Niacin, & early treatment in general for SARS-CoV-2 is sensible, reduces hospitalization and mortality rate.

The longer a viral infection is allowed to progress the more cells are killed or damaged, either by the viral replication, or by the damaged cells contents harming the surrounding tissue . See for more information: Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection. (1) *post updated 8/1/2021, & 8/24/2021, & …

COVID19, summary of nutrients that might help prevent, treat, recover.

I had untested Covid19 like illness Feb/March prior to when testing was available. Antibody testing wasn’t available until 3 months later and it was negative at that time. My symptoms and timeline matched the description of the still novel illness. Due to my autoimmune illness history I already was familiar with and using daily, many …

Magnesium- protects against vascular calcification

Summary – Calcification is damaging throughout the body, not just in the kidneys, and magnesium can help reverse calcification but intestinal absorption of the magnesium may be a problem, increased urinary or sweat losses may also be a problem, and/or low protein and low phospholipids in the diet or inability to make the chemicals endogenously …

Glyphosate increases histamine, both may be a factor in COVID19

Recent posts include a long one on glyphosate, biofuel, and liver disease and how it may be increasing inflammation in severe COVID19; and two other posts (a, b) are about how an immune allergy type reaction increases histamine and a variety of symptoms, and which may be a factor in LongCovid. Foods and the health …