–2 suppression of the host adaptive immune machinery. Furthermore, our findings also imply a potential side effect of the full–length spike–based vaccine.” (6)
DNA Damage can lead to cancer or mitochondrial conditions, like Parkinson’s Disease, PD.
DNA damage can be prevented more easily then it can be changed back to healthy – unless it is just an epigenetic change. Methyl groups are an atom of oxygen and hydrogen that can be added to the side of DNA sequences where they act kind of like a bottle cap to keep the DNA in a closed or off position.
Epigenetic changes where a gene is active when it should be inactive, can change back when adequate methyl donor vitamins are available (methyl or hydroxy B12, folate, and choline). Some people may need extra due to a genetic inability somewhere in the methylation steps, or because inflammation/infection caused an big increase in need for the nutrients.
Other phytonutrients may also help with DNA damage and protect against cancerous changes.
“Recently, we have shown that dietary phytochemicals such as quercetin, rutin, rosmarinic acid, luteolin, and others not only protect DNA damage but also stimulate DNA repair in liver and colon cell lines (Lima et al., 2006; Ramos et al., 2008; Ramos et al., 2010b; Ramos et al., 2010a). These effects may contribute to their anti-carcinogenic effects” (Ramos et al, 2011) (7)
See page Phytonutrients for food sources and more information about quercetin, rutin, rosmarinic acid, luteolin and other phytonutrients.
The menu and beverage ideas for Nrf2 Promoting Foods (G10) on would also be helpful for DNA repair, and Pomegranate (G13) or Citrus Peel (G14). Zinc is also important, food sources on (G15), or see reference (8).
Thiamine, vitamin B1, is also needed in larger amounts during severe inflammation or infection and possibly for a long time aferwards, a LongCovid personal story: (9). Riboflavin, B2, is important to take along with it, and niacin/nicotinic acid, B3, pantothenic acid, B5, and the other methyl donors, folate, methyl or hydroxy B12, and choline. Betaine, TMG, may also be beneficial to take and CoQ10 and alpha lipoic acid, both cofactors for mitochondrial use of the citric acid cycle (see post Niacin for preventing migraines) for converting glucose into usable energy or as heat, which can reduce inflammation. (see post Niacin & Early Treatment)
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a [*functional] health professional for individual health care purposes.
Reference List
- Arvin, A.M., Fink, K., Schmid, M.A. et al. A perspective on potential antibody-dependent enhancement of SARS-CoV-2. Nature 584, 353–363 (2020).
- James Lyons-Weiler. Spike-Only Vaccine a Colossal Blunder: Michigan State University Shows SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Escape is Due to Vaccination. Dec. 8, 2021,
- Timothy Cardozo, Ronald Veazey. Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease. Int J Clin Pract. 2021;75:e13795. DOI: 10.1111/ijcp.13795
- Wang R, Chen J, Wei G-W. Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 Evolution Revealing Vaccine-Resistant Mutations in Europe and America. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, XXX, 11850–11857, December 7, 2021
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- Hui Jiang, Ya-Fang Mei. SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro. Viruses 2021, 13(10), 2056; DOI: 10.3390/v13102056
- Alice A. Ramos, Cristóvão F. Lima and Cristina Pereira-Wilson, Chapter: DNA Damage Protection and Induction of Repair by Dietary Phytochemicals and Cancer Prevention: What Do We Know? October 26th 2011, DOI: 10.5772/22125, From: Selected Topics in DNA Repair. Ed. Clark Chen, U of California, San Diego, USA, DOI: 10.5772/1749
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