Severe blood clotting after the 2nd jab is likely, especially with strong EMF and mineral deficiency. Increase in globulin proteins may be involved in the rouleaux, red blood cell stacking seen w GO & post jab blood smears.

Rouleaux formation (Red blood cells, RBCs, stacking like a tower of coins) happens more often in equine blood cells than human due to a difference in the strength of the electrical charge on the surface proteins. The sialic protein of their blood cells has a weaker negative charge – less strength to repel other negatively charged blood cells.
- “Horse red blood cells are thought to form rouleaux because they have decreased negative charge (altered zeta potential) on their red blood cells.” (1)
Video about the stacking effect after jabs, especially after the second. The narrative in French switches to English shortly into the video. (2) The rouleaux stacking of RBCs was more likely when EMF was present and the blood had low mineral levels. {*Magnesium has a protective effect against EMF activation of TRP calcium channels. post} The clotting was found to be so thick after the second shot that it was deadly. Blood doesn’t even flow from a finger stick when they take samples from a CoV double injected person. (2)
“Erythrocytes account for about 66% of the manganese in whole blood, whereas the “buffy coat”–platelets and leukocytes–accounts for about 30%.” (3)
The buffy coat layer of the blood only makes up 1% of the total blood volume, (4), and red blood cells do not have mitochondria so the difference in manganese is likely the difference in mitochondrial MnSOD. The erythrocytes 99% of the blood, the RBCs, have 66% of the blood manganese, while the 1%, platelets and white blood cells have 30%. (3, 4)
Manganese Superoxide dismutase, MnSOD, is necessary for survival.
Lab mice and fruitflies bred to have a defective gene for making MnSOD did not survive. Mice with one of the two copies defective and one functional survive but are more at risk from oxidative stress.
- “Studies using mice (182) and fruit flies (40) demonstrated that MnSOD gene knockout is lethal; while MnSOD heterozygous mice with haplo-insufficiency can survive but are more susceptible to oxidative injury (169, 171). The crucial role of MnSOD in protecting cells against oxidative stress has been extensively studied and thoroughly reviewed (75, 89, 123, 130, 150, 161), pointing to the critical roles of MnSOD in maintaining cellular physiology in response to genotoxic conditions, such as oxidative stress.” (5)
Manganese may have been a causal factor in the UK outbreak of Mad Cow prion disease, CJDv.
Organophosphate chemicals can include metals and may have been a causal factor of Mad Cow Disease, however the research was suppressed in the UK instead of being further studied for confirmation. (6, 7) Toxic manganese can be one of the problem metals. (6)
There has been a case of prion disease with an onset shortly after having CoV injections. (8) A COVID19 patient also had prion disease develop. (9) The spike protein may be a risk factor for prion disease developing. (10, 11)
- “On July 12, a second lumbar puncture came back positive for CJD — a prion disease. Cheryl’s tau protein value was 38,979 pg/ml, while the spectrum for CJD positive patients is 0 – 1,149.” (8)
The injection version of the spike protein was modified and may be more dangerous rather than less so. (15) The S1 subunit can separate and both S1 and S2 subunits may lead to misfolded proteins. The S1 part can be released free from the cell while the S2 part stays connected and the interaction with surface proteins may also be recognized as an autoimmune protein.
- “But it’s far worse, as the vaccines do not cause your body to make the same spike protein as SARS-CoV-2 but one that has been genetically modified, making it far more toxic.” – Long-Term Damage from COVID Vaccination (15)
- Screening for prion disease in CoV injected people with symptoms is a plan in the works, contact person, Adam Gaertner
Graphene oxide is stable chemically but may be involved in unusual physiology, if the system is chemically unstable due to EMF or mineral deficiencies. We don’t know what we don’t know.
Graphene oxide as an ingredient of the nano-lipoparticles in the injections may also be a factor in prion risk, (12), if it is effecting manganese in platelets. (6) Manganese superoxide dismutase and graphene oxide are reactive and combinations are being studied for medication use (13), and for industrial use. (14)
Booster jabs will likely keep increasing the risk of the severe RBC stacking reaction as it would be adding more graphene oxide with each dose. Clearing graphene oxide from our bodies may not occur readily as it is very stable chemically.
Mineral deficiency of magnesium or manganese may be a risk factor for the rouleaux effect.
EMF fields plus graphene oxide content in a mineral deficient person may be combined factors in the rouleaux effect seen in platelets of CoV injected patients. (2) Magnesium helps prevent calcium entry into cells or mitochondria which can overactivate them and cause harm if excessive, possibly caused by a strong EMF device. Deficiency would increase risk. Deficiency in manganese would also increase risk of oxidative stress within mitochondria as MnSOD is the main antioxidant within mitochondria. (16)

Excerpt from a paper about 5G EMF
Nrf2 deficiency may increase risk for lack of MnSOD as it promotes our production of the antioxidant.
Manganese superoxide dismutase is something we have to make for ourselves – and the increased need for it during increased oxidative stress explains the benefit of Nrf2 promoting nutrients mentioned in a recent post. The Nrf2 gene and protein promote our own production of MnSOD. (16) We would also need manganese, and magnesium. (17)
Early data suggests 3rd jabs are hockey sticking the death rate (exponential increase) (18):

An autopsy had to be personally paid for, as well as being demanded and sought out. The autopsy did show the sudden death was due to the CoV injections the person had been given. (19) How can we “Follow the science” if basic procedures such as autopsy is not being performed? And in the case of sudden deaths that are occurring during a medical experiment? All adverse events during a medical experiment should be studied in depth and recorded. Instead autopsy and research seems to be being prevented?
Illegal directives need to be resisted, not complied with, a unified show of resistance by the people is needed.
Unity and strength is needed. The way to fight illegal directives, not passed by Congress, or not Constitutional, is to not comply. An apology later is not going to help an injury, and is unlikely to appear. Teamwork by many, many people is the way to turn down the government or business direction to keep jabbing, or to have jab ID’S- the jabbed need to not accept a ‘privilege’ based on their status, and not participate in an apartheid system.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use.
Reference List
- Red Blood Cells/Patterns,,
- The Effects of Vaccination of the Blood,,
- Milne DB, Sims RL, Ralston NV. Manganese content of the cellular components of blood. Clin Chem. 1990 Mar;36(3):450-2. PMID: 2311212.
- Human Buffy Coat,,
- Candas D, Li JJ. MnSOD in oxidative stress response-potential regulation via mitochondrial protein influx. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2014;20(10):1599-1617. doi:10.1089/ars.2013.5305
- Educating RIDA,,
- Mad Cow Disease, topic page, various links to follow,,
- Megan Redshaw, Woman Dies of Rare Brain Disease Within 3 Months of Second Pfizer Shot, Doctor Says Vaccine Could Be Responsible. Aug. 31, 2021,,
- Young MJ, O’Hare M, Matiello M, Schmahmann JD. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in a man with COVID-19: SARS-CoV-2-accelerated neurodegeneration?. Brain Behav Immun. 2020;89:601-603. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2020.07.007
- Tetz, G.; Tetz, V. SARS-CoV-2 Prion-Like Domains in Spike Proteins Enable Higher Affinity to ACE2. Preprints 2020, 2020030422 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202003.0422.v1).
- Idrees D, Kumar V. SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interactions with amyloidogenic proteins: Potential clues to neurodegeneration. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021;554:94-98. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.03.100
- Microscopia de vial CORMINATY, Dr Campra, Contaminants found in jabs, report:
- Farell M, Self A, Guza C, et al., Lipid-Functionalized Graphene Loaded with hMnSOD for Selective Inhibition of Cancer Cells. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 11, 12407–12416, February 20, 2020,
- Cheekati, S., Xing, Y., Zhuang, Y., & Huang, H. (2011). Graphene platelets and their manganese composites for lithium ion batteries. ECS Transactions, 33 (39), 23-32. DOI 10.1149/1.3589918
- Long-Term Damage from COVID Vaccination,,
- Cofactors & Phytonutrients, see MnSOD,,
- Nutrients, see Manganese and Magnesium,,
- @MConceptions, “3rd dose launched on July 30th“,,
- Controversial Autopsy Reveals Link to COVID Vaccine.,
Aids, notes:
Epsom salt, magnesium sulfate, is a well absorbed form for topical soaks. Poor intestinal absorption can be a problem, especially if there is a gene difference in the TRPM6 ion channel gene.

(a type of salt that isn’t Table salt, Sodium chloride).
4a. Self care strategies,,
C19 Protocols:
contaminants found in jabs, report:
“COVID affects the intestines. Serotonin is mostly produced in the intestines. therefore, it is important to put in order the microflora (bifido + lactobacilli + broad-spectrum digestive enzymes) + add griffonia and orange, and berberine to eliminate inflammation.” – @bichikota
“These studies demonstrate that baicalein attenuates mitochondrial oxidative stress by activating Nrf2-mediated MnSOD induction.”