Dielectric material is particularly good at supporting an electrostatic field while being a poor conductor of electricity – it won’t give you a static shock from the electrostatic field that it contains. Solid types of dielectric material include ceramic and porcelain and is commonly used as insulation between the plates of a capacitor. (WhatIsDielectricMaterial)
*Post initially published March 7, 2020 on earth-ocean.info.

Which for the non-electricians in the crowd (me) leads directly to the question What is a capacitor? ““a capacitor stores energy in the form of an electrostatic field between its plates.” (2) Thanks. It also has two terminals so you can tap into the stored electric field. The plates of a capacitor are electrically conductive wires or metal which can have a difference in charge.
A dielectric Orgone Blanket is somewhat like a capacitor in that it has two layers of electrically active steel wool separated by a dielectric layer of cotton or wool quilt batting but it is not connected to any other wiring. The steel wool layers are surrounded by another layer of dielectric batting and encased in cotton. The layers of dielectric cotton or wool support an electrostatic field, which will feel like warmth and possibly tingling sensations within yourself rather than being a static shock from the fabric. Exposure to the increased energy field by using the blanket regularly may have healing benefits, noted for wounds and prevention of common cold type of infections, but for some people caution may be needed.
The heart rate may become affected by the electrostatic field of the Orgone Blanket. Use for a half hour to an hour is recommended rather than use all night. Directions and safety guidance is available in the book: The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Wilhelm Reich’s Life Energy Discoveries and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, with Construction Plans, (orgonelab.org).
Fluffiness is key for capturing an electrostatic field in pockets of air throughout the dielectric material. Ceramic seems solid yet it is full of tiny air bubbles throughout the clay. Wool and cotton quilt batting is a loose mesh of fibers, and steel wool is a loose mesh of steel wire which can be sharp. Caution, wear leather or canvas work gloves when handling the steel wool.

The supplies for a 24-inch square blanket include fine steel wool, but with no added chemical cleansers like in oven cleaning steel wool scrubbies. The spool of fine steel wool can be ordered from automotive supply companies.

A sturdy cotton muslin fabric cut in a rectangle that will be a couple inches larger than a 24-inch square doubled. About a yard and a half of fabric will be needed for the outer casing. Cotton quilt batting of a similar amount will be needed to make into three 24-inch squares. We are assembling a cheeseburger, except it will be fabric-cotton batting-steel wool-cotton batting-steel wool-fabric and the outside edges of the fabric will be folded over and sewn shut – pinned and machine sewn or handsewn.

- Put one layer of cotton batting on one half of the muslin rectangle so that you will be able to fold half the muslin over the top at the end and encase the final stack of layers of batting and steel wool with a seam allowance to spare. It will be a stack of three layers of cotton or wool batting with two layers of steel wool between them.
- On the batting, place a 24-inch length of steel wool down the length of one side of the batting and then gently stretch out the mesh somewhat so it covers about eight inches instead of the compressed four-inch original size. This will cover one third of the square, repeat with two more 24-inch lengths of steel wool. The spool of steel wool in the image is about four inches wide and would make six or more lap blankets.
- Cover the layer of stretched out pieces of steel wool with another 24-inch square of cotton batting. Repeat the step of adding three lengths of steel wool. Cover with the last 24-inch square of cotton batting.
- Fold the muslin rectangle over the top with the layers of batting held in place by the fold. Gently fold the ends of fabric together into an enclosed seam/hem and pin in place. The sides will also need to be folded into an enclosed seam and pined in place. Pleating a little excess fabric at the corners gives a box corner that helps encase the fluffy stack. The end result will not be a flat envelope but a very short pillow or tall blanket.
- Baste securely with quilt thread and/or finish the edges with a sewing machine.
- Hand quilt through the entire stack using a long needle designed for doll-makers. Trying to keep it very loose quilting to retain the fluffiness, secure the stack with a stich every four to eight inches or so.
- Use with a pillowcase ideally and keep it clean and dry. The steel wool will rust if it gets wet.

Ideally do not use dielectric Orgone Blankets near or store them near strong EMF emitting devices such as an internet modem, cell phone, or laptop. The goal is to increase time in a healing electric field, not in an electric field that might have negative effects on health. The dielectric blanket has a warming effect and may help increase blood flow like a normal heating pad, it just uses your own body heat as the electricity source – or a cat – or the energy of the ambient air conditions, or all three.
There would be more ether/orgone energy at high altitudes in open air – like in the mountain top retreat and less, possibly very little, in the enclosed air of the basement of a building near sea level.
I have found my Orgone blanket helpful for soothing a sore shoulder with a chronic muscle cramp, and for temporary relief of pain for a bruised hand and it seemed to speed healing of a bruise. I folded the blanket around the hand and lower arm for an hour or two, several days in a row – which was when the pain and inflammation was better. Anecdotal experience.
Dielectric blankets have been used with therapeutic massage in health clinics and with prenatal care by Wilhelm Reich’s daughter, Eva Reich, M.D. (4) and others.
Returning to the idea of a capacitor – the electrostatic field is being supported by the air and fiber weave of the batting layers which are also acting as insulation around the electrically active ~ ‘capacitor plates’ of the two steel wool layers. Holding the blanket is allowing your hand to be in the energy field – no terminals are needed for a gentle mingling of energy fields.
Plasma energy fields have been used effectively for helping with wound healing. (5) Plasma energy refers to a liquid like flow of energy throughout the area of the field, rather than referring to some liquid such as blood plasma. Plasma is the fourth state of matter, involving ionized gas instead of a solid, liquid, or gas.
“The fourth state of matter, plasma, consists of partially ionized, electrically neutral gas.” (5)
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are involved in our health and brain activity at the microscopic level of microtubules, which may act like antenna in orienting and broadcasting electrical fields. (Previous post: 7) Specific types of EMF fields have also been used for healing purposes. (6) The type of EMF from electronic/internet devices and from high powered electric lines can be inflammatory.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use. It is not intended to provide individual guidance. Please seek a health care provider for individualized health care guidance.
Reference List:
- Margaret Rouse, What is Dielectric Material? WhatIs.com, https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/dielectric-material
- Colin Cunningham, What is a Capacitor?, series, Circuit Playground: C is for Capacitor, learn.adafruit.com, https://learn.adafruit.com/circuit-playground-c-is-for-capacitor/what-is-a-capacitor
- James DeMeo, The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Wilhelm Reich’s Life Energy Discoveries and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, with Construction Plans, orgonelab.com, http://www.orgonelab.org/oracs.htm
- Eva Reich, Eszter Zornanszky, Lebensenergie durch Sanfte Bioenergetik, 1997, https://www.abebooks.co.uk/book-search/title/lebensenergie-sanfte-bioenergetik/author/eva-reich/
- Eswaramoorthy N, McKenzie DR. Plasma treatments of dressings for wound healing: a review. Biophys Rev. 2017;9(6):895–917. doi:10.1007/s12551-017-0327-x https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5711699/
- Muehsam D, Chevalier G, Barsotti T, Gurfein BT. An Overview of Biofield Devices. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015;4(Suppl):42–51. doi:10.7453/gahmj.2015.022.suppl https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4654784/
- J. Depew, Quantum biology, microtubules – antennae for energy? – links, earth-ocean.info https://www.earth-ocean.info/post/quantum-biology-microtubules-antennae-for-energy-links