Updates/ Vitamin C Infusion is helping CoV-19 patients in New York.

Addition – Food sources of vitamin C, quercetin, and zinc are at the top of this document, which includes this blog post and a few others on the topic of COVID-19 (Antivirals in Foods) Eating good sources several times a day may help the body prevent infection or have a less severe case. Virus enter …

Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency, (CED), and phospholipids.

During normal health we make cannabinoids internally – endogenously, hence the term endocannabinoids in contrast to cannabinoids found in plants such as cannabis/marijuana/hemp. Most cannabinoids do not cause euphoria even though the group may be best known for that affect. Anandamide (AEA) is the endocannbinoid that is chemically similar to the euphoria causing cannabinoid found …

Macro and Micro-nutrients, description and food sources

Nutrients: There are two main groups of nutrients: the Macronutrients and the Micronutrients, both of which include many subgroups. Water doesn’t officially get listed in either group but it is the most essential nutrient as we are mostly water, roughly 70%, with some of the other nutrients holding us together in the form of membranes, …