Pleasure, happiness and a book to avoid

An old song that became part of pop culture as the opening lines of a television show suggests that love and marriage have to do with baby carriages. As a rhyming song lyric it does work well and it was the definition I grew up with – love and marriage was about picking the best person to be your children’s other parent – and be sure to have the marriage first and baby carriage second, that was important in my family even though the wedding itself wasn’t. Recently a book about addiction suggested that in our commercial world marriage seemed to be about large weddings, which some popular reality television shows about weddings have reinforced. Some brides can be very difficult and some weddings can be very large and expensive.

The average marriage that ends in divorce in the U.S. lasts an average of eight years. Children who see their parents divorce are more likely as adults to have a marriage of their own end in divorce so it is something difficult for the whole family. Longer getting to know you courtships may help couples have a better idea of what they are getting into but then who knows how many would never try? (U.S. divorce statistics)(healthy signs & questions to consider for a good relationship)

In my own upbringing it was always made clear to me by my father, who I love dearly but who doesn’t always say things in a kind and gentle manner, that with multiple daughters we were  all to elope – no money would be spent on large weddings. It was meant as a joke but clothes were never important in my family especially clothes to wear only once. In my family nature’s birthday suit was considered beautiful, love the skin you’re in, and any clothing on top of that was just window dressing for society. Elopement was an okay idea with me, and my sisters survived as well – small weddings were our thing, no difficult brides demanding special treatment. My point if there is one is that definitions are different for different people and one person’s impression even if it is in a book may not be correct or may not be correct for everyone.

Today is Veteran’s Day and I honor veterans including my father for their contribution to helping our nation’s safety. Budgeting for elopements versus large weddings seems worth a discussion based on the national budget however. When a bill called a tax reform bill is trimming care for citizens at the expense of health and children’s futures simply to provide more tax savings for a small percentage of the population that seems like a party that is excluding the majority for the sake of a fancy plate wedding that seats only a few. Blaming others doesn’t solve problems and we can’t  just blame President Trump or the Trump administration for the House passing a massive military bill that provides more than was even requested.

We can hold him accountable for his Tweeting though:. /

This post is not really about weddings or Veteran’s Day. It is about addiction and endocrinology and the need in my opinion to not blame patients or parents for underlying health problems in themselves or their children, more on that is included later in this post, and to not ever suggest to a sober addict that the addict’s definition of sobriety or description of it is wrong. Words mean different things for different people. Writing a book with a theme is nice but blaming addicts for not fitting neatly into the jargon of the theme in wrong in my opinion. The author includes in his blame game  the use of LSD and the 60s  flower power generation on a rock and roll musician without including a reference which would be difficult because the story he writes about is inaccurate – a slander lawsuit could possibly be filed for that (chapter 8, book).

I read this book to save anyone else the effort:  book that needs to be rewritten.

If interested in neuroscience and behavioral psychology, nevermind the jokes, because who cares, the references are cited thoroughly and accurately I would recommend reading Sapolsky’s Behave

Sugar is blamed for most of chronic illness and the section on nutrition doesn’t even include carbohydrates as an essential food group. Too much starch and sugar is not good but the brain minimally needs at least roughly 100 grams of carbohydrate per day and it can’t use fat for energy. Protein from muscle mass will be broken down into a form that the brain can use for energy.

After having finished the book, there is some value in it but there are also errors and opinion presented as fact. A dangerous idea is presented, likely meant as a joke but there is no qualifier given that it was a joke and not meant as advice and that the idea shouldn’t be followed. (p125,book includes a maybe slip a mood altering substance in someone’s drink idea – no don’t do that ever, even if it is a legal substance and meant to boost the mood, it is illegal.

References ideally should be included for all information presented as facts in a book with educational goals. The section on nutrition is simplified to the point of dangerous misinformation and sugar is stressed as the primary problem with our processed food diet. It is a problem but not the only one. Sugar is blamed for most of chronic illness and the section on nutrition doesn’t even include carbohydrates as an essential food group. Too much starch and sugar is not good but the brain minimally needs at least roughly 100 grams of carbohydrate per day and it can’t use fat for energy. Protein from muscle mass will be broken down into a form that the brain can use for energy.

Drinking any calorie containing beverage as a thirst quencher is a problem that I observed and counseled parents about for helping children who were heading upward on the weight to height ratio. Within three months usually, when the next appointment would be typically scheduled, the parents often had such success that they had forgotten that there had been a concern. Children are good at regulating food intake however the intake of liquids is not regulated in the same way as solid food. Our brains expect water for thirst because that is what nature provides. Once a baby is weaned from mother’s milk there is not typically any other calorie beverage in the natural world. As cavemen and women we did not milk wild animals or squeeze juice from fruits. We ate the fruits and wild animals as whole foods which are recognized by the brain as filling due to fiber or fats. Carbohydrates alone do not have the appetite satisfying effect on the brain that fiber and fats provide.

Regarding pediatric or adult endocrinology and the increase in metabolic syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes – sugar can increase insulin resistance but so can an absence of magnesium. Sugary processed foods often are not only deficient in fiber but they are also deficient in magnesium and B vitamins which are needed to process the sugar into usable energy.

More about magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance is available here: Association of Serum Magnesium Deficiency with Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,  (G3.122)

Diabetics given opiates for pain have been found to not have the same response as non-diabetics, their pain is not relieved – unless magnesium is also given. More importantly to me at least, their pain was relieved simply by giving magnesium alone – why give the opiates then, why not just treat the magnesium deficiency? Read more:  Magnesium ions and opioid agonists in vincristine-induced neuropathy, (G3.101)

I wrote a bit more about the pediatric nutrition issues related to the book in a longer post, so I’m copying the part about pediatric nutrition and endocrinology here as well:

The planet and its nations can’t afford an increasingly ill population. We are not just overweight (or chronically ill) because we eat too much and exercise too little, some do, but why is the better question. A healthy person has a healthy appetite that guides to balanced amount of food without counting calories and a healthy person has a healthy interest in active play or work that exercises the body.

Blaming doesn’t solve problems it just denies responsibility and prevents more helpful answers from being discovered.  A book I just picked up recently written by a pediatric endocrinologist is upsetting for me to read because blaming the patient for not following the doctor’s advice is a theme rather than considering the possibility that the advice itself might be wrong or incomplete. In my experience as a pediatric nutrition counselor I observed that children are the best at self-regulating their intake and generally did quite well at eating enough but not too much and generally had a reasonable height/weight ratio- except for the few who seemed to be overweight no matter how much their parent tried  to help them achieve a healthy weight for height.

Parents have lost custody or risked losing custody of their children when too large or too small and I’ve written about both issues. Undiagnosed congenital (from birth) hypothyroidism can be a cause of a child being tiny, too slim seeming except their bone structure is also slim so proportionally they tiny child can look healthy for their tiny weight. Force feeding wouldn’t help that child. Other children can be overweight even on limited calories, possibly due to an undiagnosed hypothyroid problem that occurred later than birth. Putting either the tiny child or the overweight child in foster homes would not solve an undiagnosed endocrinology problem. (post about the overweight child, Foster Care case) (post regarding tiny child and Foster Care case)

Holding parents accountable for something that is neglect or abuse is important but blaming them for underlying health problems that aren’t being diagnosed in many many people is wrong and there is no reason to expect that a Foster Care family would be able to make the child gain or lose weight if the underlying reason is an actual health problem.

To repeat an important point: When health statistics change as rapidly as they have in the U.S. and an increasing number of other nations then it is not a question of individual choice but of environmental changes.

Returning to the questionable practice of suggesting to a sober addict that their definition of sobriety is wrong (p 282, book) – a sober addict’s definition of sobriety is always adequate if they are maintaining sobriety.

The definition of words is fluid and addiction and who might be considered an addict may also be fluid. The person who is planning to get married just in order to have a large wedding might be considered an addict to weddings and the nation with a military industrial budget greater than half the national budget might be considered addicted to the weapons industry – possibly.

If a number of addicts to more traditional addictions of substances legal or illegal describe their experience while under the influence as happiness and their experience sober as pleasure it seems worth considering what they might mean. The dictionary definition uses the two words as synonyms – meaning some what the same thing. Happiness is further defined as contentment and pleasure could be considered at the verb “to please” not just as an emotional descriptor, the feeling of pleasure.

Opiates are being overused in our current society and are deadly when a powerful street version is used in place of the controlled pharmaceutical version. Our body’s natural painkiller includes internally produced opiate-like substances and the feeling might be described as happiness, or bliss, or absolute dreamlike contentment – but then the body runs out and there is an absent feeling of loss of contentment. The person might be overpowered by an urge to seek more. I experienced a small amount of that feeling a long time ago when I was prescribed painkiller tablets after having some dental work. I wasn’t really warned that the tablets were dangerous but they did leave me wanting more for a few days after I ran out, so I am slightly familiar with the dreamy bliss of opiate based pain killers and I have avoided them ever since.

The addicts who described feeling happy while drugged and feeling pleasure sober might be trying to express the difference between an artificial short term bliss that leaves an unsatisfactory feeling afterwards with the more gratifying experience of sober pleasure – taking pleasure in pleasing oneself or others naturally. Helping others can be a significant form of pleasure, pleasing oneself by pleasing others can be gratifying in a lasting way that a short term felling of contented happiness may not. In our modern world we can have addictions to video games or to shopping or other non-drug related experiences, even social media Likes and reshares may have an addictive quality for some users. Feeling grateful and helping others in a social group may provide long lasting pleasure and short term contentment.

Definitions are important to help oneself understand one’s own behavior and for trying to communicate with others.

Cannabinoids are also chemicals that are produced naturally in our bodies but there is many more types of them than opiates and the functions the many types play are much more versatile than simply relieving pain. The primary one found in our body during times of health is known by the initials 2-AG and it is not euphoria inducing. The pain killing and euphoria producing one that is similar to the euphoria inducing cannabinoid found in cannabis known by the initials THC is called anandamide, a word that includes a foreign term for the word bliss. Anandamide is not found in large quantities in the body during times of health. It increases in quantity shortly before death and may help us “go gently into that good night” to reverse the meaning of a famous poem. when starvation is severe the body goes into a contented state, a desperate urge to seek food or water is no longer present – this might be when the anandamide levels increase naturally. Attempts by the pharmaceutical industry to synthesize cannabinoids for medical purposes have focused on THC when it might be the non-euphoria producing 2-AG that is more medically helpful for people who are alive.

Definitions are important and not mixing science and moral religious values is also important. Addiction can involve poor choices but it may also involve underlying differences in genetics or metabolism that leave some people needing more excitement to stimulate an increase in neurotransmitters because their body is overly efficient at breaking down the supply of neurotransmitters. It would be more helpful to tell that person that exercising vigorously each day is important for their mental health rather than telling them they are morally wrong for wanting excitement. Some bodies do better with the calm of simple stretching exercises while others need vigorous tiring workouts.

Veteran’s health care choices were recently limited for treatment of PTSD. The use of medical marijuana can be very helpful and safe for the condition while pharmaceuticals that are frequently subscribed instead have been associated with suicide and homicide. Second opinions and a personal right to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness is in the U.S. Declaration of Independence. It may be time to review that document at the federal level. It has been approved for veterans with PTSD as a treatment choice in New York State.

The strain of medical marijuana can be important for health benefits. THC alone can increase anxiety and is balanced by calming effects from non-euphoric cannabinoids in strains that contain a variety of cannabinoids. Some food substances also contain non-euphoric cannabinoids or the precursor nutrients which include phospholipids. Currently my own PTSD symptoms are being helped by daily large salads which I describe in this post: Is it Addiction or Starvation?

The difference between 2-AG and THC is discussed in the post: What do we have in common with pine trees and ticks?

It is good to find out one’s own definition of pleasure and happiness rather than always trusting other’s definitions. People are similar but we are also different. Some may feel safer with half the country’s budget dedicated to war while other’s might feel safer with adequate prenatal care and a system that supports families with children so that the children are growing up in secure environments that help them become pro-social trusting adults.

Returning to the baby carriage – life worked out in the right order to please my parents and in time for them all to meet. My babies arrived after the small wedding and early enough to get to know their grandparents before they passed on to whatever may happen next. Marrying young may have difficulties however there are also advantages – children have a lot of energy. Would I do things differently if I could start over again? Not when I look at a picture of my babies. Tips for helping an older child adapt to a new baby: New Baby Sibling

Happy Veteran’s Day. May peace reign supreme today and everyday.



Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

Several nutrients are involved in heart disease

Whether nutrient deficiencies or other metabolic imbalance is the cause is not clear or it may be a response to oxidative stress, however levels of the trace nutrients magnesium, selenium, zinc, and vitamin D3 were found to be low and the level of calcium elevated in myocardium, a type of muscle tissue in the heart. [1]

  1. Karl T. Weber,1,* William B. Weglicki,2 and Robert U. Simpson3 Macro- and micronutrient dyshomeostasis in the adverse structural remodelling of myocardium, Cardiovasc Res. 2009 Feb 15; 81(3): 500–508.

Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

The dark side of the cuddle hormones is aggression

The try, try, again – thanks for the love and attention but it is driving me and my family crazy. I love my dog and am not healthy. International community of academics – please take my academic findings leapfrog to the next logical place you would take it to prove evidence based value in the information. The US is in a odd place right now. Please don’t let it hold back the world’s academic understanding of physiology. Nixon wanted to suppress blacks and hippies with his listing of marijuana as having no medial value. Please don’t let racist and inequal policy affect our modern treatment of healthcare. –

Regarding my mental health – it is rational at times and when I’m “triggered” or have run out of my medication than I’m not rational, and not myself, and get stuck in patterns of behavior or speech that are not rational and include my worse fears. If I were being observed it would likely be frightening – seek therapy is good advice – for any observers – countertransference/transference of symptoms can be a problem in counseling type settings and may affect others who spend time with someone with mental health symptoms. I included resources in my my new website in several places because I wanted the information to be right there available at that point in the text in case the reader had just reached the point of acceptance that they might benefit from seeking help. We don’t know what we don’t know until we suddenly just learn it – and then it is nice if the next step is obvious.

But overall I’m fine and never asked for help except for a rhetorical request for editing advice – which I received and it was helpful. The point about “I’m fine” is that this is a lifelong change, I can do things to be more stable and less likely to be triggered but the underlying health change seems to be permanent – just “trying harder” is not going to change anything. Eating regularly and not being stressed by crazy nonsense does help reduce the chances of being triggered. Thanks.

My goals are academic and have always been academic – share information about the benefits of magnesium for many chronic illnesses and mood problems. An office and IT support is all I wanted. I’m sorry if my health issues and inability to travel easily have been confusing. Writing is how I organize my thoughts well and then it is easier for me to work with individual  needs once I have my notes in order. My health is much better with the information that I have learned on my own then it would be if I had left myself only in the care of the current medical industry. My academic findings are critical to our future health – please academics who have some common sense – please ignore the utter nonsense of current politics and just get this information moving along the publish or perish track towards actual patient care. There is allegedly video of my personal life for seven years funded by US taxpayers and it is really embarrassing to the public that I exist – so leave my out of your academic work – just move the ideas the next rung of the relay race.

/The too long didn’t read – love and caring may be feelings that can lead us into hurting strangers out of some misguided sense that we are helping someone else who seems to be in need of help and who seems more in need of help than the person being sabotaged. Sabotage of other countries because we feel “patriotic” to our own country is still sabotage of another country though, and it would be considered a war crime if there were people able to hold the U.S. accountable for the actions performed by our nation. Be cautious about patriotically supporting policies that are harmful to other nations just because our current administration suggests a course of action.

My concern ever since I started writing online is and always has been about our planet and its long term survival. Helping individual humans be healthier with simpler strategies simply helps produce less waste for the planet – it’s math. Our human actions are having devastating and long lasting consequences on the planet, and ecologically and politically are leading to worse risk and more terrorists. People who are attacked are going to work harder to defend themselves – or maybe if we spend enough borrowed money, eventually they may all give up or all be destroyed but are we, as proud patriots, supposed to then feel proud of our “superior” and “patriotic” ability to destroy others?

On an individual level my own story has been inflated and lied about in positive ways and in negative ways at different times. I’ve overshared about myself and my life at times in an attempt to correct misrepresentations. It tended to not go well – but creating a kickball might be fun to distract the voters and smear political topics but is it a good use of taxpayer money and might it not be causing more harm to occur to other women because an example is being made? Personally, yes, I have issues, many, and have since I was a baby, a difficult baby in some ways, but I persevere. Any day when I can breathe out of both nostrils at the same time is a good day. Any day without a migraine is an excellent day – lately I’ve been having mostly excellent days. I have sought a variety of medical and psychiatric evaluations to try to figure out why I tended to be slightly sick most of the time and it has helped but reading was also important. In a nutshell though, any speculation about my mental health that includes narcissism is false. Personality disorder, No Origin Specified, is one of my diagnoses and I asked for clarification. All the psychiatric professional offered as detail was that I showed childlike body language when I laughed and emotional lability – fleeting changes between emotions -also common in children.

It can help a team bond to have a common foe but do you really need to create enemies out of a person who just was trying to offer a personal account of successfully recovering health with diagnoses that are not well understood? not everyone has a disease or condition that is common enough for funding to be available – but they should still have a right to some level of individualized health care – care targeting their  body’s condition and its needs. /

Regarding love and two different types of hormonal receptor activity:

Two different variants of the vasopressin and oxytocin receptors have been identified in humans and a few other animal species. One of the variants of each type was found to be associated with more aggressive behavior of the research participant’s on the behalf of other people who were portrayed as being in need of help in a simulated “game” scenario – would you help one person even if it meant you had to do so be harming one of their competitors?

The study results showed that the people with one type of receptor on average would help the competitor who seemed to need help even if it meant sabotaging one of the competition with a substance that would cause physical pain.   Read more: The Neurohormones Oxytocin and Vasopressin Explain How Empathy Leads to Aggression. (

Protecting loved ones is important and helping strangers in need of help is also important, however within my value system sabotaging competitors or causing people pain on purpose is not a valid response to any typical scenario that I can imagine. I’m sure if there was some end-of-the-world-if-you-don’t situation then I would likely try to save many, even if it meant harming one, but just to help someone win a race? – no way. I have been working very hard for a long time actually on the topic of ways to help prevent the end of the world -as we know it- and at great expense of myself and it turns out also at the expense of my dog’s health and of other family members who have also suffered increased stress. But the goal is worth it – better health for humans would also be healthier for the planet.

I love my dog and I care about humanity but I also care a lot about the planet and all of its life forms – we can’t buy a new planet and terraforming other planets or building a dome on them is still in the early stages so I wouldn’t count on living somewhere else soon. Working with others towards developing and using more sustainable methods for supporting life here on Earth is my short term and long term goal.

Overly aggressive vasopressin and oxytocin receptors seem a little too aggressive on behalf of complete strangers, at times, to me at least.  Fighting tooth and nail to protect my children is the motherly form of the hormonal aggression that was being measured in the study scenario, but in the rsearch study the scenario presented the question of how much would a study participant be willing to do to help a stranger in need, not their own children.

I would do a lot to help someone but not necessarily sabotage someone else. Equal rights doesn’t mean hold back one or a few, so that the others can catch up and everyone will be at the same place – say at a level that is average or below average – but now designated as all equal “winners.” The dictionary definition states that “equal rights” is the concept that all people will be treated equally under the law. (yourdictionary)

Equal opportunity to me means that everyone who wants to try is allowed to try and allowed to access education or tools that will be comparable to the competition’s. If the game scenario allowed you to help the competitor in distress buy a better track suit or pay for a refresher course or coach, then I would definitely do that for the person – but cause pain to a competitor so a weaker competitor could win? – no way.

Take home point – sabotage is not nice for most reasons or occasions that tend to occur.

In business settings I’ve done fairly well, only two customer service type complaints in fifteen years in a job with daily customer service type tasks. I’ve helped save lives of patients whose parents were extremely grateful, and I can certainly appreciate the strength of my own maternal love – but love is also universal in my opinion.

I believe in a collective unconscious type cosmos of energy that includes all of us and all of our past ancestors in the form of loose paired quarks. Quarks are like the smallest fragment of an atom that can still include all of its information, like a computer file or a book or recipe card. Loose quarks can be entangled with other quarks somewhere else in space – and possibly somewhere farther away in time if we are viewing time as something the planet orbits slowly around and dips in and out of its own previous paths. Quarks might be anywhere physically on that orbital path but entangled with another quark that is physically somewhere else. Heaven and hell are fairly universal concepts across human cultures of this world and they might both be represented within the collective unconscious of a cosmos energy pool made up of something like loose quarks or some other energy that we don’t understand yet. What exactly it is like would likely vary based on the person’s expectations but there have been some consistent stories shared by people with dissociative or near death experiences.

People who have had near death experiences share very similar stories, and even with people from different cultures sharing the similar stories. Our after death experience would likely be connected to our physical life and the emotional bonds we made with our family, friends and whatever communities we became part of – whether church or social or business. Quantum entangled quarks might form with these emotional bonds and after death become loose quarks that might remain entangled with the friend from the physical life connection. We don’t know what we don’t know until we open minds enough to ask questions, seek experiences, and learn from them. If we never ask questions or suppress those who do, then we will never learn what we don’t know.

Towards the end of this post I return to this topic of the possibility of a “collective unconscious,” quarkian pool of energy with the story of Wilhelm Reich and his discovery of a physically measurable type of energy he called orgone energy. Might it include loose quarks? I don’t know, I’m not a quantum physicist and just like to read about it, but it would be interesting for the research to advance so I could read more about it. Might it include brimstone and pitchforks, or angels and harps? – that part might depend on what the person expected before they became a diffuse loose quarkian energy field – the suggestion I’ve read a few places is that it is a mixture – arm your spiritual strength now and be ready to find out later is my attitude. I personally am looking forward to finding out and am not worried about pitchforks – I’ve saved lives so if I hadn’t stuck around to do that then those people wouldn’t still be here or wouldn’t have had a few more years in their physical form. Some were very grateful for my help and others oddly weren’t,  so I learn, some people need to be in control even if it means refusing help.  You don’t know what you don’t know until you learn it – but you can only lead a horse to water, you can’t make it drink.

A woman who has a successful career as a “psychic” shares relationship tips regarding the four biggest myths that she feels Americans have about relationships and which have made a lot of money for her. The first, and most important point she felt was in helping hearts to recognize that love has to start first within oneself, for oneself before love for another can ever really “work.” Sharing trade secrets? maybe she is hoping for some different types of questions from her callers in her own future. Whether you believe in reading the future or not, “psychics” are good at reading people, The Four Worst American Myths about Relationships: (huffingtonpost).

A few more specific details that people may view as possibly being bad for a relationship but which actually might strengthen it are discussed in an article on businessinsider:  7 Things You Think Are Bad for Your Relationship but Aren’t.

Romantic comedy themes may be part of the problem for the segment of the population that has watched them at some point during their formative years (most of us?). A study found the material in romantic comedies normalized stalking behavior:  Romantic Comedies: When Stalking has a Happy Ending: (theatlantic)

An excerpt from the article provides a definition of “stalking“:

According to the National Institute of Justice, “stalking is conservatively defined as ‘a course of conduct directed at a specific person that involves repeated (two or more occasions) visual or physical proximity, nonconsensual communication, or verbal, written, or implied threats, or a combination thereof, that would cause a reasonable person fear.’”  (theatlantic)

If someone said to me, “you seem familiar, like you’re from the movies,” my initial reaction is somewhat literal – my story does in some ways remind me of comedies I saw during my younger years – did someone follow me around and write it up? No, probably not, it is much more likely that we all have something in common with romantic comedies – if we are honest with ourselves.

However, possessiveness and overly aggressiveness does not seem at all romantic to me at least. It seems frightening and demanding and controlling, and when it is publicly obvious attention it seems to increase jealousy or aggressiveness in some observers.

My personal health habits are personal but in the past I have written about strategies that I’ve found beneficial for pain relief and mood benefits because as a health educator I believe in offering help to those who might be interested when possible. Sexual health and sexual release have health benefits for mood and pain control, however discussing anything about intimate health seems to be a problem for many people. Fundamentalist cultures prefer no mention of *** at all.

The psychic hotline at least has someone who talks and listens. Crisis hotlines can also be helpful.

Over the last few years I haven’t been crying over relationships, I’ve been crying over the public health epidemic that could be resolved so easily if we were only allowed to admit that our support of corporate profit in agribusiness and in the medical and pharmaceutical industries has hijacked our ability to be healthy in the way our grandparents were. They were able to choose healthy foods and habits and actually achieve health by doing so instead of it not working.

Too many people are frustrated with “health advice” now – sometimes rightly so because it turned out to be wrong, but more often now the health advice is not working because most of the nutrition advice is based on older research that used foods that are no longer the same as what the original research would have used prior to around the 1980’s. Some significant changes in the food supply also occurred in the 1950s and 60s. Those older foods likely promoted health in a way that the comparable modern “food equivalent” is no longer truly equivalent in being able to promote. (antioxidants and vision) (disease prevention) The chemical content is different now – slightly or significantly depending on the toxins involved. However that is a corporate trade secret. Some whistle blowers have tried to draw attention by revealing collusion at regulatory levels but the news doesn’t cover that sort of news.

One summer, anecdotal evidence was provided to me regarding the unhealthiness of the U.S. food supply when three college age students all went to visit Europe for the summer. They all left looking slightly pale and pudgy – watery bloat plus a little overweight, pale slightly anemic skin – and they all came back looking pink and radiant, happy, excited and curious, and glowing sparkle in the eyes, and thinner and more muscular instead of puffy looking. It took about three to four weeks and all three were looking a little pale and puffy again, the sparkle in the eyes was a little dulled – magnesium deficiency would cause all of those symptoms and could be caused by the effect of glyphosate on the CYP enzymes which are involved in the metabolic pathways of vitamin D, magnesium and  calcium. (Nutrients for healthy eyes.)

Magnesium deficiency can also increase the risk of aggression and violence.

Denial of reality doesn’t help us recognize underlying issues and that prevents or inhibits our ability to stop doing whatever it is that is causing the problem.

If we want peace, then providing a food supply that promotes peaceful nutrient balances in our bodies would be helpful for supporting the goal of having a peaceful society. If we want war and chronic illness for the purpose of corporate profit then saying so would save time at least.

Pesticides and herbicides were used prior to that point in time but not quite to the same extent, especially since the introduction of chemically resistant plant species. Going farther back though, some of our grandparents would have had baked goods without bromide and would have had more iodine in their diets prior to the 1950’s. If our bodies don’t have enough of an essential nutrient then whatever substitute that is similar and is available may be used in place of the missing nutrient, but our current medical system isn’t testing for that let alone admitting it is an underlying problem of many types of illness. See Dr. Brownstein’s work on iodine, and the halides.

Our health care system is too expensive because too many people are critically and chronically very ill. It’s a basic math problem – health insurance is based on more healthy people paying in to cover the few unhealthy people – it used to work. Now the balance has shifted too far towards expensive care of many unhealthy people and expensive care of managing “prevention of chronic disease by use of expensive medications.” Providing a food supply and medications that are toxin free and support our own innate ability to fight disease and repair damage before it becomes chronic would be more effective and likely be more cost effective even with the lost profit for some health care and agricultural businesses.

After reading and learning more about human nature and news cycles I’ve stopped crying because I’ve learned that news spreads. I got hopeless for a little while because I saw how many alternative practitioners there are all trying to share the good news too, and getting mistreated for it. Exactly how fake or real the news about any topic these days varies quite a lot and it is not always clear which news is real or fake anymore. But good news travels — and bad news travels faster. (2016 in graphs)

The research that confirmed my gut feeling that news travels, eventually, is from the early 1900’s. It was found that roughly 85% of success in business is related to personality and charisma and only 15% to technical ability. Now my offer of closer to 85% technical ability and 15% personality and charisma is just not adequate – for the majority, (or 110% technical ability and -10% personality).  (Carnegie Institute)

However, what I’ve observed to define “capitalism” is that the 85% personality and charisma is really equal to connections and capital  that sometimes just needs to be spent so it may not even end up purchasing 15% technical ability. It might just get spent on a feel-good-end-of-year-use-up-the-budget party or poorly thought out purchase because the end of the year is a busy time with end of the year reports and inventories to complete. So creatives create because they need to get the creation out of their head or their brains get squeezed with too many creative thoughts (roughly) and capitalists with 85% capital and connections spend money on whatever happens to catch their attention and that of their consumers, and consumers give them profit for something with 15% technical ability and a pretty package.

So beta phase free software early adopters get to try out stuff during the early phase before it reaches the 15% technical ability, 85% personality phase. (The help-yourself-creatives-are-nuts phase – have fun.) Eventually, corporate profit protectors figure out how to buy innovative inventions and prevent them from reaching the public, or the innovative invention is suppressed, so there aren’t enough early adopters to adapt it to their own uses and help it spread to mid level success or to widespread acceptance where it enters into production by the corporate profit system. (Roughly.)

In grade school we learn how evil terrorists are capable of magically disintegrating skyscrapers with an airplane – in architect school, thank goodness, physically anomalous events are not part of the curriculum and sky scrapers are designed based on actual physics. So should grade school children who live in sky scrapers be afraid of airplanes? or terrorists? or thankful for architects? or be afraid of flimsy investigative committees?  ( (

When we have a bad relationship with the truth then we all suffer. When we have a bad relationship with ourselves then any other relationship is likely to be difficult.

When you have oxytocin or vasopressin receptors of the less aggressive type then you might actually be happier with a person who also has oxytocin or vasopressin receptors of the less aggressive type.  I will look forward to being an energy spirit eventually. Love is in the air in the form called “orgone” by a scientist whose career was ended and books burned – literally here in the US in the 1950’s. The research itself was never questioned though. A product was considered unsafe and pulled from the market, politics may have bee involved as he had made significant progress on being able to manipulate weather systems and the government was interested in that research. It was only discovered though, due to earlier research he had performed investigating what happened with energy patterns during sexual release. Sexual health was the early research which led to the discovery of the “orgone” energy. Excess energy in our bodies may build up and  it may end up feeling better after the excess is released during sexual climax. The level of energy that was discharged was found to be greater when the partners were in love versus not in a loving relationship. (Wilhelm Reich)

People need people – people they are compatible with rather than trying to make it work based on the four myths about relationships Americans tend to share, (huffingtonpost), – and the Wilhelm Reich research also suggests that a sex IA robot will be unlikely to completely fulfill the physiological benefits that a real person would likely be providing in a real loving relationship. Short term relationships between people with oxytocin or vasopressin receptors that are less overly aggressive might reach a “loving” response upon shorter acquaintance than people with the overly aggressive types of receptors.

Music can help with soothing pain (sciencedaily).  Music and thinking about friends and helping others, learning something new, and many things  can help boost dopamine which has positive mood effects. Doing new fun things together can help a couple keep more early stage levels of hormones active in their relationship and bodies. The “Falling in love” stage of a relationship has the sense of newness when everything is a new detail to learn about the other person and so having a routine date night where something new to both individuals is planned might help by physically providing a chance fro them both to learn something new about each other while learning something new about themselves  – can they do whatever it is that the event or class involve

// However I’m fairly sure that I’m not an average woman. I needed help with my family surviving and with observing role models for healthier relationships and with my own unmet emotional needs. A divorce would have been the recommendation by society but in a weird situation it would likely have been the wrong decision for my children. In reading more in trying to understand what happened better I found that animal studies do show two distinct types of mating. The difference is based on oxytocin receptor activity in the females and vasopressin receptors in the males. In species or individuals with monogamous pair bonds a getting-to-know-you phase is needed before an increase in the feel good hormone will be produced. An epigenetic change occurs in the pair after the getting to know you phase (just 6 hours in this study, this isn’t the one I was looking for though: , these authors may be the original source, I read about it in a book. Paywall: Monogamy or serial monogamy would be comfortable for those types. In the not monogamous species or individual the feel good hormone will be produced with any friendly contact – which likely doesn’t mean at random but with some chemistry between the two. Polyamory of some type might be comfortable for those types, more accepting of the natural feel good response with a variety of special friends.

More oxytocin (or vasopressin) is better than too little. Although the feel good hormones have also been found to lead to aggression against non pair bonded individuals – the aggression of a mother protecting her cubs. The research on the difference in types of pair bonds found that the monogamous types were more likely to sabotage someone if they thought it might help someone who seemed in need of help. I would fight to protect cubs but I wouldn’t sabotage a race just to help a stranger who seemed in need of help. I’d give them better running shoes if I had the money or some other aid like that but I wouldn’t sabotage their competition for them.


  • Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.


Mitochondria, P53, cancer and magnesium deficiency

Addition, 7/21/16, there is more information about mitochondria and chronic illness at this link:, the site also has a few other articles on the topic which I haven’t read yet and the topic of magnesium doesn’t come up until you reach the comment that I added. I will have to read more about this topic. Medications that cause an imbalance in calcium and magnesium could be causing stress to the mitochondria and lead to their death and to chronic illness.

  • This article is short introducing a long video. A quote from the short text does mention nutrient deficiencies can be involved, “Nutrient deficiencies are a contributing factor to mitochondrial dysfunction. ” Glyphosate  Inhibition of vitamin D metabolism could lead to magnesium and  calcium imbalance which could be stressing mitochhondria and lead to chronic illness.
  • An abstract with a link to the full text:
  • I haven’t watched the video or read all of the articles yet but fibromyalgia is what I had symptoms of that were bad enough to lead to my giving up wheat and gluten products initially. It simply hurt too much when I ate them. And I got better without gluten. Maybe it was the gluten or maybe my genetics with errors in the vitamin D metabolism. I will have to get back to this topic but I share the information now because pain hurts and if even one person is helped then I would be glad. *And I was a professional gourmet baker, I know how to make from scratch croissant, and French baguettes and loaf breads of many types as well as cookies and quick breads. I love wheat products but they didn’t love my body.

A comment of mine that is awaiting moderation posted on another site:

Mitochondria need lots of magnesium (and magnesium is also necessary for white blood cells to be able to perform apoptosis.) “Additionally, exposure to low Mg upregulated plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) [24]. PAI-1 is considered not merely a marker of senescence, since it is both necessary and sufficient for the induction of replicative senescence downstream of p53 [27].” by D. Killilea and J. Maier, “A connection between magnesium deficiency and aging: new insights from cellular studies” Magnes Res. 2008 Jun; 21(2): 77–82. Please U. of Penn. researchers, look into preventing cancer by providing mitochondria with a healthy diet instead of by providing them with some sort of pharmaceutical designed to manipulate P53 — just prevent P53 from being induced by providing adequate magnesium to the cells. Thanks.

The comment is in response to this article which is about recent animal based research that suggests that a cell’s mitochondria when under stress may produce a chemical (P53) that may lead to cancer:

Now I know mitochondria need a lot of magnesium so one search led to the link in the comment and ~391,000 other links,, including this one:

by Giorgi C., et. al., “p53 at the endoplasmic reticulum regulates apoptosis in a Ca2+-dependent manner” PNAS, Feb. 10, 2015, vol. 112, no. 6, pp 1779–1784.

Apoptosis is the method by which white blood cells are able to kill infected or malfunctioning or old cells. Calcium and magnesium are both electrically active and can both act as signals to promote different types of cellular actions. Magnesium is most active within cellular fluid and calcium entry into cells is limited in part by ion channels that are powered by magnesium. So a magnesium deficient cell can allow too much calcium to enter the cell and within the cell calcium can cause a variety of actions and can even over activate the cell to the point of cell death. (155,000 search results for “excess calcium overworks mitochondria” :  and which includes a link about the nerve degeneration disease ALS:  so it looks like if I want to protect myself from cancer or ALS I should not stress out my mitochondria by maintaining a good intake and internal balance of both magnesium and calcium.)

Another addition to look into more at some point – P53 and apoptosis has been found to be affected by treatment with a homeopathic preparation (which would be a completely non-toxic energy based treatment.

/Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes./